11th April 2019

​Thursday 11th April 2019

PRESENT: Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T Martin, Councillors
A Dewsnip, T Hall, and S Riley. In attendance, NYCC Cllr A Paraskos and 3 parishioners

1.​Apologies: Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. C Dickinson, and
J Locke.​
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of ​Interest: None.
3. Public Participation session: No issues raised.
4.​Minutes of the meeting held on 14th March 2019: Councillor Hall ​proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Martin. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes,.
5 Matters arising from the previous minutes:
a) Bus service – further examples of unacceptable performance had been noted and additional evidence from those residents who attended the Annual Parish Meeting was welcomed. The clerk had requested residents to contact him via email so he had sufficient evidence to raise with Connexions and NYCC.
b) Rudding Lane traffic lights – now confirmed that it is definitely a Yorkshire Water problem, but obvious repair work has still not been undertaken. Cllr Paraskos will contact Yorkshire Water to press for action.
6 Chairman’s communications –
The Chairman reported that he and Cllr Martin had met with representatives of Follifoot Cricket Club . Clubs such as Follifoot are under a variety of pressures, both on and off the field and the biggest challenges are membership and funding. Accordingly, the Cricket Club is very keen to re-engage with the community and the Parish Council looks forward to working with the Club and supporting it in any way it can. The Cricket Club is considering providing campsite facilities for the forthcoming international cycling events, centred on Harrogate. The Parish Council supports the Cricket Club in its aims but cannot be directly involved in organising and running such a venture as it could be a conflict if interest. The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Parish Council outlined the potential challenges with such a venture, particularly the necessary cost and time of ensuring the necessary facilities are in place (e.g. Security, Lighting, Toilets, Rubbish) The Cricket Club is to consider further and come back with more detailed proposals.
7 Clerk’s correspondence received.
The clerk confirmed that he had circulated the feedback from the recent parish consultation meeting but there was nothing of significance discussed which was relevant to this Parish Council. Councillors agreed.
8 Matters concerning Follifoot
No specific issues arising other than those covered elsewhere on the agenda.
9 Matters concerning Plompton
Cllr Hall had no specific issues to report for Plompton.
10 Neighbourhood Watch – the Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator (NWC) apologised for the lack of a report to the March meeting. He confirmed that, in the absence of the dedicated PCSO, the specific “crime reports” would no longer be produced, but he would review the national police website, drilling down to the Parish area, to produce reports of relevant criminal activity. He stressed that this would not be as detailed as previously but would still give an indication of areas of concern and interest to the Parish Council. He also referred to the “North Yorkshire Community Messaging Service” (authored by NY Police) which highlighted areas of concern largely concerning “scams” such as cyber and telephone crime. There was nothing specific to report on this occasion.
The NWC left the meeting at this point
11.​Village Up Keep
a) The Chairman suggested the Spring Litter Pick should be scheduled and Councillors agreed that it should take place on Sunday 28 April. The clerk undertook to arrange the supply of the necessary equipment etc from HBC but pointed out that he was aware that Kirkby Overblow was undertaking a similar exercise on the same day (but in the morning) Accordingly it was agreed that the litter pick would commence at 14.00hrs.
b) The Chairman commented that the flower beds on the approaches to the village were in need of weeding and clearing. The clerk will contact the village handyman to arrange. Also the verges at Follifields were in need of similar attention and the clerk will contact the Follifields contractor.
12. Road safety – the clerk has been in contact with the NYCC Highways Officer
to discuss the possibility of imposing speed restriction on certain areas of John
Metcalfe Way/Haggs Road, but was informed that the recent history of road
accidents and the surrounding environment etc did not meet the criteria for
implementing any speed restriction below the national speed limit. Councillors
noted the response but indicated that the Parish Council’s approach would
continue to be pressing for action to improve road safety throughout the
13. FOFWRAP/Follifields:
​a) The Chairman reported that it was hoped that the exterior table tennis table
would be installed in time for the Easter weekend.
​b) ROSPA safety inspection. The clerk confirmed that he had arranged that ​HBC will carry out this annual function, but the Chairman was concerned that ​the first inspection was now due and HBC’s inspection would not be until later ​in the Summer. The clerk has now arranged for HBC to carry out an early ​inspection, as soon as possible, but at a cost of some £250 (this compares
favourably with other quotations received)
14. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank on 31st March 2019, Current Account £4677.97 and
Deposit Account £9733.57 (total £14,411.54) – Monthly Budget – See
Appendix 1. These figures unfortunately reflect the impact of the £4,900.00
fraudulent transaction but thankfully the position was rectified on 3 April by the
return of the funds, thereby giving a true year-end balance of £19,311.54.

b) Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 31st March was provided – see
Appendix 2.
c) Expenditure – Unanimously agreed and authorised by two councillors.
M Richards
Clerk’s salary – March
Bank Transfer
M Richards
Clerk’s exps 4th qtr
Bank Transfer
Johnson’s of Whixley
Follifields trees
Bank Transfer

​2 councillors examined the supporting documentation for the above
​expenditure and signed the covering authority sheet as “approved.”
​d) Draft Annual Accounts – the accounts had been circulated at the Annual
Parish Meeting and the clerk had answered questions from the floor. The
accounts, books, working papers and all relevant documents will be supplied
to the internal auditor in time for him to complete his review and report to the
May meeting.
e) Banking arrangements – a full review will be undertaken, including the
possibility of establishing a two party online approval system for all payments.
As a priority, the clerk will arrange for a) a revised bank mandate to remove
all ex-councillors and clerks (where applicable) and b) a revision to the daily
online payment limit (reduction from £5,000 to £ 1,000)
15. Draft GDPR Policy – the clerk will circulate to the Chairman, Vice Chairman
and internal auditor for comment, prior to finalising. ​
16. Planning:
a) Decisions received.
19/00133/COU – Change of Use of woodland for outdoor learning and play
sessions. Land Comprising Woodland At 433752 452597 Pannal Road
Follifoot North Yorkshire.
b) Applications Received
i)19/01414/FUL – Erection of single storey extension. 1 Manor Fold
Follifoot HG3 1UA.
Councillors discussed and agreed a response of NO OBJECTION
ii) 19/01516/FUL – erection of single storey extension and other supporting
works – Rudding Park Hotel – no supporting papers or plans were available on
HBC’s public access planning site, so councillors were unable to review. The
clerk will contact HBC to request more information and apply for an extension
to the response deadline to allow the Parish Council to consider at the May

​d) Applications received since the agenda was compiled.
17. There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.30.

Date of next Parish Council Meeting:

7.30pm on 9th May 2019 in Follifoot Village Hall, Tofts Lane, Follifoot, This is the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and includes election of the Chairman and Vice Chairman.