Thursday 12th April

Thursday 12th April 2018

PRESENT: Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T Martin, Councillors P. Cresswell, A. Dewsnip, T Hall, J Andrade, and J. Hinchcliffe. Also present District/County Councillor A Paraskos, M. Richards (Clerk), and 4 parishioners (including the Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator)
1. Apologies: No apologies for absence were received as all Councillors were present.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None
3. Public Participation session: No issues raised
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 8th March 2018: Councillor Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Dewsnip. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
a) No Cold Calling Zone (NCCZ) – the Chairman reported that he had been made aware of Councillor Cresswell’s attempt to influence the outcome of the consultation exercise, by adding comments to the reverse of the pro forma Trading Standards letter. The consultation letter had been distributed by Neighbourhood Watch (NW) members, acting on behalf of the Parish Council, and Councillor Cresswell (as a Neighbourhood Watch member) had amended the letters which he had distributed, but without informing the NW Co-ordinator or Parish Council. The comments implied that spending money on a NCCZ would adversely impact on other necessary projects, such as pothole repairs. The Chairman informed Councillor Cresswell that his actions were not acceptable and that the doctrine of collective responsibility applied, and he should abide by and support the decision of the Parish Council even though he personally disagreed with it. As a private individual he has the right to speak out against a resolution he does not agree with but, when acting in an official capacity, on behalf of the Parish Council, he should not act in this way. Furthermore, it is likely that amending a proportion of the consultation letters has made any result from the process statistically invalid. Other councillors supported the Chairman’s comments, considering that the amended letter was misleading and undermined the whole exercise.
Councillor Dewsnip asked for assurance from Councillor Cresswell that he would in future, support Council resolutions and not pursue individual options, as she would herself not feel able to continue without this assurance. Councillor Cresswell agreed to consider his position. Councillor Dewsnip also observed that, for the future, any consultation exercise should be carried out purely by the Parish Council to avoid such occurrences (with the added benefit of confirming that all letters /documents had been delivered)
The Chairman concluded the discussion by confirming that contact would be made with Trading Standards to determine their interpretation of the conduct of the consultation exercise and to decide upon the next steps.
6. Chairman’s communications:
a) A letter from Mark Mackaness (Rudding Park Estate), congratulating FOFWRAP and the Parish Council on the excellent work resulting in the Follifields play and leisure area, which he felt was worthy of formal recognition – all Councillors agreed.
b) A communication from the Parochial Parish Council, inviting the Parish
Council to attend the licensing ceremony of the Reverend Barbara Ryan, to
welcome her as Associate Priest in the Parish of Spofforth, Kirk Deighton
including Follifoot and Little Ribston. The ceremony is to be held at All Saints
Spofforth on Sunday 22nd April. The Chairman stated that he would attend on
behalf of the Parish Council. With regard to the PPC and its pastoral activities,
a resident noted that it was some time since elderly residents had been
visited by church representatives, as had previously been the practice.
7. Clerk’s correspondence received
a) A further communication from Robert Hunter, the owner of Plompton Rocks, seeking formal confirmation that the Parish Council is now satisfied that there have not been any breaches of the tree felling licence currently in place. The Chairman will respond to Mr Hunter, stating that the Parish Council is unable to give such an assurance, not that it is aware of any unauthorised activity, but that it does not have the resources to carry out a valid examination to confirm or deny that fact. He will also respond to Mr Hunter’s other comments regarding the role of the Parish Council in this matter. The Chairman will also reiterate to Mr Hunter that if complaints or allegations are made about contraventions of planning regulations, the Parish Council is required to at least notify the Planning Authority (HBC) as well as the owner of the land or property. In this context, the Parish Council has been made aware of complaints over the existence of what was supposed to be a temporary car park at Plompton Rocks. The clerk will follow up with HBC Planning.
b) The annual Parish Consultation Meeting (with HBC) is to take place on 26 June. The clerk will circulate details and the Terms of Reference to Councillors.
c) Communication received from Mr M Wade of Follybrook, Spofforth Lane, requesting financial assistance from the Parish Council, for the repair and repointing of the brickwork on the bridge spanning the beck on his property. Councillors discussed the request and, whilst having sympathy with Mr Wade, decided that funding could not be provided as the Council’s responsibility is to maintain village assets, not those on private property.
d) Email received from a Mrs Anne Garrison, a former resident of Follifoot, offering 3 copies of the book “Follifoot, Our Heritage”. The clerk had already responded to Mrs Garrison, accepting her offer and undertaking to refund postage costs, but Mrs Garrison had not responded. Councillors thought good use would be made of the books and the clerk will contact Mrs Garrison again to accept her kind offer (and reimburse postage costs)
