Thursday 8th November

Thursday 8th November 2018

PRESENT: Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T Martin, Councillors A Dewsnip, T Hall, S Riley, C Dickinson. In attendance, 5 parishioners (including the Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator and Internal Auditor)
Apologies: Apologies for absence were received from J Locke.
1. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None.
2. Public Participation session: Mr Mike Cave introduced himself as being responsible for maintaining the Village Hall, taking over responsibility from John Woodman.
3. Minutes of the meeting held on 11th September 2018: Councillor Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Hall. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
4. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
a) Community Defibrillator – the clerk confirmed that the bid for funding had been approved and the defibrillator will be available for collection from HBC offices on 28th November. As the equipment is to be installed in the telephone box, a dedicated cabinet will be needed and this has been provided at a cost of £135 (+VAT) The clerk will contact Harewood Parish Council (who’s defibrillator is also located in a phone box), for advice re installation and electricity supply. It was suggested that local electrician, Tim Watson, could be approached regarding installation. Mike Cave stated that he had friends who were Ambulance First Responders and fully qualified with regard to defibrillator usage. They will be in the area in early December and are willing to present a training session on the equipment for up to 25 volunteers. Councillors gratefully accepted the offer and it was confirmed that the training session would be on 5th December, in the Village Hall. Arrangements to be confirmed with Mike Cave.
b) Traffic mirror – the clerk read out the response from NYCC Highways, following his request. The conditions which apply for the installation of a traffic mirror are very specific and the perceived problem at the bottom of Main Street does not meet these conditions, so NYCC will not install a mirror. Councillors noted that the hedge had been trimmed following the earlier comment, but it was the height of the hedge rather than the width which was seen to cause the problem and this has not (or cannot) be addressed. The matter will be reconsidered if sight problems persist.
c) Litter pick – the Chairman reported that the litter pick had been very successful. It was very well attended and lots of rubbish had been collected. During the litter pick it was noticed that a road sign at Aketon on the road to Spofforth has been damaged. The clerk will report to Highways. A resident commented that the litter pick had been arranged at the same time as the church service and it may be better to avoid a clash in the future to enable more to attend.
d) Stopping up of the bridleway. The Chairman had attended a meeting with all the organisations intent on opening up the bridleway. This group is seeking public support and has set up a website and Facebook page for this purpose. The Chairman had reiterated the Parish Council’s position that it supports the initiative and is happy to assist in raising residents’ awareness, but will not play a direct/active role.
5. Chairman’s communication – The Chairman presented a wreath and a framed notice, both of which are to be installed in the bus shelter. The notice explains that the bus shelter is in fact the Village Memorial, commemorating those who died in both World Wars. Mike Cave agreed to report the placing of the wreath and notice to the congregation at the Remembrance Sunday church service. The framed commemoration notice is to be affixed to the bus shelter wall. The Parish Clerk will organise.
6. Clerk’s correspondence received.
a) The clerk read out an email he had received, advertising the hire of suspended, illuminated Christmas trees. These decorations could be displayed throughout the village. Councillors discussed but did not wish to pursue.
7. Matters concerning Follifoot – the Chairman reported that he had been made aware of drainage problems and unpleasant odours on Main Street.
This seems to be a repetition of a previous problem and the clerk will follow up with Yorkshire Water (YW) to ask what was done to (supposedly) resolve that problem. Meanwhile, all residents are encouraged to contact YW themselves to press for action to resolve the problem. The number to call is 0345 1 242424.
8. Matters concerning Plompton
Councillor Hall reported that there were no current issues.
9. Neighbourhood Watch: The Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator (NWC) had not received the October crime report and had no specific issues to report other than the latest “cyber” crime which involved contact being made to individuals via email, threatening to publicise that individual’s (spurious) involvement with on-line pornography, unless payment was made. The “spam” becomes more credible because often the fraudster has been able to obtain some of the victim’s passwords. The advice, as ever, is to ignore the email and not to respond under any circumstances. The clerk had subsequently obtained the crime report and reported that there were no incidents of concern noted in the Parish.
10. Village Up Keep
a) There are currently no issues for the village handyman, other than routine maintenance and litter clearance.
11. Highways:
The clerk confirmed that NYCC had now formally changed its policy to allow parish councils to fund and install Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS)
The revised policy and guidelines will be in place by April 2019 and it is expected that NYCC will be able to enter into arrangements for bulk purchase which should result in a much cheaper cost for parishes to purchase this equipment. Councillors agreed to await the new arrangements before deciding on the next steps.
12. FOFWRAP/Follifields:
a) The Chairman reported that the willow tunnel had now been planted and, the final grass cut had now been completed (although later than originally promised!) The contract for next year’s grasscutting and maintenance is to be re-tendered.
b) Tickets are still available for the “Folliwood” Pop-up Curry Night fund raising event which will take place in the Village Hall on Saturday 10th November.
c) The transfer of FOFWRAP funds to the Parish Council is expected to take place at the year-end.
13. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank on 31st October 2018, Current Account £1206.10 and Deposit Account £11094.73. – Monthly Budget – See Appendix 1.
b) Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 31st October was provided – see Appendix 2.
c) Expenditure – Unanimously agreed and authorised by two councillors.
Clerk’s salary (Sept) M Richards £339.04 Bank Transfer
Clerk’s salary (Oct) M Richards £349.44 Bank Transfer
External audit fee PKF Littlejohn £240.00 Bank Transfer
Clerk’s expenses (2nd qtr) M Richards £87.50 Bank Transfer
Printer paper M Richards £19.08 Bank Transfer

d) The clerk circulated the expected outturn statement for the year end, which indicated that, even without receipts from the fundraising event and transfer of FOFWRAP funds, the Council’s finances will be in a healthy state. The clerk will prepare a budget/precept statement for the next meeting, taking into account known commitments but also including a provisional amount for VAS equipment.
14. Planning:
a) Applications received during October
i. 18/04191/FUL – Lolburn House, Pannal Road, Follifoot. – alterations to garage roof, including extension of eaves and installation of roof light.
Councillors discussed and agreed to SUPPORT the application
ii. 18/04157/FUL – High Grange Farm, Plompton – formation of access road.
Councillors discussed and agreed NO OBJECTION to the application
iii. 18/03855/LB – The Carriage House, Farrar Wood to Plompton Park, Plompton – part demolition of single storey extension, alteration to fenestration and installation of door.
Councillors discussed and agreed to SUPPORT the application
15. Governance
Risk Assessment
Code of Conduct
Standing Orders
Financial Regulations
The clerk is in the process of updating the above documents. Revised copies will be circulated for councillor review/approval, prior to the next meeting.

16. There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.20.

Date of next Parish Council Meeting:
7.30pm on 13th December 2018 in Follifoot Village Hall, Tofts Lane, Follifoot.