14th April 2022


 Thursday  14th April 2022

Held in Follifoot Village Hall.

PRESENT: ChairmanN MacDermid, Vice Chairman A Dewsnip, Councillors C Dickinson, T Hall, T Martin, S Riley and J Locke. In attendance, M Richards (Clerk), Cllr A Paraskos (HBC/NYCC) and 4 residents.

 1.  Apologies: There were no apologies for absence as all councillors were present.

 2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’  
    Register of Interest:

 3. Public Participation session: The Chairman welcomed the four residents

  to the meeting and confirmed that they were able to comment on any issues

 4. Minutes of the meetings held on 10th March 2022: Councillor Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Hall. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.

5. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
Covered as part of the agenda.
6. Chairman’s communications
a) Village stocks. A resident had commented on the gradual deterioration in
     the condition of the Stocks. Councillors agreed that remedial work is 
     needed and the clerk undertook to seek quotations for the work from
     suitably qualified contractors.
     b) Follifields – wildflower area. As discussed previously, the wildflower area is
     becoming overgrown with weeds and other vegetation to such an extent that
     the wildflowers are less visible. The Chairman is to meet with a local resident
     who has expertise in this topic to discuss the best way to return the area to its
     original state. In addition, it was noted that the hedge along Radcliffe Close is
     in need of pruning, both to tidy up and encourage growth. Hedge trimming is
     to be avoided during the bird nesting season (between March & August) and
     so it will be scheduled for later in the year.
     c) Parish Reserves. The Chairman was keen to demonstrate that although
     reserves were at a relatively high level, this was a deliberate action,
     particularly with regard to Follifields and the need to be prepared for
     significant capital expenditure should any of the play equipment need
     replacing. This is also the case for other high value Parish assets, such as
     the bus shelters.
     d) Parish precept. The Chairman sought to explain to councillors (and village
     residents) the reason why Council Tax statements showed a 2.5% increase
     for the Parish precept when the actual year on year increase had been set at
     2% only. This is because to calculate the precept charge to properties within
       the parish, the precept amount is divided by the Taxbase for the parish to
       give the amount charged to a band D property.  The Taxbase is the number
       of chargeable properties expressed in terms of band D and is subject to
       change (up or down) each year.  The Taxbase is also adjusted for changes
       such as single person occupancy or second home discounts. For 22/23
       there was a 0.5% decrease in the Taxbase (from 21/22) which has
       contributed to the additional  0.5% charge over and above the precept
       increase of 2%.
       e) Overhanging trees – a resident on Spofforth Lane at the bottom of the
       village, expressed concern about some trees overhanging their property that
       they consider to be dangeorous. It was agreed that the Chairman would
       provide details of location and photos and the Parish Clerk would forward to
       NYCC Highways.
7. Clerk’s correspondence received
a) Harrogate RUFC. The clerk had circulated a communication from the
       Club, informing of the two day “Juniors and Minis Festival” to be held on the
       weekend of 30th April – 1st May. There will inevitably be a significant volume
       of traffic on the two days but it is hoped to utilise the Club area and facilities
       at Follifoot Ridge Business Park, for car parking. This should hopefully
       minimise any impact on the village. Councillors noted the arrangements and
       wished the Club success in this significant enjoyable (and fundraising)
       b) Village Handyman. The contractor had submitted his quotation for village
       maintenance work for the coming year, which involved an increase in his
       hourly rate from £15 to £17.50. The Chairman observed that whilst this was
       a significant percentage increase (16.6%) it was the first increase for a
       number of years and was still less than his normal charge out rate. One of
       the Parish Councillors with knowledge of this type of work expressed the
       view that it was still good value for money. It was therefore agreed to renew
       the contract arrangement. The contractor for Follifields grass cutting had
       also submitted an increased quotation (£80 per cut, up from £72.50)
       Councillors agreed, accepting fuel cost increases as a contributory factor, to
       renew the contract.
       c) A visitor had emailed the clerk, extolling the virtues of Follifields after
       visiting with her young son. She did suggest however, that some
       improvements could be made to the play equipment by adding an additional
       lower step which would allow younger children easier access, without the  
       need for parental involvement. Councillors initially agreed to follow up this
       suggestion, but Cllr Locke (whose son works in this industry) commented
       that the height of the steps would be designed within the British Standard
       and would be set at that height for safety reasons (which would specifically
       require parent supervision of younger children) Councillors agreed with this
       observation and the clerk undertook to respond to the individual, explaining
      the reasons for the decision not to make changes to the equipment. Cllr
      Dewsnip then observed that there seemed to be increased use of Follifields
      by visitors to the village and was it now time to consider asking for voluntary
      donations to Follifields? The clerk will review various options for collecting
      donations, such as installing an honesty box, use of a QR code etc.
      d) Election arrangements. The clerk reminded councillors that all expense
      claim forms and Acceptance of Office forms needed to be submitted within
      28 days of the election (5 May) He will collect both forms at the May meeting
      for onward transmission to HBC.

