13th June 2019

​Thursday 13th June 2019

PRESENT: Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T Martin, Councillors
T Hall, C Dickinson and S Riley. In attendance, M Richards (Clerk) and 2 parishioners
1.​Apologies: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. A Dewsnip.​
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of ​Interest: None.
3. Public Participation session: No issues raised.
4.​Minutes of the meeting held on 9th May 2019: Councillor Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Hall. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
5 Matters arising from the previous minutes:
a) Bus service – The clerk reported that he had only received 3 responses from residents about bus service shortcomings, which he had reported to Connexions. Response awaited.
b) Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) speed warning signs.The clerk had circulated the NYCC protocol and councillors discussed the detailed issues it contained. Dissatisfaction was expressed with regard to the prescriptive nature of the protocol, which is very specific both about the type of equipment allowed and also its deployment. However, in spite of these misgivings, councillors agreed with the Chairman that, in principle, acquisition of VAS should be pursued. It was considered that one VAS should be sufficient, to be located and rotated (as required) in three locations, probably on Spofforth Lane, Main Street and on the entrance to the village from John Metcalfe Way. The clerk explained that there was no specific legal power for the purchase of this equipment but, under Section 137 of the 1972 Local Government Act, the Council could spend £8.12 per elector on a purchase likely to be of benefit to all or some parishioners. Accordingly, with 572 electors in the Parish per the Electoral Roll, a sum of £4644 is available to be spent for this purpose (according to NYCC estimated figures, 1 VAS, plus three installed location poles would cost some £4000) Councillors then discussed how to fund this initiative and it was agreed that a brief consultation paper, to be circulated to all residents, should be drafted by the clerk.
c) Bus shelter litter bin. Councillors agreed to the purchase of a litter bin at a cost of some £62 +VAT. The clerk will seek a quotation for installation.
d) Information Audit. Councillors agreed the draft Information Audit, but the Chairman asked whether his licence for the telephone box information centre should also be included. The clerk will follow up. The clerk informed councillors that his filing cabinet for the retention of personal data, was no longer lockable and asked for approval to purchase a replacement. Councillors agreed but suggested that the cost should be shared with the clerk’s two other Councils, as their data would also be stored in the cabinet.
6 Chairman’s communications –
The Chairman confirmed that all items under this heading are included elsewhere in the agenda.
7 Clerk’s correspondence received.
a) Speed limits – the clerk referred to information received from NYCC
Highways relating to the updating of speed limit signs within the Parish,
previously circulated. He confirmed that he had responded to the
Highways Engineer incorporating comments from councillors regarding
the possibility of​extending the area covered by the speed limit sign to
commence on Pannal Road immediately off John Metcalfe Way.
Unfortunately, the Engineer’s response indicated that, “due to lack of
development along that stretch of Pannal Road, it would not be feasible
to extend the 30mph limit to the junction of the A658.” Councillors
discussed this issue further and the clerk will write again to NYCC to make
them aware of the entrance to the “School in the Forest” (opposite Oak
House) to suggest that the 30mph limit be extended to this point due to
the number of children and other pedestrians now using this facility.
The Engineer had also reiterated the reasons for not being able to
implement a reduced speed limit at the A658 end of Haggs Road. The
Parish Council will continue to challenge this stance.
b) Defibrillator maintenance – the clerk had received a communication from
a charitable organisation which operates a maintenance programme for
Community Use Defibrillators (as installed in the Telephone Box
Information Centre) The fee for this service is £200 pa which includes the
cost of replacing pads and batteries. The Chairman confirmed that he
checks the equipment on a weekly basis and that the cost of replacement
pads and batteries (frequency between 2-4 years) would amount to less
than the £200 pa fee. Consequently, councillors agreed not to proceed
with this arrangement.
c) Ethical Standards – the clerk had circulated the recommendations from
this report which basically sets out how a public body should manage
itself, in line with the 7 Principles of Public Life. Councillors will consider
which of these recommendations apply specifically to the Parish Council
and whether and how they need to be implemented, for the next meeting.
d) Law and Governance – the clerk had circulated guidance from YLCA on
Payroll, HMRC and PAYE. The Council is following all of the requirements
as specified, apart from the issuing of a payslip to the clerk. This will be
instituted for the future. The guidance also included information on a
parish council’s power to spend its funds. If a council has the General
Power of Competence (GPC), it can “do anything individuals of full age
can do.” Without GPC however, a council can only spend funds on areas
for which it has a specific legal power. A council can only acquire GPC if
its clerk holds the CILCA (Certificate in Local Council Administration)
The clerk does not hold this qualification, but he will look into the costs
and arrangements for its acquisition.
8 Matters concerning Follifoot
No specific issues arising but a councillor did enquire whether the question of dog fouling had arisen recently – was the position better now than previously? Councillors agreed that this did not seem to be an issue.
9 Matters concerning Plompton
Cllr Hall had no specific issues to report for Plompton.
10 Neighbourhood Watch – the Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator (NWC) confirmed that the PCSO had returned from secondment and was again responsible for policing the area. The clerk will contact the PCSO to invite him to future meetings. The Police National Website had not been updated so there were no reported incidents of local crime. The NWC reminded councillors of the current scams involving fraudsters contacting individuals by phone posing as police or bank officials, reporting, for example, that the individual’s bank account had been fraudulently accessed and that money should be transferred to an alternative account (operated by the fraudster) The reiterated advice is that the Police and banks will NEVER contact individuals in this way and all such calls should be terminated immediately.
11.​Village Up Keep
The Chairman reported that volunteers had recently carried out a general tidy up of various village locations including a major tidy up of Horse Pond Beck at the junction of Main St and Hillside, and planted bedding plants in the beds on the village approach roads. He formally thanked all the volunteers for their help. A councillor reported that the exit to Radcliffe Close was becoming overgrown with vegetation, but it was unclear who was responsible for this area. The clerk will ask the village handyman to clear the area while responsibility is confirmed.
12. FOFWRAP/Follifields:
​a) The Chairman gave an update:
​- the trees and wild flowers are all in bloom
​- the willow tunnel is sprouting
​- unfortunately the Rotary Club donated tree has died. Cllr Dickinson ​ will enquire if the Club is prepared to replace it
​- the table tennis table has been installed
​b) ROSPA safety inspection. The clerk had circulated the report to
councillors which noted a number of minor faults requiring attention. He will
forward the report to Playscheme for their comments, but particularly
regarding the footpegs on the springers which had become detached.
​c) “Folli-FITT has re-commenced. The clerk will review the lease agreement ​and also contact the organiser regarding the agreed contribution towards ​maintenance of Follifields.
d) The Chairman commented that some specific maintenance of Follifields ​was now required. Notably:
​- weeding of the hedgerow
​- tidying the overgrown gravel path
​- possible changes to the staking of the trees in the copse
​The clerk will contact the contractor to obtain a quotation for this work.
​e) “Dog Park” – councillors discussed the requirements for a suitable “dog ​parking” area within Follifields near the entrance. It was agreed that an
enclosed area would be beneficial and the clerk will contact Playscheme (who
installed the Follifield fencing) to see if they can provide a suitable solution
and cost estimate.

13. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank on 31st May 2019, Current Account £357.66 and
Deposit Account £17983.57 (total £18341.23) Bank statements initialled by the ​Chairman, in confirmation – Monthly Budget – See Appendix 1.
b) Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 31st May was provided – see
Appendix 2.
c) Expenditure – Unanimously agreed and authorised by two councillors.

M Richards
Clerk’s salary – May
Bank Transfer
M Richards
Clerk’s exps 4th qtr
Bank Transfer
Bank Transfer
Village handyman
Bank Transfer
Microsoft (M Richards)
Office licence
Bank Transfer
S Bush
Follifields maintenance
Bank Transfer
ROSPA inspection
Bank Transfer

​2 councillors examined the supporting documentation for the above
​expenditure and signed the covering authority sheet as “approved.”
​e) Banking arrangements –the clerk has contacted Barclays Bank who can ​provide a two party online approval system for all payments, but there are ​bank charges of £6.50 per month, plus £2.50 per £100 of cash deposits and ​£2.50 for each cheque deposited. Councillors discussed and agreed that the ​likely cost of some £80.00 per annum was worth the extra control provided. ​The clerk will progress this initiative, once the Chairman has ruled out another ​possible option. ​
14. Planning:
a) Decisions received.
19/01414/FUL – erection of single storey extension, 1 Manor Fold, Follifoot, ​HG3 1UA North Yorkshire​​APPROVED
​Councillors noted the decision.
b) Applications Received
​19/01802/LB – Listed building consent for replacement of 5 single glazed
​timber windows to match existing design.
​Councillors discussed and agreed to SUPPORT the application.
c) Applications received since the agenda was compiled.
15. There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.40.

Date of next Parish Council Meeting:

7.30pm on 11th July 2019 in Follifoot Village Hall, Tofts Lane, Follifoot,