6th May 2021


Held remotely via Zoom videoconferencing software, in accordance with government guidelines on 6th May 2021

PRESENT:  Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T. Martin, Councillors A. Dewsnip, T Hall, C Dickinson and J Locke. County Councillor A. Paraskos and two residents (including the internal auditor) Clerk M Richards.

Election of Chair: Councillor MacDermid was proposed as Chairman for 2021/22 by Councillor Martin, seconded by Councillor Dewsnip, and was elected unanimously

Election of Vice Chair:  Councillor Martin had decided to stand down as Vice Chairman. The Chairman thanked him on behalf of the Parish Council, for his valued service and contribution to the Parish Council and community. Cllr Dewsnip was then proposed as Vice Chairman for 2021/22 by Cllr Riley, seconded by Councillor Locke and was elected unanimously.

Election of Village Hall Representative:  Councillor Martin had also resigned as Village Hall Representative. The protocol for this appointment was unclear. The clerk confirmed that it was not a formal post under Local Government law and it would for the Village Hall Committee to establish the parameters for the appointment. The Chairman will liaise with the Village Hall Chairman.


1. Apologies: There were no apologies for absence as all councillors were present
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: Councillors Martin and Dewsnip indicated their interest in item 11d) as members of the Village Hall committee and would not take part in the discussion, other than to answer questions if needed.
3. Public Participation session: No issues raised.
4. Meeting Minutes held on 8th April 2021:  The minutes were proposed as a correct record by Councillor Martin and seconded by Councillor Dewsnip The Chairman duly signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
a) Rope swing at Kitty Corner. The Chairman reported that he had removed the swing, for health and safety reasons. Councillors noted and indicated their approval.
b) Community Litter Pick – The clerk confirmed that official litter picks are now allowed as long as appropriate precautions are taken, following a risk assessment. HBC will collect the filled litter sacks, as previously. The Chairman suggested a suitable date would be late May/early June. He will liaise with other councillors and fix a date (see 14b below, date fixed for 6 June)). Cllr Dewsnip undertook to prepare and display a notice, asking for volunteers.
6. Chairman’s communications:
a) Follifoot Ridge. The Chairman reported that he had been informed that Rudding Estates had now created a more formal footpath at this location. Councillors noted..
b) Pannal Road cul-de-sac. A resident had reported that there is confusion at times over the addresses for parcels etc deliveries to the cul-de-sac and the rest of Pannal Road. He had asked the Parish Council to explore the possibility of re-naming the cul-de-sac. Councillors discussed and considered, on balance, that it was probably not a major issue and may pose problems to residents with regard to informing all their contacts of such anaddress change. Nevertheless, the clerk will draft a letter, to be delivered to all cul-de-sac residents, seeking their views on an address change. An alternate suggestion, as thereare not many houses in the cul-de-sac, was that perhaps a sign could be erected at the entrance listing the house names.
c) Village Hall 50th birthday. The VH committee is considering organising a joint event to commemorate this occasion. Opinions from relevant parties are being canvassed. Councillors confirmed they would support such a venture.
7. Clerk’s correspondence
Covered elsewhere in the agenda.
8. Matters concerning Plompton

Councillor Hall had no issues to report.  

9. Traffic calming  
a) VAS. The clerk reported that there had been a further delay to the supply and installation of the VAS, due to an outbreak of covid-19 at the suppliers factory. It was now anticipated that the equipment will be installed late May/early June. The clerk will notify councillors of the details of the on-line training when this becomes available.
b) Picket fence. The NYCC Highways Engineer had informed the clerk of specific Health and Safety and other regulations which meant that the original plans could not now be implemented. Basically, in order to erect the fence at the identified location on Haggs Road, it would have to be constructed from PVC or plastic. The clerk was instructed to source a suitable design from the approved material and present to the next PC meeting.

