Thursday 10th October

​Thursday 10th October 2019

PRESENT: Vice Chairman T Martin, Councillors A Dewsnip, C Dickinson, S Riley, T Hall and J Locke. In attendance, M Richards (Clerk) and 2 residents.
1.​Apologies: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr N MacDermid and NYCC/HBC Cllr A Paraskos. In the absence of the Chairman, Cllr Martin took the chair.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’
Register of Interest: None.
3. Public Participation session: A resident asked (with the likelihood of an
imminent General Election) that the Parish Council consider the possibility of
requesting a change in the constituency boundary, as he felt that as part of
the Selby and Ainsty constituency, our MP was too remote from this Parish. If
the Parish were to be included in the Harrogate constituency, the Harrogate
MP would be more readily available and aware of local concerns. Whilst
councillors agreed with this view in principle, they were not aware of any
significant concerns of this nature from residents. The Chairman
asked councillors to gather local views informally, with the objective of
discussing in more detail at the next meeting.
4.​Minutes of the meeting held on 12th September 2019: Councillor Hall proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Dewsnip. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
5 Matters arising from the previous minutes:
a) Bus service – The clerk had circulated the response from the NYCC Transport Officer which revealed that there was no NYCC subsidy for the X70 service and therefore NYCC had little control over the service provided. Councillors discussed the available options for resolving the problems with the service, although it was acknowledged that there had recently been an upturn in performance. It was resolved that the Chairman and Vice Chairman would seek a meeting with the Connexions CEO to discuss issues and develop mutually agreeable solutions where possible.
b) Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) – speed warning signs. Councillor Dickinson confirmed that he would print off 300 copies of the revised consultation paper and councillors would carry out the distribution, based on distribution lists provided by the Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator. Cllr Martin agreed to meet with the NYCC Highways Officer to determine suitable VAS locations. The clerk will arrange a mutually agreeable date for the meeting.
c) Bus shelter litter bin and Rudding Gates bench. Councillors agreed the quotation of £25 to install the bin and £120 to repair the bench. The clerk will instruct the contractor to proceed on that basis.
d) The clerk reported that he had received an email from Barclays Bank confirming that the new banking facilities would be available within the next couple of weeks. Cllr Martin reported that he had been made aware that the new arrangements would be on the basis of a “Community Account” and would therefore attract no bank charges in the first instance.
6 Chairman’s communications
Cllr Martin confirmed that he had not been made aware of any communications to the Chairman which were not addressed elsewhere in the agenda.
7 Clerk’s correspondence received.
a) Defibrillator – “Glow in the Dark” signs. The clerk had received details of these signs which were designed to improve sight access to Community Use defibrillators. Councillors considered such signs were not necessary as the defibrillator location was clearly evidenced.
b) Street lights. Cllr Riley had reported that 2 of the street lights on Radcliffe Close were not functioning. Both NYCC and HBC had not accepted responsibility for the lights and she was continuing to pursue with the developer. Councillors agreed to consider again at the next meeting if no progress made.
c) The clerk had received information from a company offering a service to improve clearance of dog waste by making dog owners more aware of their responsibilities. There is no significant roblem with this issue in the Parish, and, in any event, councillors did not feel that even at the heavily discounted price of £250, value for money was not provided.
8 Matters concerning Follifoot
a) Inconsiderate parking on Radcliffe Close. The clerk asked for councillors’ thoughts on the wording of a notice, to ask for more responsible parking. Cllr Hall suggested that the firm which provided much of the signage for HBC would be best placed to recommend suitable wording. The clerk will follow up. b) The grass verges from Pannal Road into Radcliffe Close. The village handyman now has this task included on his regular maintenance programme. Cllr Riley observed that the verges currently had been cleared.
c) “Follifitt” – extension of the agreement for operating the weekly exercise class. The clerk has recently contacted the organisers to ascertain whether they wish to continue and the question of the contribution to Parish funds. As yet, no response has been received.
9 Matters concerning Plompton
a) Councillor Hall asked if the salt/grit box at the entrance to Plompton could be replenished? The clerk will contact NYCC and request that contact be made with Cllr Hall to arrange a convenient time for this to be done.
b) Cllr Hall reported that the lake was due to be drained so that necessary reairs could be carried out to the wall. In response to a query, he confirmed that the drained water would be channelled into Crimple Beck.
10 Neighbourhood Watch – the Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator (NWC) had circulated his report to councillors. He reported that the Parish PCSO was again unable to attend this meeting as Thursday was his day off! The NWC had formulated a local crime report based on the website (which he considered to be inadequate) which did not reveal any crimes within the Parish. Reports from NY Police on burglaries in the Harrogate area indicated poor security with unlocked doors etc. All residents are encouraged to make sure that doors and windows are kept securely locked.
11 Village Up Keep
a) Councillors approved the payment for the work carried out by the village handyman in September.
b) As recorded at 8b) above, the Radcliffe Close/Pannal Road verges (had been added to the regular maintenance programme.
c) The hedge and verge on the sharp bend on Plompton Road were badly overgrown and presented a possible traffic hazard. The clerk will report this to NYCC and request corrective action be taken.
d) Autumn Litter Pick – arranged for 11am on Sunday 3 November. The clerk will arrange for the necessary equipment from HBC to be made available. Cllr Dewsnip agreed to produce a poster for the notice board and also include an appeal for volunteers on the community Facebook page.
e) Following the recent periods of heavy rain, the Parish notice board is leaking. The clerk will ask the village handyman to inspect and determine whether repairs can be carried out or whether a replacement notice board is needed.
12. FOFWRAP/Follifields:
​a)The clerk confirmed that the overgrown gravel path had been sprayed with
weedkiller and the disturbed areas had been tamped down.
​b) ROSPA reort. The clerk confirmed that the report had been forwarded to
Playscheme for comment and supply of the missing caps for the “Springers”
c) Fundraising for the maintenance etc of Follifields. A “Folliwood” evening is
to be held on 16 November. It will comprise a Curry Night with an auction of
promises being the main focus.​
13. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank on 30th September 2019, Current Account £502.09
and Deposit Account £20248.95 (total £20751.04) Bank statements initialled
by the Chairman, in confirmation – Monthly Budget – See Appendix 1. Cllr
Dickinson asked if expenditure approved at meetings could be included in the
budget statement for that month? The clerk undertook so to do.
b) Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 30th September was provided
– see Appendix 2.
c) Expenditure 1 September to 30 September– Unanimously agreed and
authorised by two councillors, who

