9th May 2019

Held on 9th May 2019

PRESENT: Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T. Martin, Councillors A. Dewsnip, T Hall, C Dickinson and J Locke. County Councillor A. Paraskos and three residents (including the Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator). Clerk M Richards.

Election of Chair: Councillor MacDermid was proposed as Chairman for 2019/20 by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Dewsnip, and was elected unanimously
Election of Vice Chair: Councillor Martin was proposed a Vice Chairman for 2019/20 by Councillor Dickinson, seconded by Councillor Locke and was also elected unanimously.
Election of Village Hall Representative: Councillor Martin was elected as Village Hall Representative for 2019/20

1. Apologies: Apology for absence was received from Councillor S Riley.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None.
3. Public Participation session: No issues raised
4. Meeting Minutes (Parish Council and Annual Parish Meeting) held on 12th April 2019: The minutes were proposed as a correct record by Councillor Martin and seconded by Councillor Hall. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
a) Bus service – the clerk read out the letter he had received from Mary Welch, the Transport Officer at NYCC, which acknowledged the problems with the bus service. She had in fact received complaints from private individuals, which had been passed on to the bus company. She suggested that this was the best approach and encouraged the amalgamation of complaints data to be submitted by the Parish Council to the bus company (an initiative which we were already pursuing) She also provided details of an organisation which could take up complaints with the bus company, on behalf of the individual complainant, if they are not satisfied with the response – . https://bususers.org/complaints/complaints-process
Cllr Paraskos reported that he had also raised this issue with Mary Welch and also Cllr McKenzie, who is Chair of the NYCC Transport Committee. Cllr Dewsnip undertook to further raise awareness of the Parish Council’s proposed action by asking any individual who had experienced unsatisfactory service from the bus company, to report the matter via email to the Parish Clerk.
b) Rudding Lane traffic lights – the clerk had circulated the response from NYCC on this issue, which confirmed that Yorkshire Water had accepted responsibility and had carried out some work to rectify the problem, but it was unclear whether this would be a permanent solution. The position will continue to be monitored, but in the meantime, councillors were pleased to note the removal of the traffic lights.
6. Chairman’s communications:
a) The Chairman reported that he had received a further communication from the “Bridleway Action Group” asking if the Parish Council boundary had ever been changed (presumably in some way to support their case?), but the Chairman had responded that, as far as he was aware, no boundary change had been effected.
b) Underpass on John Metcalfe Way – the Chairman was pleased to report that he had been informed that significant funding had now been made available, and a permanent scheme of works will be implemented in the near future.
7. Clerk’s correspondence
a) The Clerk reported that he had obtained a quotation for a replacement litter bin for the bus shelter, but the item quoted was for a post fixing and he was unsure if that would be suitable. Cllr Dewsnip confirmed that a wall fixing would be required – the clerk will follow up.
b) Volunteering in North Yorkshire – a register is to be established which will allow “volunteer organising” bodies to promulgate the opportunities for volunteers to put their names forward. Councillors noted the initiative, but did not feel it particularly relevant to this Parish as we already have volunteers that assist with such tasks as litter picking and planting.
c) Raised manhole cover on Spofforth Lane – a concerned resident had reported this to NYCC Highways, as she was worried about the potential danger for cyclists The clerk had followed up with NYCC and was pleased to report that the problem had been rectified on the day it was notified. He had thanked the resident for bringing this to the attention of NYCC and the Parish Council.
d) Haggs Road – the road surface just before the junction with Spofforth Lane is in an appalling condition. The clerk had reported this to NYCC Highways who acknowledged that substantial repairs were needed but unfortunately funding was not currently available for complete resurfacing. Filling of potholes and “smoothing” of bumps will however be undertaken on 16 May, when the road will be closed.
8. Matters concerning Plompton
Councillor Hall had no issues to report
9. Neighbourhood Watch
a) Update –The NWC reported that he had attended a meeting with Julia Mulligan, the Police and Crime Commissioner, who had undertaken to reinstitute the allocation of a PC or PCSO to the Parish. Cllr Paraskos added that he understood the two previous police contacts were now back from secondment so he was hopeful that a more dedicated police presence would be possible.
b) The NWC had reviewed the national Police information website which highlighted local police concern about vehicle thefts – criminals were obtaining car keys from unlocked houses and stealing the cars. The police now urge that cars and premises are kept locked at all times but particularly in the early evening and throughout the night. The NWC also made councillors aware of the Fraud Awareness page on the NYP Facebook page.
c) Cllr Dewsnip then asked whether any action had been taken to install solar powered lights in the bus shelter. The clerk confirmed that he had followed up and ascertained the cost of these lights but was unsure about suitability. Councillors discussed which particular features were necessary and it was decided that the clerk should contact Andrew Walker to seek his advice on the best option.
10. Village Up Keep
a) Maintenance – The Clerk read out the report from the village handyman of the work carried out in March and April. Councillors were content with the areas covered.
b) Spring Litter Pick – The Chairman reported that the Spring Litter Pick had been very successful and he expressed his thanks to all those who volunteered. It was pleasing to note that only 10 bags of rubbish had been collected, a distinct improvement on previous years.
c) Village Flower Planting – arranged for 2nd June 2018 at 2pm – The clerk will check the availability and price of bedding plants from the Harlow Carr Central Nursery and advise the Chairman accordingly.
11. Highways:
a) The Clerk reported that he had now received the formal guidance from NYCC regarding VAS (Vehicle Activated Signs) he will forward the guidance to councillors. Councillors discussed the various types of VAS equipment, but Cllr Paraskos confirmed that the policy would only allow the speed limit indication signs, not the “smiley faces” or actual vehicle speed signs. Councillors’ views were that this could be a lot of money expended for limited/debatable benefit, but the Chairman re-iterated that one of the Parish Council’s key priorities is road safety and so we should keep an open mind to all possible initiatives. Cllr Dickinson suggested that an alternative could be the “Community Speedwatch” The Chairman summed up the discussion and suggested that the best approach would be to consult with residents to gather their views, and also see whether there could be some form of community fundraising. The Parish Council should carry out full research to gather all facts and potential costs. The issue will be discussed again at the next meeting.
12. FOFWRAP/Follifields
a) Update –the Chairman confirmed that the table tennis table had now been installed. He showed photos and councillors were impressed with the finished project.
b) Councillors expressed satisfaction with the grasscutting and maintenance of Follifields. The Chairman did advise, however, that frequency of cutting needed to be monitored to ensure the appropriate level relative to the annual budget. Further tidying up and the staking up of the trees in the copse was approved and the clerk will contact the contractor to advise.
13. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank on 30th April 2019 in Current Account £5268.54 and Deposit Account £18983.57
b) Monthly Budget – See Appendix 1
c) Expenditure to approve and authorise: Unanimously agreed, as set out below (2 Councillors authorised and signed)
Grass cutting S Bush £60.00 Bank transfer
Website host S Smith £249.43 Bank transfer
Expenditure to authorise
Clerk’s salary M Richards £286.76 Bank transfer
PAYE income tax HMRC £71.69 Bank transfer
Insurance BHIB £425.23 Bank transfer
Maintenance Village handyman £318.00 Bank transfer
Subscription YLCA £293.00 Bank transfer
Follifields (TT Table) Playscheme £4381.20 Bank transfer

