Thursday 11th October

Thursday 11th October 2018

PRESENT: Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T Martin, Councillors T Hall, S Riley, C Dickinson, J Locke. Also present (from 8.40) NYCC Councillor A Paraskos. 3 parishioners (including the Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator), plus the Secretary of Harrogate Rugby Club were also present.

1. Apologies: No apologies for absence were received, as all Councillors were present.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None.
3. Public Participation session: A resident asked whether any progress had been made with regard to possible changes in speed limits on Haggs Road? The Chairman replied that the response from NYCC Highways had not been helpful in that it referred to the guidance which sets out various criteria and characteristics for speed limits and that “the local characteristics of the rural environment at this location (Haggs Road) is not synonymous with the characteristics of a 40mph limit enforced only by traffic signs”. Accordingly, no change to the speed limit would be made. The Parish Council however, does not accept this stance and will continue to lobby for a change.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 11th September 2018: Councillor Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Hall. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
a) Stopping up of the bridleway. The NYCC response to the Parish Council’s letter regarding the proposed stopping up of the Bridleway had just been received and the Chairman read out its contents which explained that due to the likely extensive period of the legal process for a Creation Order or compulsory purchase, plus objections from the landowner and the associated substantial costs of this action, NYCC have no intention of pursuing Compulsory Purchase or a Creation Order. The Chairman added that he would be attending a meeting on 22 October with representatives from the Byway and Bridleway Trust and The British Horse Society, but he did not feel the Parish Council had any further direct role to play other than to confirm its support. Councillors agreed, observing that if the landowner continued with his refusal to allow the bridleways to be linked then progress is unlikely to be made.
b) Community Defibrillator – the clerk confirmed that funding has been applied for and, although a decision was expected by the end of September, no communication has yet been received. He will inform councillors as soon as the decision is communicated.
c) Traffic mirror. The clerk confirmed that he had written to NYCC Highways, enquiring if a mirror could be installed but as yet had received no response. He will raise the matter again.
6. Chairman’s communication – The Chairman confirmed that correspondence received is covered as part of the agenda.
7. Clerk’s correspondence received
a) BHIB (insurance brokers) had promulgated a scheme whereby charitable organisations could submit bids to an Aviva sponsored fund for projects “benefitting the community” It was unclear whether the Parish Council is eligible for this scheme, but the Village Hall (as a registered charity) certainly is. The clerk will make enquiries and, if appropriate, pass on details to the Village Hall chairman (also applies to the Disabled Riding Group).
b) HBC has now indicated that the circulation of hard copy planning application documents will cease, as from 4 November. The clerk will now email the links to the planning applications to all Councillors, as soon as he receives the notifications. Councillors will then be able to review planning applications and associated documents via the HBC Planning Portal, in advance of Council meetings. Formal review of applications will then be undertaken online, via the projector at the Council meeting. Should there be any extensive or complicated planning documents, the clerk will request paper copy from HBC.
c) Poppy selling/NCCZ – NYCC has stated that the existence of the NCCZ does not prevent poppies from being sold via door to door contact, but unfortunately it appears that the Royal British Legion’s policy does not allow the selling of poppies in a NCCZ via this method. Following discussion, Councillors understand that alternate arrangements will be made for poppies to be sold in the Parish, via the pubs and the Post Office/Shop.
8. Matters concerning Plompton
Councillor Hall reported that there were no current issues, but he did request that the salt/grit bins be re-filled before the start of Winter. The clerk will raise with NYCC.
9. Neighbourhood Watch: The Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator (NWC) had circulated his report previously. One issue was the increasing number of burglaries and break-ins in the local area, but this was seen as a feature of the time of year (dark nights etc) rather than any other specific concern. He also highlighted the current internet and telephone scams. Of particular concern is the recently discovered ability of fraudsters to substitute their own bank details on legitimate invoices, emailed to victims who, knowing the invoice to be correct and payment due, mistakenly transmit funds to the fraudster’s bank. Furthermore, banks are then refusing to refund these payments as they deem them not to fall within the concept of “incorrect payments” Another area of concern relates to the use of software which enables fraudsters to appear to be calling victims via their bank’s telephone number. The advice with this and other such scams, is never to reveal account passwords or access details to anyone over the telephone (or otherwise!) Banks and all reputable organisations will never ask for such details.
The NWC also reported that he was aware that NY Police were presenting a number of “roadshows” in the County on crime prevention etc and he suggested that it may be appropriate to request such a presentation locally. Councillors agreed but thought it best if such a presentation could be organised for a week end, possibly including a coffee morning? The clerk will raise with the local PCSO.
10.​Village Up Keep
a) The Chairman suggested that the village handyman be asked to clean the
village benches and start to clear up leaves etc, gathering in the bus shelters.
The clerk will pass on the request.
b) Autumn Litter Pick – arranged for Sunday 4 November at 11.30 am. Clerk
to arrange supply of equipment etc.
11. Highways:
Following confirmation that NYCC had now changed its policy to allow parish councils to fund and install Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS), councillors considered the various implications of installing such devices:
​- VAS contravention is not enforceable, but the objective is to inform and make drivers think about their speed
​- the equipment can be solar powered and is able to be easily moved from location to location
​- Main Street would not be an ideal location, due to parked cars – the better option would be between the Radcliffe Arms and the Cricket Club General discussion then followed and the overall conclusion, (backed up by a resident who observed that in his experience, the VAS installed on Spofforth Hill, Wetherby, was extremely effective), was that the clerk should obtain firm details of suitable VAS equipment. Specification should include, visible speed reporting, “smiley” face etc, solar powered and mobility. Whether NYCC/NY Police would need to endorse the proposed location(s) will also need to be
​ascertained.​Consideration will also be given as to whether fundraising should be an option.

