13th February 2020

​Thursday 13th February 2020

PRESENT: Chairman N MacDermid, Councillors A Dewsnip, C Dickinson, T Hall, and S Riley. In attendance, Cllr A Paraskos (NYCC/HBC), M Richards (Clerk), two representatives of NY Police and 3 residents.
1. Apologies: Apologies for absence were received from Vice Chairman T Martin, and Cllr J Locke.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’
Register of Interest: None.
3 Public Participation session: A resident from Plompton notified councillors of
the intention to form a “Residents’ Association for Plompton” which would look
to cover such issues for Plompton specifically, as security, care of the
environment, wifi and state of the access road, for example. Already some 30
expressions of interest in joining the group have been received. The Chairman
responded that, whilst Cllr Hall ensured all matters of interest to Plompton
were discussed and actioned by the Parish Council, he welcomed the
formation of such a residents’ group and offered assistance, if it were needed,
in setting up and maintaining.
4. Introductory report from NY Police
PCSO James Snowdon confirmed that he was covering for PCSO Alastair Graham-Merrett, who was absent on long term sick leave. He is keen to be made aware of all village issues and can be contacted via the 101, non-emergency police phone number, or directly by email (james.snowdon@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk) He asked that all unusual activity eg strange vehicles, irregular night time activity, be reported to him for follow up action. When questioned on traffic speed through the village he responded that whilst the previous operation of “radar guns” by police officers was no longer available, the Community Speedwatch option could be considered as an alternative. Cllr Dewsnip asked if a more frequent police presence in the village was possible, but PCSO Snowdon affirmed that there was regular police attendance, although it may not always be noticed. He did regret the recent reduction in the number of police vehicles available locally, but did hope that this would be addressed in the future. The Chairman thanked the police officers for their attendance and welcomed the contact and cooperation for the future.
5. Minutes of the meeting held on 9th January 2020: Councillor Dewsnip proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Hall. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
6. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
a) “Roadside picket fences”.The clerk has contacted the NYCC Highways Community Safety Officer (Darren Griffiths) who confirmed that such fences would need to be installed by NYCC Highways due to safety concerns. Installation costs however, are based on a flat rate of £90 per hour, so should not be significant. The clerk will research the costs of supply of custom made units and also seek to obtain design drawings from NYCC (if available) He will also contact Little Ouseburn PC (who have already installed such fences) to enquire whether any positive impact on traffic speeds has been evidenced.
b) Home Office consultation – strengthening police powers re unauthorised encampments – the clerk had summarised responses from councillors and the Chairman read out the results. The clerk will circulate the draft summary response for councillor comment before submitting the final version.
7. Chairman’s communications
There were no communications to the Chairman which are not addressed
elsewhere in the agenda.
8 Clerk’s correspondence received.
a) Parish Council consultation meeting. The clerk had previously circulated
the report from the meeting and the Chairman read out the main points
raised.Councillors noted these matters and the responses from HBC officers
but did not consider there was anything of significant concern for this Parish.
b) HBC bulb and wildflower scheme. Councillors agreed to request a supply
of daffodils for planting in Plompton.
c) VE Day – 75th anniversary. The clerk reported that he had received a
number of emails advertising the availability of commemorative items to
support a locally organised event to celebrate the above anniversary. The
Chairman commented that there were no plans for the Parish Council to
organise such an event so there was no interest in purchasing any of the
above items. He did stress however, that if any Parish organisation wished
to hold such an event, the Parish Council would support it.
d) Great British Spring Clean – the clerk had received details of the
nationally sponsored event, to run from 20 March to 13 April. Councillors
agreed to sign up to the national initiative, but would organise its own litter
pick as in previous years. Accordingly, the litter pick was organised for
Sunday 5 April, commencing at 2.00pm. The clerk will arrange for the
supply of equipment from HBC and Cllr Dewsnip agreed to produce a poster
to advertise the event as previously.
e) Rental of Village Hall. Following a request from the Treasurer of the
Village Hall, councillors agreed to pay the invoice (when received) for the 12
month period, in arrears, to March 2019 and then a further invoice (to be
submitted in April) for the 12 months to March 2020.
9 Matters concerning Follifoot
a) Street lighting in Radcliffe Close. Cllr Riley had attempted on numerous
occasions to confirm the responsible party for the street lighting as 2 lights
had failed. She had approached the Housing Association (Homegroup) who
were adamant that it was not their responsibility. NYCC had not denied
responsibility but, as Radcliffe Close had not as yet been added to their “list
of responsibility”, were unable to take action. Cllr Riley will pursue once
more but if no further progress is made she will refer it back to the clerk to
take up formally with NYCC.
10 Matters concerning Plompton
Cllr Hall reported a number of recent incidents had occurred, principally a stolen car used in drugs theft and three burglaries. PCSO Snowden was pleased to confirm that arrests had been made and the culprits charged.
11 Neighbourhood Watch – the Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator (NWC) had circulated his report to councillors, which summarised the reported crimes in and around the Parish, in December. He stressed the value in having a nominated PCSO available to pursue directly matters of concern to the Parish. He had also made contact with the police officer (Andy Fox) responsible for the publicity of frauds and scams. He would arrange a local presentation from this officer if desired. Cllr Dewsnip also mentioned the 13th May meeting of the WI, when a representative from Trading Standards, Mark Lacey, is to give a presentation on frauds and scams. This is an open meeting and all are welcome to attend.
12.Village Up Keep
As reported above, the Spring litter pick will take place on Sunday 5 April, details to be confirmed at the March meeting of the PC. Cllr Dickinson mentioned the need for some refurbishment of the bus shelters. The Chairman agreed to consider this aspect as part of his annual physical review of Parish assets.
13. FOFWRAP/Follifields:
​The Chairman reported that the “pegs” on the springers had still not been
replaced. The clerk apologised and will raise again with Playscheme. The
Chairman suggested that contact via telephone was now necessary as email
communication was clearly not working. The clerk will make contact via the
telephone and request a permanent solution.
14. Finance:
The clerk confirmed that the transfer of funds from HSBC to Barclays was
now complete and that the dual authorisation process for all payments would
come into operation from this date. The HSBC accounts would be formally
closed once it was confirmed that all income (eg bank interest) had been
a) Balance at the bank on 31st January 2020, Current Account £2672.84
and Deposit Account £20,000 (total £22,672.84) Bank statements initialled
by the Chairman, in confirmation – Monthly Budget – See Appendix 1. The
Chairman asked for another column to be inserted, showing payments still
to be made, up to the year end, so that councillors would be able to see the
actual expected outturn, compared with the original budget figure.
b) Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 31st January was provided
c) Expenditure 10th January 2020 – to 14th February 2020 to be approved
and authorised by two councillors on examination of the supporting
M Richards
Clerk’s salary – Dec
Bank Transfer
Bank Transfer

