14th December 2023


Held in the Village Hall on 14th December 2023

  1. PRESENT: Chairman N MacDermid, Vice Chairman A Dewsnip, Cllrs C. Dickinson, J. Locke, T. Hall and K.Tharby. Also in attendance Cllr A. Paraskos (NYC) M Richards (Clerk) and 3 members of the public.
  2. Apologies:  Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr S. Gallimore.
  3. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None.
  4. Minutes of the meeting held on 9th November 2023:  The minutes were proposed as a correct record by Councillor Dewsnip and seconded by Councillor Dickinson. The  Chairman then signed the minutes.
  5. Matters arising from previous minutes: Dealt with as part of the agenda.

6.   Planning

                Applications Received

                a) ZC23/04114/FUL – Demolition of existing rear extension and section of outbuilding. Proposed rear extension with single storey and two storey elements. Proposed veranda.
                Creation of hallway in central arch driveway. Fenestration alterations. Internal alterations.
                Creation of new parking area to front of property with level alterations. Proposed sliding gates. East View Cottages, Main Street, Follifoot.

                The Chairman displayed the site plan showing the location of the planned development.

                The applicants’ architect then went through the details of the scheme, giving details and the history of the site. He assured councillors that there had been ongoing consultations with the Planning Officer and all planning concerns taken into account. The School had responded, neither supporting nor objecting to the application but with a comment that proposals contained in the application, would increase the safeguarding risk for children attending the School. The School Federation has asked for assurances that Safeguarding Assessments are carried out and to know what mitigation is proposed. The Chairman commented that the issue of the Conservation Area had not been mentioned by the Planning Officer and he was slightly concerned about the effect on the “street scene”. The architect acknowledged the point regarding the Conservation Area but believed that current staff shortage was the issue and he thought this would be considered at a later date, Councillors discussed and had no issues with the building works but there was general concern over parking and vehicle movements. It was noted that the Highways Authority had also commented on these areas. The architect responded to these concerns by explaining what steps had been taken in mitigation but councillors still had some concerns. The

 Chairman then summed up and councillors agreed that the response to the application

 would be to SUPPORT but to seek safeguards relating to the Conservation Area, and with

 the requirement for the provision of adequate screening to the parking area to mitigate

 against establishing a precedent for neighbouring properties, with reference also to the

 response from the Highway Authority regarding vehicles entering and leaving the proposed parking area.

                b) ZC23/04195/FUL – Proposed new greenhouse, The Cow Shed, Home Farm, Follifoot.

                Councillors reviewed the plans and discussed, and  a SUPPORT

                response was agreed.             


                c) ZC23/03494/FUL – The erection of a temporary building (measuring approximately 14.7m

                x 8.7m x 2.9m) for operational use for a period of 5 years. Rudding Park, Rudding Lane.

                d) ZC23/03762/DISCON – Approval of details under condition 3 (joinery details) of Planning

                Application 23/00362/FUL: Formation of terrace and change to use of garage to form activity room. 1 Wingate Court, Plompton.


                e) Tree Preservation Order – TPO No. 52/2023 (Har) – The Harewood Arms, Main Street, Follifoot – CONFIRMED.

                Councillors noted the above decisions and had no comments.             

            7. Chairman’s communications
                A resident had contacted the Chairman, regarding the flooding adjacent to the bridge at the bottom of the hill on Rudding Lane. It’s possibly due to a blocked drainage channel and the clerk will raise the matter with NYC Highways.

            8. Clerk’s communications
                 a) NYC Local Plan consultation

                 The consultation had been discussed briefly at November’s meeting and councillors were going to submit views to the clerk for a council response to be submitted. On closer inspection however, the Chairman had concluded that the format of the consultation was not conducive for specific responses to be made unless an individual was in complete disagreement in principle with an action or approach. He recommended that the Parish Council awaits the next stage of the Plan implementation for comments to be made. Councillors agreed with his proposal.

                 b) NYC draft Housing Strategy consultation

                 The Chairman had gone through the consultation and concluded that due to how questions were framed, responses would almost certainly be “strongly agree.” Cllr Paraskos confirmed that the draft Strategy was at an early point and he thought that the next stages would be more appropriate for specific comments to be made. The clerk will monitor progress and once more details emerge, will bring the matter again to the attention of councillors.

