11th May 2023


Held in the Village Hall on 11th May 2023

PRESENT:  Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman A. Dewsnip, Councillors S.Gallimore, K.Tharby, T. Hall, C. Dickinson and J. Locke. (NYC Councillor A. Paraskos and PC Commissioner Z Metcalfe arrived 8.25, for item 8 f onwards) and four residents, Clerk M. Richards. Also in attendance, 2 members of Rudding Park Hotel senior management. (RP)

Election of Chair: Councillor MacDermid was proposed as Chairman for 2023/24 by Councillor Hall, seconded by Councillor Dewsnip, and was elected unanimously.

Election of Vice Chair:  Cllr Dewsnip was proposed as Vice Chairman for 2023/24 by Cllr MacDermid, seconded by Councillor Locke and was elected unanimously.

Election of Village Hall Representatives:  Cllrs MacDermid and Dewsnip were re-elected as Village Hall representatives, proposed by Cllr Locke and seconded by Cllr Hall. Cllr Dewsnip then informed councillors that the Village Hall Trust had been updated thereby allowing other Parish Councillors to be appointed to the Village Hall Committee, but without voting rights. Councillors noted, for future consideration.


  1. Apologies:  There were no apologies for absence as all councillors were present.
  2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: Councillor Hall declared an interest in the Plompton road resurfacing proposals.
  3. Public Participation session: See item 6.
  4. Meeting Minutes held on 13th April 2023:  The minutes were proposed as a correct record by Councillor Hall and seconded by Councillor Dewsnip. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.
  5. Matters arising from the Annual Parish Meeting and previous minutes: None.
  6. Chairman’s communications:

Plompton road re-surfacing proposal. The two members of the Plompton Residents’ Group (PRG) explained the role they would like the Parish Council to play in the proposed scheme for resurfacing the (private, unadopted) entrance road into Plompton. They stressed that the PC would have no active involvement in any part of the scheme but would merely act as a “convenient and trusted receiver of monies”, receiving the individual payments from the households and landowners who had initially agreed to contribute, and then paying the appointed contractor on completion of the work. The clerk pointed out that whilst the Parish Council had the legal power to hold funds collected on behalf of the PRG, it did not have the power to pay a contractor for work of this nature – any payment would have to be made by a representative of the PRG.  Councillors then voiced the following concerns:

  • What happens if insufficient funds are raised?
  • What happens if the scheme goes awry and there are internal disputes?
  • What fixed guarantees are there for individual contributions?
  • What is the timeframe for collecting contributions and execution of the contract?

              The representatives of the PRG acknowledged councillors’ concerns and reservations. They affirmed that no contractor would be engaged until sufficient funds had been received and under no circumstances would the Parish Council be expected to make up the difference from any shortfall – this would be the responsibility of the PRG. They agreed to draw up a document with an undertaking for each contributor to sign and return, acknowledging their understanding of how the scheme would operate, the limited role of the Parish Council and guaranteeing the amount of their contribution. After further discussion, councillors agreed in principle to the PRG’s proposal and request but only if the “residents’ undertaking” document fully addressed their concerns and reservations as expressed.         

  1. Clerk’s correspondence
    a) Commuted sums – the clerk confirmed that the NYC officer will attend the June meeting to explain commuted sums and CIL, and answer councillors’ questions.
    b) Picket fence – re-location. The contractor is to submit a quotation for installing the removed Haggs Road picket fence on Pannal Road. The Chairman suggested available councillors to meet on Tuesday 16th May at 8.00pm, to identify best location for the fence.
  2. Parish Matters
    a) Plompton

Councillor Hall had no issues to report.
b) Time capsule. Pen portraits from villagers had been requested at the Coronation event and this will be extended via the Community FaceBook page. Councillors also encouraged to participate. Other interesting ideas welcomed and the location for the capsule will be determined in due course.

c) Grass cutting – the grassy area on Plompton Road at the entrance to the village has been reported as being overgrown. The clerk will ask the village handyman to include this area in his maintenance programme, as well as the entrance to Plompton.

d) Cllr Gallimore reported that she had been approached by a resident with the offer of an additional bench for Follifields. Councillors discussed but decided that, with the additional bench purchased through Cllr Paraskos’ grant, there were now sufficient benches in Follifields, for the time being. Cllr Gallimore was asked to notify the resident of this decision with thanks but add that the offer could be taken up in the future if circumstances change.

e) Horse Pond Beck wall. The wall has been reported as being in need of re-pointing. The clerk will approach local contractors for a quotation.

At this point, Cllr Paraskos and the Police and Crime Commissioner, Zoe Metcalfe, arrived.

The Chairman welcomed both to the meeting, indicating that it was appropriate timing, regarding the next agenda item!

f) Anti-social behaviour. There had been several recent incidents of anti-social behaviour, mainly being vandalism and deliberately inconsiderate littering in Follifields and the “Born of the Forest” area. The Commissioner was quite clear in her response, in that any evidence of crime, no matter how small, should be reported to the police via 999 or 101. Lengthy discussion ensued over general policing issues, with again the Commissioner being quite clear, urging that all suspicious activity should be reported promptly to the police. She agreed to follow up on the role of Neighbourhood Policing and the potential occasional attendance at Parish Council meetings by the locally designated PC or PCSO.

g) Lower bus shelter bin. As the new, larger NYC bin has been removed to Follifields, councillors discussed the need for a smaller replacement bin – the possible relocation of the old displaced Follifields bin was considered but it was felt NYC would not sanction this. The Chairman favoured the placing of a small bin fixed to the wall and this met with favour, but the drawback was that this bin would not be emptied by NYC. Whilst Cllr Dickinson volunteered to undertake this function other councillors had doubts as there was felt to be little evidence of  much litter being present. Councillors agreed to leave the issue pro tem until a clearer picture emerged of the definite need for an additional bin. In the meantime, the clerk will ascertain the cost of a small bin.

