12th October 2023


Held in the Village Hall on 12th October 2023

  1. PRESENT: Chairman N MacDermid, Vice Chairman A Dewsnip, Cllrs T. Hall, C. Dickinson, S. Gallimore and K.Tharby. Also in attendance Cllr A Paraskos (NYC), M Richards (Clerk), six members of the public and 2 senior staff from Rudding Park (RP)
  2. Apologies:  Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr. J. Locke.
  3. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None.
  4. Minutes of the meeting held on 14th September 2023:  The minutes were proposed as a correct record by Councillor Hall and seconded by Councillor Dickinson. The Vice Chairman then signed the minutes.
  5. Matters arising from previous minutes: None.

6.   Planning

                Applications Received

                a) ZC23/03494/FUL – The erection of a temporary building (measuring

                approximately 14.7m x 8.7m x 2.9m) for operational use for a period of 5

                years – Rudding Park.

                The Chairman displayed the site plan of the application and RP explained that the objective was to create a temporary restaurant from a prefabricated “drop in” unit for use whilst the substantial development and new building work was being completed. The plan is for an “immersive” restaurant with the chef being amongst the diners. Sixteen covers only are planned. Additional parking spaces will be provided near the kitchen garden. The Chairman observed that other official consultees had no comments or issues and, as councillors also had no further comments, it was resolved to SUPPORT the application.

                b) ZC23/03226/OUT – proposed development of infill site on Pannal Road, Follifoot to provide 3no. open market dwellings and 1no. affordable dwelling, with access and layout considered. Field Between Moorfields and Bryden House, Pannal Road. 

                The Chairman displayed the site plan and explained that whilst new building in the Green Belt is not normally permitted, one exception is where “in-fill” development (ie building between existing properties) is proposed, and this application (which also includes one other qualifying exception –  an affordable home) falls into that category. A local resident asked how residents are made aware of these applications and what is the role of the Parish Council? The Chairman explained that the only legal requirement for promulgation of such applications is the display of the Green Site Notice. Although it is good practice, there is no formal requirement for the developer to consult with local residents. The Paris Council has an extremely limited role and is only able to respond to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) as a “consultee” to each planning application, considering the merits of each and how it fits into the local environment. The PC has 4 possible responses available:

                Support, Object, No Objection, or neither Support nor Object but offer comments o observations. Any Objection must be based on strictly specified planning grounds and will be disregarded if it does not meet that requirement. The LPA has the final decision whether to grant or refuse the application. A councillor then asked the local residents present, what they felt about the application. One resident responded that he felt there would be an adverse impact on the village environment and this could be the “thin end of the wedge” leading to more similar applications which could cause problems with such issues as schooling and infrastructure. Councillors noted these concerns but felt that the benefits of this scheme outweighed the perceived downside and so they agreed to SUPPORT the application. The chairman did advise residents that if they wanted to formally object to the application, they should write to North Yorkshire Council focusing on specific aspects of planning policy.

                The six residents and two RP senior staff left the meeting at this point


                c) ZC23/02875/DVCON PROPOSAL: Application for variation of condition 2

                (approved plans) of planning permission 22/03871/FUL: Demolish existing

                garage. Erect replacement detached garage to north-west of dwellinghouse.

                Proposed hardstanding -Tree Cottage, Haggs Road.


                Councillors noted the above decision and had no comments.

             7. Chairman’s communications
                 Dealt with as part of the agenda.

8. Clerk’s communications
    a) “Just a kiss” – an information film sponsored by North Yorkshire Police, to help raise

    awareness of stalking, how to report stalking and where to find help. Councillors discussed and felt that it was indeed good practice to raise awareness and the information should be uploaded to the community FaceBook page.  

    b) TPO 44/2023 (HAR) Priory Lodge, Plompton Road  – councillors to note confirmatithe Tree Preservation Order, made on 22nd June 2023.

