8th June 2023


Held in the Village Hall on 8th June 2023

PRESENT:  Chairman N. MacDermid, Councillors K.Tharby, T. Hall, C. Dickinson and J. Locke. NYC Councillor A. Paraskos and four residents, Clerk M. Richards. Also in attendance, Kate Dawson, Stacey Murphy – North Yorkshire Council.


  1. Apologies:  Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllrs Dewsnip and Gallimore.
  2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: Councillor Hall declared an interest in the Plompton road resurfacing proposals.
  3. Public Participation session – no matters raised.
  4. Minutes of the meetings held on 11th May 2023:  Both minutes were proposed as a correct record by Councillor Hall and seconded by Councillor Tharby. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.
  5. Matters arising from previous minutes: None.
  6. Commuted Sums/CIL. The Chairman welcomed Kate Dawson and Stacey Murphy from North Yorkshire Council, to the meeting. Kate gave a presentation explaining the background to commuted sums (also known as Section 106), how the money is collected and how it can be spent by Parish Councils. The presentation covered:
  7. Developer contribution and planning obligations
  8. Definition of commuted sums and why they are required
  9. Application of planning obligations
  10. Impact of development on population
  11. Determination of developer contribution and distribution to PCs and other bodies
  12. How money can be spent

              Kate also displayed the Parish map, showing NYC identified areas for available commuted sums payable. She then answered questions from councillors and asked that any missing sites or potentially qualifying developments be reported to NYC for follow up. The Chairman thanked both Kate and Stacey for the very helpful and informative presentation.

             Kate and Stacey left the meeting at this point.

  1. Chairman’s communications. Mainly dealt with as part of the agenda but the Chairman picked up on the point raised at the Annual Parish Meeting and confirmed that the Parish Council would take on the ownership and responsibility for the maintenance of the “Post Office light”
  2. Clerk’s correspondence
    a) Plompton road fund. The clerk confirmed that the level of contributions was significant although still short of the target amount. The fund chairman stated that the projected start date for the work was 17/18 July and he was confident the full amount would be received by then. The clerk will continue to monitor progress on a regular basis.

b) Follifields benches. A local resident (a former parish councillor) had reported that a number of the benches in Follifields were becoming covered in grey algae and were in need of refurbishment. The clerk will seek quotations for the work.

c) Bus shelter bin. Councillors discussed options including provision of an internal wall fixed bin costing some £80, or use of the original Follifields bin which had been replaced by the large NYC provided bin. On balance, it was felt that the Follifields bin was the best option but, before installation the Chairman will check with the neighbouring property owner to ensure she is happy with the proposed location.

  1. Parish Matters
    a) Plompton

        Councillor Hall reported that despite his best efforts, the Enforcement Notices regarding The Barn, Plompton, in connection with “Alterations to cobbles and listed wall” and Tower House, Plompton “proposed works to Listed Building without consent”, had been removed on two separate occasions. The clerk will notify NYC Planning.

        b) A resident reported that “Torch Telecom” were preparing to introduce improved broadband for Plompton via a high-capacity line to Low Grange Farm. Councillors noted, with approval.

c) Phone box/Information Centre refurbishment. The clerk confirmed that the original painter/decorator had withdrawn from the contract and he would re-advertise for the work to be completed as soon as possible.

d) A councillor reported that the road marker posts on the Harrogate side of the A658, indicating the entrance to the village had been removed. The clerk will report to NYC Highways.

  1. Traffic calming 

a) VAS. An update will be provided at the July meeting.

b) Picket fence – re-location. The Chairman and Vice Chairman had identified the specific location and marked it via “what3words”. The clerk will liaise with the contractor to obtain a quotation.

c) Meeting with NYC Highways Officer to discuss revised 30mph and 20mph limits. Meeting to be re-arranged – the clerk will liaise with Cllr Paraskos.

  1. Follifields

Maintenance – Cllr Gallimore had informed the clerk that she is following up with Playscheme the issues raised in the ROSPA report and that a concrete plinth for the new bench will be constructed this month. Councillors noted.

  1. Planning
  2. Applications Received:


b) Decisions

i) ZC23/01362/DVCON – Variation of condition 2 (approved drawings) and removal of condition 3 (external materials) of planning permission 22/04751/DVCON to allow use of stone in lieu of cladding to external walls and installation of solar PV panels. Land to the East of Burnison’s Whin, Rudding Lane, Follifoot. GRANTED.

             Councillors noted the above decision, but the Chairman commented that he now had a slight concern over the eventual outcome of this development, as the original application and approval had been for a holiday let, not permanent residential use, which now seemed a distinct possibility. Councillors then agreed to monitor the situation.

  1. Finance:
  2. Balance at the bank on 8th June 2023 in Current Account £20,141.94 and Deposit Account £30,234.23, total £50,376.17. Bank statements to be initialled by the Chairman in confirmation, as part of his payment authorisation process. NB the current account balance includes residents’ contributions for the Plompton road improvement scheme.
  3. Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 8th June was provided with receipts and payments in the period 11th May 2023 to 8th June, reconciling to the account balances shown above at a) Councillors then unanimously agreed the 6 amounts below for payment.
Grass cuttingS Bush£176.00Bank transfer
Clerk’s salaryM Richards£346.66Bank transfer
Clerk’s expensesM Richards£87.50Bank transfer
PAYE income taxHMRC£86.67Bank transfer
Audit feeR Chambers£100.00Bank transfer
FlowersC Dickinson£50.00Bank transfer
  • Annual accounts/Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)

Councillors had previously approved the Annual Accounts and indicated their agreement for the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) to be completed based on these figures. The clerk confirmed that the Parish Council is again exempt from an external audit review as turnover was below the £25,000 threshold, and councillors approved the submission of the Exemption Certificate to the external auditor. The Annual Internal Audit certificate had been completed with no adverse comments and the Chairman consequently signed i) the Annual Governance Statement and ii) the Annual Accounting Statements.

  1. Items for next meeting
    None notified.
  1. Date of next Parish Council meeting:  Thursday 13th July 2023 at 7.30pm in Follifoot Village Hall.  

            The meeting concluded at 9.15pm