8th March 2018

Thursday 8th March 2018

PRESENT: Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T Martin, Councillors P. Cresswell and A. Dewsnip. Also present M. Richards (Clerk), and 2 parishioners (including the Internal Auditor).
1. Apologies: Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs T Hall, J Andrade, and J. Hinchcliffe. NYCC Cllr A Paraskos also apologised for his absence,
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None
3. Public Participation session: The two parishioners present indicated that they were content to follow the order of items in the agenda.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 8th February 2018: Councillor Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Creswell. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
a) No Cold Calling Zone (NCCZ) – the Chairman reported that he had been made aware of a letter from Councillor Cresswell to NYCC, questioning the validity of the Parish Council’s application for the implementation of a NCCZ, on the basis that a proper survey of all residents had not been conducted, as required by NYCC guidance. The Chairman reminded Councillor Cresswell and all councillors present, that the doctrine of “collective responsibility” must apply for all Parish Council resolutions. This means that all councillors must publicly support a Parish Council resolution (when arrived at by a majority vote) even if they personally don’t agree. This is not meant to be a “gagging order” and councillors acting as individuals are entitled to express whatever view they may have in a personal capacity, but as a parish councillor they should not speak against any resolution. Councillor Cresswell accepted this ruling. The Chairman then circulated a pro forma letter from NYCC which is intended to be distributed to all residents as a consultation exercise to determine whether there is majority support for the implementation of a NCCZ. A parishioner confirmed that he had the printing capability to produce the 200+ copies of the letter for distribution to all residents. The Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator had agreed that his team could take on the task of delivering the letter and the Chairman offered Parish Council support for this. All letters will be distributed by the end of March and, based on the response, the Parish Council will be able to determine whether a legitimate application for a NCCZ can be made.
b) Bus service – the clerk had circulated the timetable for the revised service which was to run from mid-April. The Connexions Bus Company has taken over from Transdev and will not, initially, be running a service on Sundays although this could change in summer. The Chairman has contacted Rudding Park Hotel whose staff in particular are very dependent on this form of transport. Councillors agreed that it was very important for there to be a village bus service including the provision of a Sunday service. Questions were asked about any additional service in the evenings as there appears to be less demand for this. In conclusion, the Chairman suggested that the best form of action to achieve any additional service would be to lobby Connexions but this would need to include the involvement of interested individuals and organisations. The clerk will draft a note to this effect for the website.
c) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – the clerk circulated a GDPR toolkit provided by YLCA which gives a comprehensive list of all areas of data retention in a typical parish council and the measures to be followed to ensure compliance with the Regulation. The clerk will review this toolkit with the Internal Auditor.
d) Community defibrillator installation in the phone box – the clerk has written to BT seeking guidance on the correct procedure to be followed for this initiative, As yet no response has been received.
6. Parish Council elections – the clerk distributed the candidate election packs to all councillors. He suggested that the best option for processing the forms would be for those individuals seeking election, to complete the forms, email him with the names of proposer and seconder and he will provide the necessary Electoral Register details. The fully completed forms should then be left at the Post Office and he will collect and deliver to HBC by hand as required, before the deadline date (6 April)
7. Chairman’s communications:
The Chairman confirmed that any communications received would be dealt with as part of the agenda.
8. Clerk’s correspondence received
a) Communication received from Robert Hunter, the owner of Plompton Rocks, expressing some concern at the Parish Council’s involvement in the investigation into the alleged unauthorised felling of trees when he himself, as owner, had not been consulted. The clerk had responded, setting out the reasons for the Parish Council’s involvement, but the Chairman will now respond formally, explaining the full facts of the situation.
b) The Transparency Code – the clerk reported that he had now been informed by YLCA that the Parish Council’s bid had been approved and the sum of £458.32 will be credited to the Council’s bank account. The clerk will research which IT equipment is most appropriate for the Council’s needs and report back to the next meeting
9. Matters concerning Plompton:
No matters to report.