12. FOFWRAP/Follifields:
a) The Chairman summarised the recent meeting:
​- contract for Follifields grass cutting needs to be reviewed for next
​- bulb planting to be carried out this Sunday – all help appreciated!
​- as previously noted, the FOFWRAP bank account will be closed
​and the balance will be transferred to the Parish Council’s
​account, ringfenced for future expenditure of Follifields. The clerk confirmed that he will maintain a memorandum account to ensure that the “Follifield Fund” is clearly and separately identified;
​- FOFWRAP still has circa. £3,000 to provide for the supply and
​installation of an outdoor table tennis table. Councillor Paraskos (who arrived at this point) confirmed that he would be able to make a sum of up to £2,000 available for this project, from his Locality and Environmental budgets. The Chairman welcomed this offer, as the ​estimated cost of the table tennis table, was some £5,000. The clerk will check whether planning permission is required for the installation ofthe table etc.
b) As reported previously, a “Folliwood” Pop-up Curry Night fund raising event will take place in the Village Hall on Saturday 10th November.
13. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank on 30th September 2018, Current Account £1241.16 and Deposit Account £12,094.73. – Monthly Budget – See Appendix 1.
b) Monthly Reconciliation –reconciliation as at 30th September was provided – see Appendix 2.
c) Expenditure – Unanimously agreed and authorised by two councillors.
Clerk’s salary (August)
M Richards
Bank Transfer
Plaques – Follifields
Brunel Engraving
Bank Transfer
Follifields – play equipment
S Danby
Bank Transfer
Wasp removal
Bank Transfer
Village maintenance(2 months)
Village handyman
Bank Transfer

​d) The clerk confirmed that the second instalment of the precept (£5,125) had
​been received and that he had also received the VAT reclaim of ££5348.14.
​Consequently, the Council’s accounts are in a healthy state – the Chairman
​asked the clerk to prepare an estimated outturn statement for the year end,
​for the next meeting.
14. Planning:
a) 18/03780/FUL – erection of office (H C Townsend and Son – Tofts Lane,
​Follifoot. – Councillors agreed that the response should be “not objecting to or
​supporting the application, but that due consideration be given to the
​materials used and to ensure no negative impact on the visual amenity of the
​b) 18/03810/TPO – crown lift to various trees within W10 of TPO 01/1952, ​Plompton Rocks, Plompton – Councillors agreed that the response should be
​“not objecting to or supporting the application, but the tree works should be ​limited to that necessary to achieve the objective”
15. Governance – the clerk presented the audited financial statements and the ​external auditor’s certificate which was positive other than to record an ​understatement of the 2016/17 figure for fixed assets, which should have ​been amended. The clerk will action.

16.​ There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.30.

Date of next Parish Council Meeting:
7.30pm on 8th November 2018 in Follifoot Village Hall, Tofts Lane, Follifoot.