14th July 2022

Thursday 14th July 2022

Held in Follifoot Village Hall.
PRESENT: Chairman N MacDermid, Vice Chairman A Dewsnip, Councillors C Dickinson, T Hall, J Locke, K Tharby and S Gallimore. In attendance, M Richards (Clerk), and 1 resident.

  1. Apologies: There were no apologies for absence as all councillors were present.
  2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’
    Register of Interest: None.
  3. Public Participation session: The Chairman welcomed the resident
    to the meeting and confirmed that they were able to comment on any issues
  4. Minutes of the meeting held on 9th June 2022: Councillor Hall proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Locke. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
  5. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
    Covered as part of the agenda.
  6. Chairman’s communications
    Covered as part of the agenda.
  7. Clerk’s correspondence received
    a) HBC Litter Bin Review. The clerk had contacted HBC and received further
    clarification on the proposals. Councillors now decided that the priorities would be to:
    i) Retain the bin at Leconfield
    ii) Retain the bin at the bottom of Main Street
    iii) Request the bin at Follifields be included in the collection round
    iv) Relocate the bin to be removed from Main Street to Pannal Road,
    adjacent to the Cricket Club.
    v) Request that the PC owned bin in the top Main Street bus shelter, be included in the collection round
    The clerk will forward this submission to HBC.
    b) Overgrown grass verge – Collin’s Hill. A resident had reported that the
    visibility splays on either side of his drive on Collin’s Hill were completely
    overgrown and causing a hazard. The clerk has reported the issue to NYCC
    Highways. Similarly, overgrown verges on Plompton Road corner (east of
    Guilder’s Bridge) and beyond the last house on Spofforth Lane, exiting the
    village, have also been reported.
    c) Dog waste bag stations. The clerk had circulated details of the stands with
    waste bag dispensers for consideration. Councillors discussed but resolved
    not to pursue as they felt responsible dog owners should already have bags
    with them.
    d) “Love Parks” initiative. The clerk will obtain further details and circulate for
    consideration of including Follifields in the campaign.
    e) “Drive Safe/PFCC” communication. Discussed but decided that whilst road safety is a high priority this particular initiative was not a good one.
    1. Parish matters
      a) Plompton. Cllr Hall reported that there were no new issues to report,
      although some residents were considering options for improving the internal
      roadway. The clerk commented that this would have to be a matter for
      NYCC/HBC as a parish council has no legal power to carry out road
      improvement works.
      b) Other. Overgrown grass verges – reported to NYCC as at 7b) above.
    2. Traffic calming
      a) VAS. Having reversed the direction of the sign to capture traffic data from
      vehicles leaving the village, Cllr Dickinson commented that the latest
      data continues to show a similar pattern with a higher percentage of vehicles
      travelling below 30mph and 35mph. He considered that the sign should now
      be returned to its original position and in addition further thought should be
      given to an alternative location within the village. Councillors agreed, and the
      clerk will contact SWARCO to ascertain the cost of providing an additonal
      power supply in an alternate location.
      b) Picket fences. Removal/re-positioning of the fence that is causing a
      partial obstruction to an adjacent property – the contractor had advised that
      the cost of removal owould be £250 (+VAT) and councillors, following Cllr.
      Hall’s professional opinion, agreed this to be reasonable. It was agreed that
      the single fence should be removed and the surface made good. A future
      decision is to be made whether it can be reconstructed whilst still allowing
      the full access required by the homeowner and other road/footpath users.
      The clerk will obtain a quotation for a reflective “Slow Down” sign to be fixed
      to the remaining fence.
    3. Follifields update.
      a) Cllr Gallimore has liaised with the contractor to arrange completion of the
      “snagging” list of work required. The main components are:
      i) The Willow Tunnel – the trees are now sufficiently developed to be formed
      into the tunnel. It was originally intended that the contractor would carry out
      this work but councillors now agreed that a village event (to be held in
      September) would be more appropriate for this to be done. A councillor
      suggested that Horticap would be well placed to advise and assist in this
      venture but it was then observed that Horticap’s normal approach would
      more likely be the tutoring of students to carry out such work rather than