10. Neighbourhood Watch:
a) The Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator (NWC) being unable to attend this meeting, will present a comprehensive report to the April meeting.
b) The NWC did however, forward a short report detailing a potential “scam” where credit card details are retained by a company after a legitimate on-line purchase but are then used at a later date to enrol the purchaser in a subscription service which becomes active unless the purchaser specifically contacts the company to decline. The NWC regards this at best as “sharp practice” Details of this will be added to the website and Community Facebook page.
11. Village Up Keep:
a) Litter in the village – councillors were still concerned over the amount of litter, leaves etc in the village and the clerk has again contacted the village handyman to see if he is prepared to carry out a general “tidy up” on an occasional basis. The Chairman confirmed that maintenance of the bus shelter and benches was in the job description for village maintenance.
b) Litter pick – date confirmed as 22 April.
12. Highways:
a) Traffic concerns Haggs Road –the clerk reported that he had now had a “holding” response from NYCC Highways regarding the possible installation of 40mph limit signage at the end of Haggs Road/A658 junction. The response (from the Project Engineer) indicated that “additional information” was being sought. The clerk will raise again with Highways, in due course.
b) The clerk confirmed that no further progress has been made with regard to the introduction of Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) by parish councils. The topic is still under discussion by NYCC councillors.
13. FOFWRAP/Follifields:
a) The Chairman confirmed that the role of the existing FOFWRAP committee is to change, following the AGM in May. A committee will continue to function, but its main focus will be on fundraising for the ongoing maintenance of Follifields. It is intended that all future Follifields items will become part of the Parish Council agendae.
b) A financial breakdown of all monies received will be shared to indicate the “category” of fundraising ie grants, charities, village fundraising, private donations etc. £5,000 will be retained as a future contingency or maintenance fund and then transferred to the Parish Council once dissolved.
c) The Adventure Trim Trail was installed in February and this completes Phase 2.
d) For Phase 3, the Fairy Bridge Tower, football goals, seating and notice board, are due to be installed in March. (Hopefully completed before the Easter weekend)
e) Councillor Martin concluded by stating that, in his opinion, FOFWRAP had done a “fantastic job” throughout the whole process of planning, raising funds, and project management and he thought the Parish Council should formally acknowledge this. All councillors heartily agreed.
14. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank on 28th February 2018, Current Account £1,647.59 and Deposit Account £2,406.27.
b) Monthly Budget – See Appendix 1.
c) Monthly Reconciliation –reconciliation as at 28th February was provided – see Appendix 2.
d) Expenditure – Unanimously agreed and authorised by two councillors.
Benches & plaques Streetmaster £1730.40 Bank Transfer
Plompton notice board Andrew Walker £238.50 Bank Transfer
Clerk’s salary (Feb) M. Richards £325.59 Bank Transfer
Plaques Brunel Engraving £522.60 Bank Transfer
Plaques Brunel Engraving £49.14 Bank Transfer
15. Planning:
a) Approval received – None
b) Applications received –
i) Demolition of garage and conservatory and erection of single storey
extension – revised scheme – Claremont, 3 Ivy Close, Follifoot –
Councillors agreed their response to be Category D ie SUPPORT
ii) Demolition of porch and conservatory and erection of single storey
extension and replacement windows (revised scheme) Rowan Tree
Cottage, Pannal Road, Follifoot – 18/00464/FUL.
Councillors agreed their response to be Category D ie SUPPORT
iii) Change of Use of industrial unit (Use class B1/B8) to form Gymnasium
(Use class D2) 18/00238/FUL
Councillors agreed their response to be Category C ie not objecting to or
supporting the application but seeking assurance that all efforts have been
made to pursue other industrial unit use before this change of use agreed.
c) Applications received since the agenda was compiled –.None
16. Annual Parish Meeting – it was agreed that the previous format would be
followed. The main items would be the financial report for the year and the
Chairman’s report. All councillors are invited to suggest any other items for
inclusion. Refreshments will be provided.
17. Any other business
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.50pm.
Date of next Parish Council Meeting:
7.30pm on 12th April 2018, preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting, commencing at 7.00pm, in Follifoot Village Hall, Tofts Lane, Follifoot.