Unanimously agreed and then authorised by two councillors, who examined
the supporting documentation and signed the covering authority sheet as
d) Internal Audit report – the Chairman summarised the report which had
been circulated previously. The auditor had completed his quarterly review
and was satisfied that financial systems and procedures were operating
securely and he had no matters to bring to the attention of councillors. He
did suggest however, that a possible improvement in efficiency could be
achieved if all invoices were scanned and then retained electronically,
instead of filing paper copies. The clerk agreed to implement this procedure
on a trial basis.
a) Notification of decisions received since last meeting.
19/05099/FUL – demolition of single storey entrance lobby – erection of
two storey extension – 16 Leconfield Garth.​
Councillors noted the above decision.
b) Applications Received
i) 20/00209/PBR Prior notification for conversion of agricultural building
to form 2 dwellings – Wingate Farm, Plompton.
After lengthy discussion, councillors agreed their response should be to
neither support nor object to the planning application but to seek
clarification over the impact of re-opening the access road.
ii) 20/00212/FUL – Demolition of single storey extension and erection of
2 storey extension – Aketon Cottage, Spofforth Lane, Follifoot.
Councillors discussed and agreed to support the application.
c) Applications received since the agenda was compiled.
20/00429/FUL Scalibar Farm, Plompton – Demolition of existing
livestock building and erection replacement livestock building.
Councillors discussed and agreed to support the application.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.20.
Date of next Parish Council Meeting:
7.30pm on 12th March 2020 in Follifoot Village Hall, Tofts Lane, Follifoot​