9th June 2016

Follifoot with Plompton Parish Council
Meeting of the Parish Council
Thursday 9^th June 2016

Present: Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T. Martin, Councillor’s T. Hall, A. Dewsnip, and J. Andrade, District Councillor A. Paraskos, Internal Auditor M. Kettlewell and one resident.
1. Apologies: Apologies for absence received and approved from Councillor’s Hinchcliffe and Jones.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None
3. Public Participation session: None
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 12^th May 2016: Vice Chairman Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record, this was seconded by Chairman N. MacDermid, and he duly signed them.
5. Matters arising from the minutes: Included in the meeting.
6. Chairman’s communications: Chairman MacDermid said he had received thanks from Charlie Florance for the card and voucher.
7. Clerk’s correspondence:

1. Letter received regarding grass cutting – The clerk said a letter had been received regarding grass being left on the pavement after the verge on Spofforth Lane had been cut. A discussion took place and it was resolved the clerk would ask the maintenance man in future to sweep the grass off the pavement if required and inform the resident.

2. The clerk said a list of mail received is available if required.

3. The clerk requested she attended a course on Pensions. The Parish Council supported her attendance.
8. Matters concerning Plompton: None
9. Broadband: The clerk said she had received various emails regarding upgrading broadband at Plompton and Rudding. She said it continues to be a problematic situation. It was agreed to continue to monitor the situation.
10. Neighbourhood Watch: The chairman said the report had been received.

11. Village Up Keep:

1. Asset Register – It was agreed in future the Asset register would be reviewed in early 2017, so any changes can be made before the audit.
2. Dog Fouling – The clerk had produced a poster, and once printed they will be laminated and displayed around the villages and footpaths, asking people to pick up after their dog and dispose of the bag in a bin. Action: Clerk to organise production and erection of posters.
3. Flower Planting – The chairman thanked those who helped with the flower planting. The clerk reported several plants had been removed from the tubs at the Beck.

12. Rugby Club:

1. The chairman said he had been in contact with Planning at Harrogate Borough Council, following the Rugby Club’s advertisement for caravan parking during the Yorkshire Show. Harrogate Rugby Club have provided the Parish Council with copies of two Exemption Certificates under the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 and the Public Health Act 1936. Harrogate Borough Council Planning confirmed that the Certificates that the Rugby Club have been granted provide exemption for the need to apply for full planning permission. These certificates will permit Caravan Rallies for up to 28 days per annum to support and promote recreational activity. Harrogate Rugby Club have advised that they have set a maximum of 50 units to be parked, and they will be positioned to the rear of the clubhouse with some along the pitch 2 hedge.
2. The chairman said the Rugby club had also altered the advertising board facing Pannal Road, the new signage was considered to be more subtle and less distracting, and he had received no further complaints.

13. Highways:

1. Inappropriate driving – The clerk said 95 Alive had contact her and said they are unable to proceed with the usual speed monitoring checks on Rudding Lane due to health and safety reasons. They will be looking at another type of speed monitoring and the frequency of incidents on the road. The parish council discussed the matter and did not consider the response satisfactory. It was resolved the clerk would contact 95 Alive and to discuss the matter further and ask for a timescale.
2. A 20mph zone through the village was discussed. District Councillor Paraskos said he would enquire into Leeds City Council’s policy on 20mph zones past schools, as they are implementing a 20mph zone past all schools in the city. He said he would also look into Harrogate Borough Council’s policy on 20mph zones.

1. Chairman MacDermid said the Parish Council need FOFWRAP to establish whether sufficient funding for the scheme is attainable. This would give the Parish Council reassurance that they will bring forward a scheme that is deliverable. FOFWRAP are already working on this and will be provide updates at the FOFWRAP AGM and future Parish Council Meetings.
2. FOFWRAP Annual General Meeting – Will be held on 28^th June 2016, the meeting will be open to the public. FOFWRAP will give a general update on the scheme.
15. Finance:

1. Balance at the bank – Current Account £674.94 and deposit account £8,915.94.
2. Request for authorisation of expenditure for Village Maintenance Person, Donation of Gifts and YLCA Course.

Village Maintenance M. Collyer £142.50 Bank Transfer
Donation for previous councillors S. Hinchcliffe £50.00 Cheque No: 100758
Pension Course YLCA £36.00 Cheque No: 100759

3. Monthly Budget – See appendix 1
4. Parish Clerk Pay Award – The clerk informed the meeting she had received a one percent pay increase as set by NALC.
5. Audit

1. Internal Audit – The internal auditor had carried out her review and was satisfied the accounts were kept appropriately.
2. Annual Return – Statement of Accounts and Annual Governance Statement – The accounts were approved by the Parish Council and duly signed by the Chairman and Internal Auditor. Action: Clerk to forward to external auditor.
3. Accounts publicised – The clerk said she had advertised that the accounts were available for inspection.

6. VAT Return – The clerk said she had organised the VAT return for the Parish Council. The total amount was £440.14.
16. Planning:

1. Applications

1. 15 Leconfield Garth, Follifoot – 16/01908/FUL – Erection of single storey rear extension. The Parish Council supported the application.

2. Arrange a meeting for applications received since the agenda was compiled. None received.
3. Outcome of previous applications – None.
17. Date of next meeting: Thursday 14^th July 2016 at 8pm in Follifoot Village Hall