  9. Parish matters
      a) Plompton
       Cllr Hall reported that the new road had given rise to incidents of speeding through the   Lodge gates. The individuals concerned will be spoken to and requested to be more considerate and reduce their speed.

b) The clerk confirmed he had contacted NYC Enforcement to ask for an update on the two outstanding enforcement cases at Tower House and The Barn, but as yet had received no response. He will follow up.

c) Information Centre/Telephone Box refurbishment. It is pleasing to note that the paint supplier acknowledged their mistake in supplying the wrong colour paint and, in conjunction with the painting contractor, have rectified the position with the correct paint being used. The Chairman commented on the excellent job and observed that, with three coats of paint being applied, the timing of the next refurbishment had been further extended!

d) Defibrillator signage. The clerk had submitted a “Householder Planning Check” form for the replacement of the “TELEPHONE” signage with “DEFIBRILLATOR” and a response is due by 16 October. The clerk will follow up as necessary.

e) The Pound wall has deteriorated and is in need of re-pointing. As it is a Listed Building any work needs to be in keeping with existing mortar. Cllr Hall, in his professional capacity, agreed to inspect and recommend the action to be taken. A similar situation exists with the wall at Horse Pond Beck and Cllr Hall agreed to carry out a similar review.

10.Traffic calming

a) VAS – Cllr Dickinson has downloaded current data which shows little variance from previous. It was interesting to note that weekly traffic numbers have not varied greatly in the time the VAS has been operational. One other interesting fact is that there has been a definite downwards trend of vehicles exceeding the speed limit, with both <30mph and <35mph data showing clear percentage increases. Councillors noted.

b) Picket fences. Whilst a rather vague response from NYC Highways re the need or otherwise for traffic lights for the installation works, had been received, the clerk had confirmed with the contractor that, without the deployment of traffic lights, his Liability insurance would be invalid. Councillors discussed and agreed that whilst the cost of installation would now be quite significant, the scheme should go ahead, given the perceived benefits of the fences improving road safety. The clerk will instruct the contractor accordingly.

         11.   Follifields
                 Upkeep and maintenance – work required.
                 a) Hedge. The hedge along Radcliffe Close has now been trimmed as required. The Chairman and Cllr Gallimore will inspect the top hedge and decide what needs to be done before discussing with the contractor.

                 b) Weeding around the table tennis area and footpath. Contractor instructed to carry out the work. Confirmed that he holds the appropriate licence for application of industrial weedkiller.

                 c) Wildflower area. Contractor instructed to carry out the work based on the quotation supplied. The work will be completed at the end of October/beginning of November.
                 d) Signage for bottom gate. Sign received from Colton Signs. The clerk agreed to affix to the gate or fence as appropriate.
                  e) Goal net pegs. Extra heavy-duty pegs purchased and installed.
                  f) Bench refurbishment. Lowest quotation accepted, contractor instructed. Quotation for the reconstruction of the Kitty Corner bench was also accepted.

                                       12.     Finance

                  a) Review of finances, approve expenditure.

.                 Balance at the bank on 12th October 2023 in Current Account £284,21 and Deposit

                  Account £30,793.29, total £31077.50. Bank statements to be initialled by the Chairman iconfirmation, as part of his payment authorisation process.          

                  Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 12th October was provided with receipt and payments in the period 14th September to 12th October, reconciling to the account balances shown above. Councillors then unanimously agreed the 6 amounts below for payment.

Clerk’s salary (Oct)M Richards£346.66Bank transfer
PAYE income taxHMRC£86.67Bank transfer
Hedge trimmingSadler Tree Services£280.00Bank transfer
Phone box refurbICD Painting & Decorating£630.43Bank transfer
Gate signColton Signs£33.60Bank transfer
Village Hall EPCK Holcroft£340.00Bank transfer

            b) The clerk went through the Summary and Cumulative budget statements, explaining the current position and the anticipated outturn against the agreed budget. Councillors had noquestions or comments. The Chairman then thanked FOFS for organising the fundraising


          13.  Items for next meeting

                 No matters notified.

           Date of next Parish Council meeting:  Thursday 9th November.