  1. Traffic calming 

a) VAS. The latest data does not show significant change in traffic speeds and volume.

b) Picket fences. The clerk has contacted the contractor who will provide a quotation for re-installing the picket fence removed from Haggs Road to a new location on Pannal Road, after the A658 junction.

c) Meeting with NYC Highways Officer to discuss revised 30mph and 20mph limits. Meeting to be re-arranged – the clerk will liaise with Cllr Paraskos.

  1. Follifields

a) Maintenance – noted that grass cutting has now commenced. Cllr Gallimore confirmed that:     – a quote is to be obtained for applying weedkiller to the gravel path

            – she is following up implementation of the ROSPA report recommendations

            – the “pinch point” on the entrance gate. After discussion, she agreed with the  

             contractor that the best course of action was to install a “buffer” rather than removal and refitting of the gate – this will be arranged.

                          -Goal mouth re-seeding – to follow up with contractor
                          – formation of Willow Tunnel. She had approached Horticap who had indicated that they did not have the necessary expertise for this project. She will contact a landscape gardener for advice.       

b) Cllr Gallimore then reported that she had witnessed several instances of individuals climbing on the table tennis table and also inappropriately on other items of play equipment. She had purchased stickers to affix on the equipment warning against this activity. She also recommended moving the large sign indicating forbidden activities, to a more prominent position on the entrance gate – councillors agreed.

  1. Planning
  2. Applications Received:

              i)  23/01184/OUTMAJ – outline planning permission with all matters reserved, to be implemented in phases, for: a) Demolition of the existing golf club facility, ancillary and related outbuildings, partial demolition of the later addition to the Deerhouse, and other associated structures; b) Erection of a new destination golf/country club facility to provide replacement facilities and swimming pool, club and related facilities, and associated areas;

              c) Erection of new tennis pavilion, outdoor tennis courts, car parking, related facilities, and associated areas; d) Provision of a family facility adjacent to the walled garden, including the provision of a children’s activity centre, indoor and outdoor swimming pool, cafe, creche, and associated areas; e) Restoration works to the Walled Garden and its surrounds; f)

              Improvements to existing and expansion of car parking areas; g) Creation of a series of routes and walkways with associated public realm improvements; and h) Provision of buildings, structures, servicing areas and site-wide associated landscaping, infrastructure, ancillary storage, equipment, associated earthworks and engineering works and operations.

              Rudding Park, Follifoot.

              Rudding Park Senior Management (RP) had conducted several introductory, explanatory sessions on this project, at which councillors had been present. They now confirmed that there were no material changes to the original application and were pleased to note that several comments from local residents in favour of the scheme had been recorded on the Planning Portal.  The Chairman summed up the Parish Council’s position affirming no change from its previous stance and it was resolved to SUPPORT the application.

              NB – subject to planning permission being granted, CIL will be payable on this scheme.

              Note – this item was discussed immediately after item 6 above, to allow RP early departure.

              ii) 23/01192/FUL – Extension and conversion of stables to create staff accommodation and extension to existing stable barn. Prospect Kennels, Pannal Road.

              The Chairman displayed the actual and proposed plans. Councillors had no concerns and it was resolved to SUPPORT the application.

              iii) 23/01406/FUL – Single storey pitched roof side extension to create assisted en-suite bathroom facility to master bedroom, new house bathroom and guest bedroom. Stonegarth, The Paddocks, Follifoot.

              The Chairman displayed the existing and proposed plans which councillors considered were not over-development, being a modest extension and in keeping with neighbouring properties and it was therefore resolved to SUPPORT the application.

b) Decisions

             i) 22/03737/FUL to lower the windowsill to cloakroom/lobby area. Stable Cottage, Manor  
             Court – GRANTED.
             ii) 23/00856/FUL – Proposed first floor extension over existing flat roof and raising existing
             adjoining roof lines to match. The Old School House, Rudding Lane – GRANTED.  
             Councillors noted the above decisions.

  1. Finance:
  2. Balance at the bank on 11th May 2023 in Current Account £1,490.53 and Deposit Account £30,177.58, total £31,668.11. Bank statements to be initialled by the Chairman in confirmation, as part of his payment authorisation process.
  3. Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 11th May was provided with receipts and payments in the period 13th April 2023 to 11th May 2023, reconciling to the account balances shown above at a) Councillors then unanimously agreed the 6 amounts below for payment.
Grass cuttingS Bush£88.00Bank transfer
Clerk’s salaryM Richards£346.66Bank transfer
InsuranceBHIB£507.60Bank transfer
PAYE income taxHMRC£86.67Bank transfer
Time capsuleA Dewsnip£52.99Bank transfer
  • Draft annual accounts

The clerk had presented the draft accounts to the Annual Parish Meeting and councillors indicated their agreement for the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) to be completed based on these figures. The clerk also confirmed that the Parish Council is again exempt from an external audit review as turnover was below the £25,000 threshold. The AGAR statements and Annual Internal Audit certificate will be available for formal review by councillors and will be signed off at the June meeting.

  • Receipts – the Parish Council was pleased to receive a donation of £40 from a local resident, towards the upkeep of Follifields.
  1. Items for next meeting
    None notified.
  1. Date of next Parish Council meeting:  Thursday 8th June 2023 at 7.30pm in Follifoot Village Hall.