10. Follifields

a) Maintenance – A quotation has been received for the maintenance work agreed between the Chairman and Sam Gallimore. Another quotation is being sought from the contractor previously employed on Follifields maintenance.

b) Goal nets. The quotation received from Playscheme for the supply and installation of goal nets at some £1,300 was deemed excessive. The clerk has researched an alternative option which includes the stanchions, nets and fixings, at a cost of some £300. He will enquire of the local maintenance contractor, a price for erecting and fixing. Councillors agreed that this was the best option but, before proceeding, Cllr Dickinson undertook to approach Harrogate Town FC, to enquire whether they had anything suitable to offer. Cllr Paraskos agreed to subsidise this expense, up to £500, from his Locality Budget.

c) Rubbish bin emptying. The clerk was pleased to report that HBC have now agreed to include the Follifield bins on the regular programme of waste collection.

11. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank on 30th April 2021 in Current Account £3636.93 and Deposit Account £29,261.21, total £32,998.14. Bank statements to be initialled by the Chairman in confirmation, as part of his payment authorisation process.
b) Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 28th February was provided with receipts and payments in the period 31st March 2021 to 30th April 2021, reconciling to the account balances shown above at a) Councillors then unanimously agreed the 4 amounts below for payment.

Grass cutting

S Bush


Bank transfer

Clerk’s salary

M Richards


Bank transfer

PAYE income tax



Bank transfer

Website host

S Smith


Bank transfer

c) Audit:
i. Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)
Annual Governance Statement 2020/21:
Annual Accounting Statements 2020/21
Certificate of Exemption

The clerk confirmed that the Parish Council is again exempt from an external audit review as turnover was below the £25,000 threshold. The AGAR statements and Annual Internal Audit certificate are available for councillors to review and will be formally signed off at the June meeting.

ii. Annual Internal Audit Report The Internal Auditor has completed his review of the books and records of the Parish Council and has concluded that the annual accounts to 31 March 2021 are in accordance with the underlying records and appropriate systems of control have been applied by the Parish Council.
d) Donations. The Village Hall is undertaking a programme of refurbishment at a cost of some £4,000 and is requesting a donation from the Parish Council towards this expense. Councillors discussed and agreed that a donation was appropriate. The clerk confirmedthat the Council had the legal power (s137 of the 1972 Local Government Act) to make this donation. Councillors considered various amounts and it was resolved to make a donation of £500. This would exhaust the agreed annual budget figure for donations of £500 but it was felt to be appropriate, and the budget figure could be reviewed at a laterdate if necessary.
12. Planning
a) Applications Received:
b) Applications received since the agenda was compiled.
21/01731/LB Listed Building consent for conversion of integral garage into additional living accommodation, external alterations and addition of timber framed orangery Plompton Cottage, Plompton
Councillors reviewed in detail and
, as there was no impact on neighbouring properties, resolved to SUPPORT, subject to satisfactory comments from Listed Building agencies.
13. i) 21/00468/OUT Erection of one holiday cottage, land adjacent to Burnisons Whin, Rudding Lane.  REFUSED
21/00712/LB stone restoration Rudding Gate and flanking walls.
ncillors noted the above decisions, which were in accordance with the Parish Council responses.
14. Items of information
a) Cllr Dickinson has pro
duced a map of the village, copies of which will be available for sale in the Post Office. Proceeds from sales will be donated to Follifields.
b) Village entrance troughs/planters. Cllr Dickinson has observed that the planters need refurbishment, with some palisades needing replacement. There is also a mole problem, with tunnelling through the base of the planters. Cllr Dickinson suggested that placing chicken wire at the bottom of the planter would resolve this problem. Cllr Dickinson will do the preparatory work on the planters, prior to compost and plants being purchased. He suggested that a joint community event be organised for the litter pick and planting. The Chairman agreed this was a good idea and proposed Sunday 6 June as a suitable date. He will liaise with Cllr Dickinson to sort final details.

15. Date of next Parish Council meeting:  Thursday 10th June 2021 at 7.30pm in Follifoot Village Hall.

The meeting concluded at 9.00pm