Thursday 11th January

Thursday 11th January 2018

PRESENT: Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T Martin, Councillors J Andrade, P. Cresswell, J. Hinchcliffe, A. Dewsnip and T. Hall. Also present
M. Richards (Clerk), and 4 parishioners.
1. Apologies: Apologies for absence were received from A Paraskos (and M Hammond, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator)
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: Councillor Dewsnip indicated an interest in item 5a) – (the land behind the Priory), and would take no part in any discussion on such..
3. Public Participation session: 4 parishioners were attending the meeting to discuss the appeal against the non-determination of the planning application for the land behind The Priory, Plompton Road (Ref 17/00076/out) – Residential development for up to 8 houses, and the Parish Council’s response. The Chairman suggested that as this item was already included on the agenda, if there were no objections, he would prefer for discussion to take place then, to avoid repetition. This was agreed.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 14th December 2017: Councillor Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Hall. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
a) The land behind The Priory, Plompton Road (Ref 17/00076/out) – Residential development for up to 8 houses. The Chairman read out the draft submission which had been previously circulated to councillors. Councillor Martin had suggested an additional paragraph, referring to the Public Right of Way (PRoW) through The Garth, and all councillors agreed that the clerk should add this to the final submission. The draft submission was also circulated to the parishioners present, for their views to be taken into account. The Chairman then answered several questions posed by the residents and, after further discussion, all councillors indicated that they were in favour of the submission, once the clerk had added the additional comment on PRoW.
b) Plompton Rocks – trees. The outline map of the original application to fell 291 trees, was displayed for councillors’ information. Councillors felt that the information displayed was too complex for a realistic assessment of the actual position. As a local resident, Councillor Hall agreed to attempt to complete an overall assessment of the trees actually felled recently, against those specified in the original application.
c) Cold calling zone – The Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator (NWC) who had been unable to attend the meeting through illness, had reported that there was a low incidence of cold calling recorded recently in the majority of the Village Neighbourhood Watch zones. It was also recorded that there was a relatively high percentage (50%+) of elderly or vulnerable residents in the Village. Councillors again discussed the relative merits of establishing a Cold Calling Zone (CCZ), with views both for and against being expressed.
Councillor Hinchcliffe undertook to arrange a poll on social media to garner residents’ views on the establishment of a CCZ, although Councillors accepted that this vehicle may not be fully representative of all opinions. Councillors also agreed that the views of residents should be paramount and the Parish Council should respond accordingly. Councillor Martin further stressed that a pro-active approach should be adopted, rather than reacting after an unfortunate “cold calling” incident. In conclusion, Councillors agreed to await the results of the poll before coming to a decision.
6. Meetings/Events – the clerk circulated the draft calendar of Parish Council meetings for the year. All dates were agreed and the clerk undertook to post the calendar on the website and notify all others as appropriate.
7. Chairman’s communications:
The Chairman reported that any communications received are dealt with as part of the agenda.
8. Clerk’s correspondence received
a) The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – the clerk informed councillors of the new GDPR which comes into effect in May 2018. The main thrust of the legislation is with regard to the retention of personal data and how this impacts on public bodies (in this context, parish councils) A Data Protection Officer (DPO) must be appointed and initial YLCA guidance indicates that the DPO should not be the clerk/RFO. Councillors then discussed possible alternatives for this appointment and it was agreed to approach Richard Snoxall (the Internal Auditor) to ascertain whether he would be willing to take on this position. The clerk will review other requirements of the legislation and report back to a future meeting.
b) Superfast North Yorkshire Broadband (SNYB) – the clerk informed councillors of communications he had received regarding Phase 3 of the roll out of SNYB, particularly with regard to Plompton, but also with reference to potential upgrades to other parts of the Parish. He will circulate all correspondence to Councillors.
c) The Transparency Code – the clerk set out the requirements of the Transparency Code, which had been put in place following the reduction in the scope of external audit. The main requirements of the Code are the display of a parish council’s financial transactions and accounts, on a public website. To aid this process, funding is available for such things as computer etc purchase, IT training and website development. Councillor Hinchcliffe confirmed that the Parish Council is already meeting these requirements (although not perhaps in the actual format suggested) After discussion, it was agreed that no call needed to be made on the available funding.
d) Training seminars on Planning – YLCA are to run a number of seminars, specifically for councillors, to help them understand their role in the planning system and guide them in making effective responses to planning applications. The clerk will circulate the seminar dates for Councillors’ consideration.
e) Common Land Registers Update – the clerk had received a communication from NYCC, indicating that the only entry in the Register for this Parish related to the Horse Pond. The clerk will obtain a copy of the site plan for this reference.
9. Matters concerning Plompton:
Councillor Hill reported that a deer carcase was on the Plompton Road adjacent to the junction with the A661 (Wetherby Road) The clerk will report the matter to NYCC Highways.
10. Neighbourhood Watch:
Deferred to the February meeting due to the absence a) of the Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator and b) Crime report for December.

