10th February 2022

​Thursday 10th February 2022
Held in Follifoot Village Hall, following the relaxation of Government guidelines regarding the coronavirus pandemic.

PRESENT: Chairman N MacDermid, Vice Chairman A Dewsnip, Councillors C Dickinson, T Hall, T Martin, J Locke, and S Riley. In attendance, M Richards (Clerk), 2 residents and two members of Rudding Park Hotel senior management (RPH)
1.​Apologies: There were no apologies for absence as all councillors were present.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’
Register of Interest: None.
3. Public Participation session: The Chairman welcomed the two residents
and RPH to the meeting and confirmed that they were able to comment on
any issues raised.
4.​Minutes of the meetings held on 13th January 2022: Councillor Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Riley. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes: Dealt with as part of the
6. Chairman’s communications
The Chairman took the opportunity to mention the Spring litter pick. It was
agreed the most suitable date would be 13th March at 2.00pm. The clerk will
arrange with HBC for the supply of the necessary equipment etc. Cllr Dewsnip
undertook to produce and display a poster asking for volunteers.
7. Clerk’s correspondence received
a) School donation. In response to the School’s request for a donation
towards its activities, councillors indicated their approval but, before
agreeing the amount, asked for details of a specific item of expenditure. Cllr
Riley, in liaison with the School, would provide specific details, possibly the
funding of swimming lessons for Year 2 children?
b) Rugby Club appeal. The Rugby Club had circulated local parish councils
asking for support in promulgating both its activities and also its need for
volunteers to assist in all areas of club activity. Councillors were happy to
offer support and the clerk will make contact to suggest various options to
meet the Club’s request eg entries in the Village News, putting up posters on
the Parish notice boards, input to the website.
c) HBC bulbs and wildflower scheme. Councillors discussed and agreed to
request a supply of daffodil bulbs.
d) Platinum Jubilee events. The Chairman reported that the Village Hall
Committee and WI have been discussing a village picnic to be held on Sunday 5 June. The event to comprise “bring your own” food and drinks in
conjunction with traditional old fashioned sports such as tug o’ war, 3-legged
race etc. He suggested that the Parish Council joins in with the arrangements
for this event. Councillors agreed.
8. Follifields.
a) Platinum Jubilee Tree. Following his meeting with the owner of Rudding
Estate, the Chairman confirmed that both locations proposed ie Follifields and
the plot between the Church and The Pound, were acceptable. Councillors
explored the most appropriate variety of tree for these sites, whether Oak,
Flowering Cherry or Rowan. The clerk will seek advice from a local supplier
regarding suitability of the above varieties as well as availability, cost, best planting time and ongoing care. Cllr Locke reported that he had a large oak sapling which he offered for one of the locations and this, along with an oak tree to be provided by Rudding Estate, would be appropriate for the Church/Pound location.
A final decision will be made on other trees when the professional advice
above has been received.
b) Wildflower area. HBC horticultural officers had advised that the best
approach for returning the area to its original state, with a better display of
wildflowers, was to remove all cuttings when the area is cut back in
October/November. Cllr Dewsnip commented that a local resident with
expertise in this subject had offered to examine the area and make relevant
recommendations.To report at March meeting.
. 9. Parish matters
a) Plompton. Cllr Hall reported that there were no new issues to report
although again the grit bins had still not been refilled. The clerk will raise
yet again with NYCC.
b) Road safety.
i) Picket fences – the clerk reported that due to the unavailability of traffic light
systems, installation would now be towards the end of February. The
Chairman commented that this was again disappointing, but could not be
ii) VAS. Cllr Dickinson requested assistance with the task of switching the
direction of the data capture device. The Chairman and Cllr Locke offered to
10. Planning:
a) Applications Received
i) 21/05487/FULMAJ – Partial demolition of existing driving range building,
erection of two storey driving range building including retail provision,
teaching facilities, cafe/bar and associated areas (Use Class E(a), E(b),
E(d), F2(c) and Sui Generis) Reconfiguration and extension to existing car
park, earthworks relating to the reconfiguration of existing ground contours
and golf bunkers with all associated landscaping, ancillary storage and
apparatus and all engineering, drainage works and operations. Rudding
Park Driving Range, Follifoot.
The Chairman displayed the existing layout of the range building and RPH
explained that, due to significant technical improvements in golf equipment
since the original range was built, golf balls driven from the left hand bay of
the range were capable of reaching beyond the right hand boundary of the
driving range and Cllr Dickinson reported that golf balls were regularly found
on both verges of the A658, clearly a potential danger to traffic. The solution
to this issue is to straighten the angle of the left hand bay and to modify
design and orientiation of all of the bay dividers so that all driven balls would
be contained within the driving range proper, Cllr Locke asked about
the potential for increased light pollution? RPH responded that the new installing led lights would be installed lower down and would in fact help reduce the glare
with a greater spread of coverage. Discussions were also had about parking
capacity and it was explained that exisiting overflow parking would be utilised.
Councillors had no issues of concern with any of the other proposed
developments within the scheme and were happy to SUPPORT the
RPH then gave a brief update on the previously discussed (and approved)
Combined Heat and Power unit. HBC had carried out an acoustic analysis
which indicated that noise levels were at 39dB which apparently equates to
conversation levels in a library! Tender documents have been issued for
creating the sedum roof and the work is proceeding smoothly. The Chairman
thanked RPH for their presentation and they then left the meeting at this point
ii) 22/00037/FUL – Construction of above ground slurry lagoon. Scalibar
Farm, Wetherby Road to Scalibar Farm, Plompton, HG5 8LP, The Chairman
displayed the location of the Farm. Councillors’ only concern was the
possibility of the smell from the slurry drifting to neighbouring properties, but
it was clear that these properties were at a distance where this would not be
an issue. On that basis and also as there would be no impact on visual
amenity, councillors resolved to SUPPORT the application.
b) Notifications
i) 21/05287/OUT – Outline application for the erection of 1 Holiday Lodge
with all matters reserved with the exception of access, layout and scale.
To replace existing building with single holiday lodge. Land To East Of
Burnisons Whin Rudding Lane.
ii) 21/04676/FUL – erection of 2 storey rear extension and loft conversion,
Kiln Cottage, Spofforth Lane, Follifoot.
Councillors noted the above two decisions.