8. Matters concerning Plompton:
As recorded at 7a) above.
9. Neighbourhood Watch:
a) The Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator (NWC) presented a short report. Whilst it is pleasing to note that thefts in the locality have declined, it is concerning that the number and types of fraud are on the increase. For example:
– “Phantom debt” – fraudsters make contact by telephone requesting payment, normally by bank transfer, and, if payment is refused threaten to visit homes or workplace to recover the supposed debt. Sometimes there is even the threat of arrest.
– a local member of the public received a call on his mobile, from his wife’s number, purportedly from a foreign sounding doctor at Friarage Hospital, Northallerton, reporting that his wife had been involved in a road accident and required urgent surgery. This procedure was not however, available on the NHS and funding of £300 was required. Bank details requested so that the transfer could be made. Fortunately the man’s suspicions were aroused and he rang his wife to confirm that all was well – fraudsters had found a way of “patching” two phones together.
– a women from Harrogate in her 70s, was conned out of £9,000 by a fraudster claiming to be a Police Sergeant from Humberside carrying out an inquiry into a fraud on her bank account.
Once again, people are urged to be vigilant and on their guard against any type of phone contact where bank account details are requested. Reputable organisations will never request bank details (othyer than for legitimate purchases instigated by the individual)
b) The NWC reported that for the 9 NW areas in the Parish, three new representatives would be required due to the resignations of the three present incumbents. Councillor Hinchcliffe agreed to include a reference on the Community Facebook page.
11. Village Up Keep:
a) Litter in the village – the clerk confirmed that the village handyman will carry out a general “tidy up” on an occasional basis.
b) Litter pick – date confirmed as 22 April. The clerk will make the necessary arrangements re the supply of equipment etc.
12. Highways:
a) Traffic concerns Haggs Road – following the “holding” response from NYCC Highways regarding the possible installation of 40mph limit signage at the end of Haggs Road/A658 junction, the clerk will contact the Project Engineer for an update.
b) The clerk confirmed that no further progress has been made with regard to the introduction of Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) by parish councils. The topic is still under discussion by NYCC councillors.
13. FOFWRAP/Follifields:
The Chairman referred to his report to the Annual Parish Meeting which set
out the position with regard to FOFWRAP and Follifields. Now that the major
implementation work has been completed the role of FOFWRAP will change
to running fundraising events for the maintenance (including grass cutting).
The Parish Council has formal responsibility for the site. He stressed that the
entire project has been made possible by a great deal of hard work on
planning, fundraising and implementation by the FOFWRAP committee and
other volunteers. The facility is for the whole community, and includes play
equipment, trim trail, kick-about area and nature. As reported previously,
FOFWRAP will be holding its final AGM on Monday 14th May at 8pm in the
village hall. It is hoped that as many people as possible attend the meeting
and show their thanks and appreciation to Sam Gallimore and the FOFWRAP
members past and present. On behalf of the Parish Council the Chairman
had expressed huge thanks to FOFWRAP members for all their hard work in
delivering this great community facility.
To note – subject to formal agreement at the FOFWRAP AGM, a sum of
£5,000 will be transferred to the Parish Council and held in a separate bank
account for maintenance of Follifields. As noted above, FOFWRAP will
continue to hold fundraising events each year, but this £5,000 will be retained
as a buffer.
14. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank on 1st March 2018, Current Account £1,647.59 and Deposit Account £2,406.27.
b) Monthly Budget – See Appendix 1.
c) Monthly Reconciliation –reconciliation as at 31st March was provided – see Appendix 2.
d) Expenditure – Unanimously agreed and authorised by two councillors.
Training fee YLCA (M Richards) £115.00 Bank Transfer
Timber etc P M Dickson £80.15 Bank Transfer
Clerk’s salary (March) M. Richards £325.59 Bank Transfer
Clerk’s expenses M Richards £87.50 Bank Transfer
YLCA Membership YLCA £288.00 Bank Transfer
Website maintenance S Smith £11.06 Bank Transfer

15. Planning:
a) Approvals received
i) Claremont, Ivy Close – demolition of garage and erection of single storey
extension – Approved
ii) Unit 9 Follifoot Ridge Business Park – change of use to form Gymnasium Approved.
iii) Rowan Tree Cottage, Pannal Road – demolition oif conservatory and porch and erection of single storey extension – Approved
All the above decisions accord with Parish Council responses.
b) Applications received – none.
c) Applications received since the agenda was compiled –.None
16. Any other business
The Chairman closed the meeting by formally recording his thanks to Jo
Andrade and James Hinchcliffe, who were both not seeking re-election, for
their hard work and valuable contributions to the work of the Parish
Council. There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.35pm.

Date of next Parish Council Meeting:
7.30pm on 10th May 2018. This is the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, commencing at 7.30pm, in Follifoot Village Hall, Tofts Lane, Follifoot.