       8. Platinum Jubilee
           a) Tree planting.The trees (2 Beech and 1 Rowan) are now available for
           collection. Cllr Hall will collect and plant the trees – the Chairman and Cllr
           Dickinson agreed to place stakes showing the location for the Beech trees
           and Sam Gallimore will do the same for the Rowan tree in Foillifields. The
           clerk will contact Colton Signs to enquire about brass/stainless steel plaques,
           also covering the wording as used elsewhere for comparison purposes,
           before deciding on the actual version. (noted also that the original WI plaque
           still needs replacing, as does the Gallimore Family tree – new location to be
           b) Jubilee Picnic and celebrations. The clerk has submitted a bid for grant
           funding from HBC and the initial response was that bunting rather than a cash
           contribution, will be supplied, if the bid is accepted although this is still to be
           confirmed. Cllr Paraskos agreed to enquire of HBC the expected date of the
           announcement of successful bids.  
       9. Parish matters
a) Plompton. Cllr Hall reported that there were no new issues to report   
           although the grit bins have finally been refilled. He has attempted to ascertain
           details of planned opening times for Plumpton Rocks, but has received no
           response to his queries.
           b) Road safety.
           i) Picket fences – given the incorrect location of the fences, the Chairman
           and Cllr Dickinson have arranged to meet on site to determine the best
           course of action to correct the error. Full consultation will be made with the
           neighbouring property before and changes are implemented.
           ii) VAS. Cllr Dickinson’s previous report had demonstrated a decline in the
           number of vehicles keeping within the speed limit. The latest report is not
           significantly different but shows more vehicles in the lower category (ie
           <30mph) but also more vehicles in the higher category (ie >35mph) It is
           difficult to interpret the reason for this statistic. Period reports will continue to
           be produced to hopefully provide a comprehensive picture of traffic behaviour.
           iii) A resident raised the issue of traffic speeds on Follifoot Road/Pannal Road
           and asked if the matter could be raised with NYCC/NY Police. Councillors
           were sympathetic to this request although also observed that previous
           experience indicated that unless there was strong evidence of injuries or
           deaths arising from traffic accidents, neither authority would be inclined to act
           with regard to decreased speed limits or implementation of other safety
           measures. The clerk will however, raise the issue with the NYCC Highways
           Safety Officer.
           c) Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Meeting of the Parish Council. The clerk
           reminded councillors that the APM and the AMPC are to be held on Thursday
           12 May, commencing at 7.00pm. The Chairman asked if retiring Councillors
           Martin and Riley would attend so that the Parish Council could formally
           acknowledge their contributions to the Parish Council and the community.  
           Both councillors agreed to attend. Tea and biscuits will be provided!

10.  Planning:

       a) Applications Received

       i) 22/01307/FUL – First floor front porch and rear bedroom and bathroom

       extension. 8 Leconfield Garth Follifoot. The Chairman displayed the location

       and plan elevations and invited the applicants who were present, to explain

       the nature of the application. The applicants then confirmed that there would

       be no increase in the building footprint, the new build would be on top of the

       existing extension and would provide a bigger bedroom with ensuite facilities,

       plus another bathroom. Councillors had no concerns and agreed to

       SUPPORT the application.

       ii) 22/01152/TPO – lateral reduction of 1 no. Beech of Tree Preservation

       Order No. 06/2006 T1 -Maximum pruning cuts 70mm. Village End Plompton

       Road, Follifoot. With the proviso that any surgery is approved by HBC

       Arboriculturists and carried out by an appropriately qualified contractor.

       Councillors agreed to SUPPORT the application.

       iii) 22/00649/CLEUD-Certificate of lawfulness for the occupation of dwelling

       without complying with the agricultural occupancy restriction (condition 4 of

       planning permission 88/03945/FUL – Alternative house use Follifoot

       Ridge Farm, Follifoot. The Chairman invited the applicant to explain the

       background to the application. The applicant set out the history of the farm,

       land and buildings and also his intention to return the adjacent land to its original state, dating back to 1859. He had now substantially ceased farming activity but wished to continue occupying the farm building, without the agricultural occupancy requirement. Councillors observed that there would be no change to the appearance of the building and, as there was much less of a demand for agricultural worker specific accommodation, agreed to SUPPORT the application.

       b) Notifications – None.

11.  Finance and Governance:
a)Balance at the bank on 31st March 2022, Current Account £489.69
       and Deposit Account £27,223.95 (total £27,713.64) Bank statements to be            initialled by the Chairman in confirmation, as part of his payment   
       authorisation process.
       b) Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 31st March was provided
       with receipts and payments in the period  1st March to 31st March,
       reconciling to the account balances shown above at a) Councillors
       then unanimously agreed the 5 amounts below for payment.

M RichardsClerk’s salary- March + arrears£377.19Bank Transfer
HMRCPAYE – March£78.17Bank Transfer
YLCA2022/23 subscription£309.00Bank Transfer
S SmithDomain name£14.15Bank Transfer
S HesseldenPicket fences installation£1896.00Bank Transfer

       c)The Chairman then ran through the first budget spreadsheet for 2022-23,  
       explaining the entries for the expenditure recorded above.
       d) 2022/23 budget. The Chairman explained the make up of the budget
       statement which was based on the projected receipts and payments included
       in the precept demand, adjusted for the unpaid amounts from last year.
       Monthly budget statements will continue to be presented for councillor
       oversight and approval.
 12. Items for the next meeting
No matters notified.

       The meeting closed at 9.10pm

       Date of next Parish Council meeting: –

Thursday 12th May 2022. To be held at Follifoot Village Hall, commencing at 7.30pm. This is the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, to be preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting, commencing at 7.00pm.