11. Village Up Keep:
a) Date of Spring Litter Pick – suggested date is Sunday 22 April. Councillors to check availability.
b) Litter in the village – councillors commented on the amount of litter, leaves etc in the village. The clerk will contact the village handyman to see if he is prepared to carry out a general “tidy up” on an occasional basis.
c) Water collecting at the bottom of Rudding Lane (just before the traffic lights) Councillors were concerned about the risks to traffic and others, should temperatures drop and freezing conditions prevail. The clerk will contact NYCC Highways.
12. Highways:
a) Traffic concerns Haggs Road –the clerk has contacted NYCC Highways regarding the possible installation of 40mph limit signage at the end of Haggs Road/A658 junction – response awaited. NYCC councillors are still considering possible changes to the policy on Vehicle Activated Signs.
b) Councillor Hinchcliffe brought the clerk’s attention to the damaged chevron signs on Rudding Lane, adjacent to the Rugby Club. The clerk will refer the matter to NYCC Highways.
13. FOFWRAP/Follifields:
a) The Chairman reported that the planning variation to alter the position of the trim trail and fairy bridge tower had been approved and the work to install the trim trail will begin next week. Funding is available for the fairy bridge tower. Councillors commented that attention should now be given to the erection of the football goals. The Chairman confirmed that this and other outstanding work will be completed at the same time.
b) Inspection of Play Equipment – Councillor Hinchcliffe asked if formal inspections had commenced? The Chairman responded that he had carried out an informal inspection and the programme of formal inspections would be established following the restructuring of the FOFWRAP committee at its next meeting on 17 January. He also confirmed that there would be two fundraising events pa.
14. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank on 31st December 2017, Current Account £12,987.82 and Deposit Account £1,413.59.
b) Monthly Budget – See Appendix 1.
c) Quarterly Reconciliation –reconciliation as at 3st December was provided – see Appendix 2.
d) Expenditure – Unanimously agreed and authorised by two councillors.
WiFi contribution Village Hall £58.50 Bank Transfer
Tree & Hedge planting Ash Tree £2678.40 Bank Transfer
Follifield trees Rudding Estate £2610.36 Bank Transfer
Clerk’s salary (Dec) M. Richards £325.59 Bank Transfer
Clerk’s expenses (3rd Qtr) M Richards £87.50 Bank Transfer
Printer cartridges M Richards £45.60 Bank Transfer
Grass cutting HBC £191.48 Bank Transfer
e) Following the discussion at the last meeting over the potential replacement of Follifields equipment and whether the Parish Council should consider establishing a “sinking fund” for this purpose, the clerk has confirmed that it is acceptable to set aside a ring-fenced amount for such a purpose, with no limit, provided this arrangement is reviewed and confirmed each year. Accordingly, the Chairman asked the clerk to prepare a statement including cash flow projection, available balances and income/expenditure outturns, to establish realistic contributions possible for the sinking fund.

15. Planning:
a) Approval received – as reported above at 13 a) above, the
application to re-site the trim trail and fairy bridge tower has been
approved and work to install the trim trail will commence on 16 January.
b) Application received – Conversion of rural building to 3 no. office units and
associated infrastructure. – Ducks Nest Farm, Rudding Lane, Follifoot,
HG3 1JF. Ref. No: 17/05275/FUL meeting. Councillors considered the
various implications of this application, such as the visual impact, effect on
traffic flow and the Green Belt. It was concluded that a) the
conversion to light industrial (office) units would in fact improve the visual
impact, b) increased in traffic flow would be negligible and c) there would
be no negative impact on the Green Belt. In addition, it was considered that
the possibility of upgrade to SNYB (see 8 b) above) could be enhanced,
with the addition of these office units. Accordingly, all Councillors voted
to support the application.
c) Applications received since the agenda was compiled –.None
16. Any other business
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.55pm.

Date of next Parish Council Meeting: 7.30pm on 8th February 2018 in Follifoot Village Hall, Tofts Lane, Follifoot.