d) Follifields memo account – the clerk had circulated the account prior to the meeting. The Chairman asked that the Follifields current financial position be included in the monthly budget statement.
e) Audit:
i. Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)
Annual Governance Statement 2018/19:
Annual Accounting Statements 2018/19
The Chairman referred to matters included in the internal report which principally concerned the financial control procedures in place prior to the fraud. As discussed previously, banking and payment procedures are in process of being reviewed, particularly the possibility of establishing a two party online approval system for all payments. As is evidenced above, all expenditure is to be authorised before payment.
ii. Annual Internal Audit Report– The Internal Auditor has completed his review of the books and records of the Parish Council and has concluded that control of funds and accounting records is generally satisfactory, The specific lapse in control which led to the fraudulent transaction has highlighted the need for constant vigilance and a number of areas have ben identified for improvement and are being implemented. This will be specifically referred to in the formal Annual Internal Audit Report, which is submitted to the external auditor.
iii. Councillors approved the Annual Governance Statement and authorised the Clerk/RFO and Chairman to sign.
iv. Councillors approved the Annual Accounting Statements and authorised the Clerk/RFO and Chairman to sign.
14. Planning
a) Applications Received:
i) 19/01516/FUL – erection of single storey extension and other supporting
works – Rudding Park Hotel
ii) 19/01517/LB – as above but relating to the listed building consent
Councillors reviewed in detail and resolved to SUPPORT both applications
b) Applications received since the agenda was compiled
i) 19/01837/LB – listed building consent for repairs to archway and wall
at Plompton Cottage, Farrar Wood to Plompton Park, Plompton- Councillors reviewed in detail and resolved to submit NO OBJECTION
ii)19/01716/FUL – erection of single storey extension to the Rugby Clubhouse
Councillors reviewed in detail and resolved to SUPPORT
c) Outcome of previous applications: 19/00411/FUL – erection of double garage, Old Rudding School, Rudding Lane, Follifoot
d) Outstanding Applications: None
15. GDPR
Councillors approved the GDPR policy, subject to the clerk carrying out an “Information Audit” to determine the extent of personal data held.
16. Date of next parish council meeting: Thursday 13th June 2019 at 7.30pm in Follifoot Village Hall.

The meeting concluded at 9.55pm