            9. Parish matters
                 a) Following another accident at the Plompton/A661 junction, concern has again been raised by residents over road safety. NYC Highways have again carried out a review of safety aspects at this location but have again concluded that as this incident was, as  previously, due to driver error, and safety and warning signage was not deficient.

    b) The Pound/Horse Pond Beck walls
    Cllr Hall has inspected and advised that re-pointing of both walls is required to prevent

    further deterioration. He will provide an estimate of the likely cost.
    c) Additional Defibrillator for Plompton.

    Grant aid is available, providing up to 50% of the cost of this potentially life saving equipment. Cllr Hall reminded councillors that this proposal had been raised with Plompton residents previously but there had not been a positive response. He will raise again.

    d) Information Centre defibrillator – signage. The Planning Officer has now confirmed that planning approval is not required for the fixing of “Defibrillator” signs. The clerk has requested the local contractor to inspect and provide a quotation for the work.   

10. Traffic calming

a) VAS – Cllr Dickinson reported that data for November had shown a slight improvement over the previous month and that overall, for the 70 weeks of the installation, the speed of 67% of vehicles was below 30mph, and 90% below 35mph. The Chairman thanked Cllr Dickinson for his report.

b) Picket fences – Pannal Road. The clerk had contacted the contractor to arrange installation but unfortunately the lack of availability of the required traffic light system has meant that the work will be delayed until after Christmas. Cllr Paraskos commented that he was aware that many of NYC’s traffic light systems had recently been deployed at flooded road locations, hence the lack of availability for other purposes. Councillors queried whether supply from private sources was an option should this situation persist? The clerk will follow up with the contractor.

         11.   Follifields
                 Upkeep and maintenance – work required.
                 a) Hedge. The clerk confirmed that the contractor had now carried out the work as specified.

                 b) Weeding around the table tennis area and footpath. Work to be completed early in the new year.

                 c) Wildflower area. Work delayed due to weather conditions. The contractor has advised that the cutting back of vegetation will be completed in the next week and removal will be in early January. Councillors noted but stressed that this timing must be adhered to or re-germination will start and this will defeat the objective of cutting and removing.

                  d) ROSPA report. Most of the corrective actions needed referred to low risk items. Cllr Gallimore has contacted Playscheme regarding action needed. To update at the January meeting
                  e) Bench refurbishment. Work again delayed due to the adverse weather conditions. Will be carried out when conditions permit.

                                       12.     Finance

                  a) Review of finances, approve expenditure.

.                 Balance at the bank on 14th December 2023 in Current Account £1258.61 and Deposit Account £26,889.50, total £28,148.11. Bank statements to be initialled by the Chairman in confirmation, as part of his payment authorisation process.          

                  Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 14th December was provided with receipts and payments in the period 9th November to 14th December, reconciling to the account balances shown above. Councillors then unanimously agreed the 8 amounts below for payment.

Clerk’s salary (Dec)M Richards£380.78Bank transfer
PAYE income taxHMRC£95.19Bank transfer
Clerk’s exps (3rd qtr)M Richards£87.50Bank transfer
Room rentalVillage Hall£128.00Bank transfer
PlantsC Dickinson£43.97Bank transfer
DonationCAB£50.00Bank transfer
Donation – child signsSchool£208.20Bank transfer
Hedge trimmingL Sadler£60.00Bank transfer

            b) The clerk ran through the Summary and Cumulative budget statements, explaining the   current position and the anticipated outturn against the agreed budget. He reported that, in discussion with the Chairman, the donation to the School for the “child signs” (subject to councillors’ agreement) had been increased to £208.20 to cover transport costs and VAT. Councillors confirmed their agreement and had no other questions or comments. The clerk also confirmed that the agreed precept demand of £11150 had been submitted to NYC.

            c) VAT. A claim covering the period from September 2020 to date, totalling £1512.35, has been submitted.              

          13.  Items for next meeting

                 Cllr Dickinson reported that he had trimmed the “stalks” from the end of the concrete fence up to the cricket ground. He is concerned about controlling the growth of Himalayan Balsam and how this needs to be dealt with on an ongoing basis. Cllr Dewsnip suggeste that this could be incorporated with the village litter pick? Councillors agreed for this item to be included on the next agenda. The Chairman thanked Cllr Dickinson for his efforts on this and other maintenance work. Consideration will also be given to employing a contractor for cutting back tree growth on Plompton Road.

           Date of next Parish Council meeting:  Thursday 11th January 2024  

Proposals contained in this application, will increase the safeguarding risk for children attending Follifoot Primary School.