      providing advice? Further consideration will be given to their involvement
      nearer the time.
      ii) Follifields Hedgerow – The clerk is to obtain a quote for the long hedgerow
      along the length of the play area and shorter one behind top goal post.
      Recognising that any pruning behind the top hedgerow needs to await the
      end of the bird nesting season, a quotation will be sought from the village tree
      iii) Bark chippings. Originally purchased for suppressing weed growth but
      now considered unnecessary. Councillor Gallimore will check the state of the
      bark and, if still usable, it will be offered for sale to village residents.
      iv) Application of weedkiller. The contractor is reluctant to apply weedkiller
      whilst the play area is in use. Councillors agreed with his safety concerns and
      agreed Follifields could be temporarily closed for the required period of time
      (2 hours?) with a notice being displayed to explain the reason for the closure.
      The contractor will be required to give sufficient notice of his planned action.
      iv) Wildflower area. Following expert advice, it is necessary to remove all
      cuttings of (mainly) thistles, other weeds and wildflowers in Autumn, to allow
      wildflowers to flourish again. The normal contractor does not have the
      necessary equipment to carry out the required task so a quotation will be
      sought from another contractor. The Chairman also undertook to contact
      Rudding Estate for comment.
      v) “Gallimore tree” – the contractor will provide a quotation for planting the
      tree (already in his possession) in a more favourable location. Cllr Gallimore
      will identify.
      vi) Other – reported that the goal nets needed attention – more secure
      connection to the posts and better anchoring, possibly with heavy duty pegs.
      The clerk will follow up. The pathway benches are in need of refurbishment –
      the contractor will submit a quotation.
    4. Planning.
      a) Applications Received
      22/02251/FUL – Proposed new vehicular access off existing private road and
      new parking area – Appletree House, The Paddocks.
      The Chairman displayed the site plans and ran through the details of the
      application which, in the first instance, is to provide additional access for
      vehicles and a parking area. Councillors discussed and observed that there
      was no visible impact or other concerns for the application and, accordingly
      agreed to SUPPORT the application.
      b) Notifications – none received.
      22/00043/NREFPP – Conversion of agricultural building to form dwelling and
      garage – Barnfield, Plompton. (supported by the PC, but with proviso re
      avoidance of damage to access road during construction works)
      As originally supported, it was not felt necessary to comment further. Arrangements for applications received with response deadline before 15 Sept. An additional meeting specifically for planning applications will be be held on 2nd August to consider all applications submitted up to that date. Subsequent applications received will be considered at the September meeting
    5. Finance and Governance:
      a) Balance at the bank on 1st July 2022, Current Account £1001.26 and
      Deposit Account £27,691.07 (total £28692.33) Bank statements to be
      initialled by the Chairman in confirmation, as part of his payment
      authorisation process.
      b) Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 1st July was provided
      with receipts and payments in the period 31st May to 1st July,
      reconciling to the account balances shown above at a) Councillors
      then unanimously agreed the 7 amounts below for payment.
      M Richards Clerk’s salary- June £312.66 Bank Transfer
      HMRC PAYE – June £78.17 Bank Transfer
      M Richards Clerk’s mileage claim £41.85 Bank Transfer
      Village handyman Village maintenance 507.50 Bank Transfer
      S Bush Grass cutting £320.00 Bank Transfer
      A Dewsnip Jubilee expenses £118.66 Bank Transfer
      S Riley Jubilee expenses £27.97 Bank Transfer
      c)The Chairman then ran through the budget spreadsheet, explaining the
      entries for the expenditure recorded above. Councillors had no comments or
      d) As there is no normal meeting in August, the standard payments of the
      clerk’s salary and PAYE were authorised. To be made as normal via the
      Chairman’s authorisation procedure.
  8. Items for the next meeting
    Ongoing issue – the Chairman observed that the newly planted trees still
    needed watering. He is continuing to water the two Beech trees and Cllr
    Gallimore confirmed she is doing the same for the Rowan tree in Follifields.
    He asked all councillors to monitor the position and water if necessary.
    The meeting closed at 9.20pm
    Date of next Parish Council meeting: –
    Thursday 15th September 2022. To be held at Follifoot Village Hall, commencing at 7.30pm.