11. Finance and Governance:
a) Balance at the bank on 31st January 2022, Current Account £941.80
and Deposit Account £27,223.26 (total £28165.06) Bank statements to be ​initialled by the Chairman in confirmation, as part of his payment
authorisation process.
b) Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 31st January was provided
with receipts and payments in the period 31st December to 31st January,
reconciling to the account balances shown above at a) Councillors
then unanimously agreed the 3 amounts below for payment.

M Richards
Clerk’s salary- Nov.
Bank Transfer
PAYE – Nov
Bank Transfer
C Dickinson
Bank Transfer

c)The Chairman then ran through the budget spreadsheet, explaining the
updates following the expenditure recorded above. There were no significant
variances to report in this period. The clerk drew councillors’ attention to the
additional worksheet, showing details of the 3 ringfenced areas, Follifields,
Plompton and Village Flowers. He commented that the above £26.40 would
be the first claim on the Village Flowers allocation. Councillors were content
with the above comments.
d) “Cullingworth Bench” The clerk reported that he had contacted the
contractor confirming that the work should go ahead. Cllr Dewsnip had also
contacted family members who indicated that they would like to contribute
towards the cost of refurbishment.
e) Internal Audit report. The Internal Auditor ran through his report outlining
the areas covered. He did recommend that, for one area reviewed ie the Risk
Assessment schedule, that an extra column be added to show when
individual risk areas have been reviewed and re-assessed as required. The
clerk undertook to add the additional column for when the schedule is next
presented to Council. Other than this point, the Internal Auditor concluded that
“the Parish Council has continued to operate and undertake its normal
business and systems of control” The Chairman thanked the Internal Auditor
for his report and also for the work undertaken throughout the year, plus his
helpful recommendations.

12. Items for the next meeting
No matters notified.

The meeting closed at 9.10pm

Date of next Parish Council meeting: –

Thursday 10th March 2022. To be held at Follifoot Village Hall, commencing at 7.30pm