Thursday 14th January 2021

Thursday 14th January 2021
Remote meeting held by Zoom videoconferencing software, in accordance with Government guidelines.

PRESENT: Chairman N MacDermid, Vice Chairman T Martin, Councillors A Dewsnip, C Dickinson, S Riley, J Locke and T Hall. In attendance, Cllr A Paraskos (HBC and NYCC), M Richards (Clerk) and 3 residents.
1.​Apologies: There were no apologies for absence as all councillors were present.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’
Register of Interest: None.
3. Public Participation session: The Chairman welcomed the three residents to ​the meeting and confirmed that they were able to comment on any issues ​raised.
4.​Minutes of the meeting held on 10th December 2020: Councillor Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Dewsnip. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
5 Matters arising from the previous minutes: Dealt with as part of the agenda.
6 Chairman’s communications
a) The Chairman had been made aware of incidents at Lower Grange Farm in this past year, of people trespassing in the deer field on quad bikes. The trespassers (thought to be from the caravan park) and their dogs have been seen to chase and harass the deer. This is of concern but more so with the lambing season and the obvious risks that will bring. The police have attended but were unable to make contact with the individuals. Cllr Hall reported that he had spoken with the warden of the caravan park some 2 months ago and he believes that no further incidents have occurred since then. Nevertheless, the landowner is seeking a more permanent solution by restricting access to quad bikes through the narrowing of the access gate on the old road on the corner of Birkham Wood (by the bypass) There are also other access points through neighbouring fields and contact is being made with the landowners to see if they can help with closing these access points. The clerk will contact the local PCSO to make him aware of this problem and request his involvement and Cllr Paraskos agreed to contact NYCC Highways to enquire whether anything can be done to narrow the aforementioned gateway. Further contact will be made with the caravan park warden, if necessary.
b) Land at the bottom of The Garth – a resident has complained to the Chairman of evidence of rabbit poaching at this location. The Chairman advised the resident to report details to the police, via 101. Cllr Martin undertook to report the matter to the landowners and the Chairman will also report this to Rudding Estates, for information.
c) Radcliffe Close – dog fouling on the verge of Follifields. The Chairman had reported this on the Community FaceBook page, asking dog owners to be more responsible and clean up after their dogs. This seems to have had the desired effect and there has been no recurrence. Should this recur, however, more formal action, such as involving the HBC dog warden, will be considered.
7 Clerk’s correspondence received.
a) 2021 Census. The clerk had circulated census information, provided by the Census Engagement Manager for the Region which set the arrangements for the census to be carried out in May. The main issue is that the census is to be completed online – help is to be made available for all residents who may have difficulty with this requirement. Councillors were slightly concerned as to how this could be delivered and asked if, as a fall back, paper copies would be available? Cllr Paraskos agreed to make enquiries.
b) NYCC and PFCC precept consultations. Councillors felt that questions were somewhat biased in that they were slanted towards the giving of positive responses, but nevertheless were useful exercises.
c) “Psychological” traffic calming report – the clerk had circulated the just received report, with the intention of full discussion at next month’s meeting, but the Chairman thought that brief, initial assessments would be useful. Cllr Martin said that he thought there were some interesting concepts, but most would require further consideration. The idea of stone pillars to emphasise the entrance to a village environment looked attractive but, on further consideration were felt to be potentially dangerous to traffic, compared with the much less robust picket fences. Full discussion will be held at the next meeting.
d) May local elections. Cllr Paraskos advised that the elections on 6 May 2021 would be at County Council level even though the new structure may not have been finalised. He thought District elections would be in 2022 and there may be a boundary review in 2023, which could affect parish councils.
8 Follifields
a) The Chairman advised councillors that current Government guidance allowed play areas to remain open, provided strict covid-19 rules were followed. He was content that the signage displaying coronavirus rules is in accordance with formal guidance and this, along with the continuing fortnightly spraying of sanitiser, provides compliance with safety requirements. Councillors indicated their agreement.
b) Fundraising – it is unlikely any fundraising events will be held in the current financial year, but the Chairman is hopeful that a fundraising event can be held later in the year. The very successful event in 2019, when at least double the amount normally raised was recorded, means that no fundraising in 2020 did not have an overall negative effect on funds available.

c) Grass cutting. The current contractor had advised that rates for 2021/22 would be held at the 2020/21 figure. Councillors were happy with the service provided and therefore agreed to extend the contract.
9 Traffic calming
a) Vehicle Activated Signs. Councillors had agreed at the December meeting that, provided data capture and download were included in the price quoted, the lower quotation would be accepted. The clerk had confirmed with the supplier that this was the case, and he had also confirmed that should this and another installation at North Rigton be carried out on the same day, a discount of £150 at both locations would apply. Following further discussion regarding the terms of the warranty and real time data capture, councillors agreed that the SWARCO quotation should be accepted, with the location for the VAS on lamp post no.5 on Pannal Road.
b) Picket fences – Haggs Road. Response from NYCC Highways still awaited.
10 Village maintenance
The clerk confirmed that the refurbished village notice board had been re-installed.
11 Finance:
a) Balance at the bank on 31st December 2020, Current Account £4684.91 and Deposit Account £24,000.61 (total £28,685.52) Bank statements to be ​ initialled by the Chairman in confirmation, as part of his paymentauthorisation process.
b) Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 31st December was provided with receipts (£2750 – AJ1 Fund and £1000 Locality Budget) and payments in the period 30th November to 31st December 2020, reconciling to the account balances shown above at a) Councillors then unanimously agreed the amounts below for payment.

M Richards
Clerk’s salary – Dec
Bank Transfer
PAYE – Dec
Bank Transfer
Broadley & Hazell
Light fitting
Bank Transfer
c) The Chairman ran through the budget spreadsheets explaining the updates following the expenditure and income recorded above. The Parish Council continues to be on track in accordance with the annual budget and councillors had no issues or questions to raise.
d) The clerk confirmed that the £1000, received by Cllr Hall from the film company, had been paid into the Parish Council bank account and would be ring fenced for future expenditure in Plompton.
12 Planning:
a) Applications Received
i) 20/05007/PBR – conversion of agricultural building to create 2 dwellings, Wingate Farm, Plompton. The applicant, who was attending the meeting, explained the background to the application. The intention was to create two dwellings in part of the existing barn and she would move from the farmhouse and occupy one of the dwellings. There would be no increase in the footprint.
Councillors agreed to SUPPORT the application.
b) Decisions
i) 20/03916/FUL – erection of single storey extension, Hedgerow House, Main Street, Follifoot​GRANTED
ii) 20/04548/PNA – erection of field/storage shed, Tree Cottage, Haggs Road.
Councillors noted the above decisions, but asked for more information behind the Tree Cottage refusal – the clerk will follow up.
c) Other
Enforcement Notice – Land at Grid Reference 435085 453845 Plompton North
Yorkshire ALLEGED BREACH: Siting of caravan for residential use and containers being rented for storage purposes.
Enforcement Officer still to visit – councillors noted and await further

13 Other matters
​There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.50pm.

Date of next Parish Council Meeting:
7.30pm on Thursday 11th February 2021, via Zoom, unless Government guidelines change to permit physical meetings.Then in Follifoot Village Hall, Tofts Lane, Follifoot.