M Richards
Clerk’s salary – Sept
Bank Transfer
PAYE – Sept
Bank Transfer
M Richards
Clerk’s exps–2nd qtr
Bank Transfer
Village Handyman
Maintenance Sept
Bank Transfer
S Bush
Follifields maintenance
Bank Transfer
PKF Littlejohn
Ext audit fee
Bank Transfer
M Richards
Filing cabinet
Bank Transfer

​examined the supporting documentation for the above expenditure and signed
the covering authority sheet as “approved.”
​d) External Audit report – the clerk presented the report from PKF Littlejohn
which approved the Annual Governance Return, but commented that the
Resonsible Financial Officer (the clerk) should have signed the return before
the date of approval by the Council. Councillors accepted the report.
14. Planning:
a) Notification of decisions received since last meeting – for information.
i) 19/002933/FUL – demolition of shed and erection of replacement shed –
​Orchard Barn, Wingate Court, Plompton​.​​​APPROVED​
ii) 19/03243/DVCON – variation of condition to allow alteration to access
​road – High Grange Farm, Plompton.​​APPROVED
iii) 19/01516/FUL – erection of single storey extension and other supporting
works – Rudding Park Hotel
iv) 19/01517/LB – as above but relating to the listed building consent
Councillors noted the above decisions
b) Applications Received
i) 19/04014/HEDGE Removal of 106m of hedgerow – Land Adjacent to
Aketon Lodge, Spofforth Lane, Follifoot.
Councillors discussed the application but felt unable to arrive at a decision as
there was insufficient evidence on the Planning Public Access website. The
clerk will contact HBC Planning to obtain further details and forward to
councillors for a response to be made.
c) Applications received since the agenda was compiled – None.
15. There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.00.
Date of next Parish Council Meeting:

7.30pm on 14th November 2019 in Follifoot Village Hall, Tofts Lane, Follifoot,