10th February 2021

​Thursday 10th February 2021
Remote meeting held by Zoom videoconferencing software, in accordance with Government guidelines.

PRESENT: Chairman N MacDermid, Vice Chairman T Martin, Councillors A Dewsnip, C Dickinson, S Riley, J Locke and T Hall. In attendance, M Richards (Clerk) and 3 residents.
1.​Apologies: There were no apologies for absence as all councillors were present.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’
Register of Interest: None.
3. Public Participation session: The Chairman welcomed the three residents to ​the meeting and confirmed that they were able to comment on any issues ​raised.
4.​Minutes of the meeting held on 14th January 2021: Councillor Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Dickinson. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
5 Matters arising from the previous minutes: Dealt with as part of the agenda.
6 Chairman’s communications
a) A resident had informed the Chairman of a tree causing an obstruction on the footpath behind Leconfield Garth. The Chairman had been along the footpath and, whilst agreeing that there was some obstruction, he did not feel there was a significant problem if pedestrians took due care. The clerk will, however report the matter to the relevant authority (part of NYCC)
b) Comemmorative bench. A contractor has been engaged to construct the concrete base for the bench which will be completed once the precise location for the bench has been confirmed with Rudding Estates. Cllr Dewsnip asked if a plaque was to be fixed to the bench? The Chairman will enquire of the donor.
7 Clerk’s correspondence received.
a) HBC has set up a network of “digital champions” to help residents across the District to “upskill with digital technology” This was intended to be via face to face meetings but obviously, due to the pandemic, cannot now happen. Accordingly, a “digital helpline” has now been established which will help with such topics as setting up email addresses, how to download apps, how to use Zoom, how to research on the internet etc. A poster, promulgating the scheme will be placed on the notice board, website and FB page. Councillors welcomed the initiative and considered it could be helpful with the upcoming “digital” census in May.
b) Yorkshire Local Councils Associations (YLCA) is conducting a survey over the possible extension of the legal power to hold remote meetings via Zoom etc. Councillors discussed the pros and cons of remote meetings and, whilst acknowledging that technical problems due to poor internet connections could be an issue, considered overall that extending the legal power would be beneficial. The clerk will complete the survey on the Council’s behalf stressing councillors’ preference for the “hybrid” option which provides for physical meetings as the norm with remote participation where necessary or desirable.
c) “Psychological” traffic calming report – Councillors agreed that there were some interesting concepts in the report but most would require financial input from NYCC and this was unlikely to be forthcoming. The idea of “picket fences” (see previous minutes) was also included in the report and councillors considered that this was the best starting point, with other possible options being pursued if appropriate. The clerk will contact NYCC Highways again to get details and advice on the supply and installation of the fences.
d) Grit bins. Some residents on Radcliffe Close believed a grit bin had originally been provided but was now missing. NYCC had confirmed that there was no record to support this and any bin would have been sourced privately. Councillors discussed but considered that, as there was no significant incline on Radcliffe Close, provision of a bin could not be justified. The clerk confirmed that he had raised the issue of delays in grit bin replenishment generally (but particularly at the entrance to Plompton) repleatedly with NYCC Highways. Responses had always attributed delays being due to the sheer number of bins throughout the County. The clerk will however, continue to press for action.
8 Traffic calming
a) Vehicle Activated Signs. The clerk reported that he had placed the order for supply and installation with SWARCO and had signed the legal agreement with NYCC. Unfortunately, due to demand, installation is likely to be late March/early April but he is pressing SWARCO for as early delivery as possible. He confirmed that the delayed timescale does not present a problem with the AJ1 Fund grant.
b) Picket fences – Haggs Road. Response from NYCC Highways still awaited. The clerk will continue pressing for a response.
9 Parish matters
a) Damage to the road surface on Spofforth Lane, caused by the car fire before Christmas, has still not been repaired and the marker cones are still in place. Cllr Dickson observed that the cones had largely been moved to the road side , but were still causing a slight obstruction. The clerk has raised the matter with NYCC Highways.
b)The refurbished village notice board had been re- installed but to prevent future rain ingress and damage, some form of canopy is needed. Councillors agreed a wooden canopy, slanted at 45°, painted blue, would be the best option, with the parish name plate above.
10 Finance:
a) Balance at the bank on 31st January 2021, Current Account £5403.57
and Deposit Account £24,000.61 (total £29,404.18) Bank statements to be ​ initialled by the Chairman in confirmation, as part of his payment
authorisation process.
b) Monthly Reconciliation – reconciliation as at 31st January was provided with receipts (£1000.00 – Plompton donation and £160.00 Follifield donations) and payments in the period 31st December 2020 to 31st January,reconciling to the account balances shown above at a) Councillors then unanimously agreed the 4 amounts below for payment.

M Richards
Clerk’s salary – Dec
Bank Transfer
PAYE – Dec
Bank Transfer
A Walker
Notice board refurbishment
Bank Transfer
Contracted grass cutting
Bank Transfer
c) The Chairman ran through the budget spreadsheets explaining the updates
following the expenditure and income recorded above. The Cumulative
worksheet continues to demonstrate that The Parish Council is on track in
accordance with the annual budget and councillors had no issues or
questions to raise.
d) The clerk will present the proposed budget statement for 2021/22 for
councillors’ approval at the March meeting..
11 Planning:
a) Applications Received
i) 20/00028/FUL Erection of timber entrance gates and high 2.1m stone wall.
Follifoot Grange, Shaw Lane Spofforth. The Chairman displayed the plans and pointed out that the proposals matched the neighbouring property. Councillors had no issues and agreed to SUPPORT the application
ii) 21/00369/FUL Erection of single storey lean-to side oak frame extension and change of use of garage to home office, School House, Plompton Road, Follifoot. The Chairman displayed the plans and councillors considered it to bea good quality scheme and would therefore SUPPORT the application.
b) Decisions
i) 20/05007/PBR – Conversion of agricultural building to create 2 dwellings, ​- Wingate Farm, Plompton – GRANTED
ii) 20/03567/DVCON & 20/03570-03574/DVCON & 20/03575/DVCMAJ –
Rudding Holiday Park – to allow caravans to be occupied during any season.
Councillors noted the above decisions, observing that it was the responsibility of Rudding Park to monitor adherence to the approval conditions.

c) Other
Enforcement Notice – Land at Grid Reference 435085 453845 Plompton North Yorkshire ALLEGED BREACH: Siting of caravan for residential use and containers being rented for storage purposes. The Enforcement Officer is still to visit – councillors noted and await further information.
12 Other matters
Cllr Dickinson reported the unsatisfactory situation of litter being dumped at Kitty Corner. He had recently carried out his regular litter pick and discovered substantial quantities of bottles, cans and other undesirable items. The clerk will report the matter to HBC. The Chairman thanked Cllr Dickinson for this information and also for his continuing efforts with litter collection.

Date of next Parish Council Meeting:
7.30pm on Thursday 11th March 2021, via Zoom, unless Government guidelines change to permit physical meetings.Then in Follifoot Village Hall, Tofts Lane, Follifoot.