9th July 2015


9th July 2015

Present: Chairman McDermid, Vice Chairman T. Martin, Councillors Hinchcliffe and Jones, Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator M. Hammond, Internal Auditor M. Kettlewell and ten residents.

  1. Apologies: Apologies received and accepted from Councillor Florance and Gogna.
  2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None.
  3. Public Participation session:

a)    Affordable Housing Site: A resident expressed concerns over the management of the Affordable Housing site on Pannal Road and the possible breach of planning conditions. He reported that cars and Lorries were parking inappropriately and litter from the site had blown around the area.   He said he had spoken with a representative from building company about the matter, but the site continues to be untidy.  Action: Clerk to inform Planning Enforcement.

b)    Flagpole: A resident reported the lilac bush from the property next to the flag pole has grown over the wall and is causing damage to the flag. Additionally, he had reported that it was obscuring the streetlight.  Action: Clerk to contact home owner to request the lilac bush is trimmed back.

c)    Recreational Area:  A resident said that they do not consider they are receiving sufficient information on the development of the recreational area on the proposed site off Pannal Road.  The Chairman said a Newsletter and questionnaire had been distributed to the village to ascertain the views of residents and explained this was just part of the process to gauge the views of the residents.  He said the Parish Council will be the lease holder and would not sign any agreement until they were entirely satisfied with the conditions and various consultations with residents had been carried out.  A resident asked where the play area would be located on the site.  The Chairman explained that this is not known as the conditions need to be established and further consultations need to take place before any decisions made.  The Chairman said he would pass the residents’ concerns to the FOFWRAP committee.

d)    Drains:  A resident said the drains at the top of Main Street/Pannal Road continue to be blocked.  The clerk informed the meeting the drains in the village had been cleared that day.  The Chairman said the Parish Council are aware of the blocked drain and it had been reported to Highways for some time.  Action:  Clerk to monitor drains and liaise with Highways.

e)    Overgrown Hedge: A resident said the hedge at the bottom of Main Street was overgrown and needed trimming back.  Councillor Hinchcliffe said he had spoken to the resident last month who said she would organise for it to be trimmed back.  Action: Councillor Hinchcliffe to consult with resident and ask the hedge is trimmed back.

f)     Parking on Hillside: A resident enquired about the letter sent to residents on Hillside regarding parking.  The Chairman informed the meeting the letter had asked residents to park with consideration to others.

  1. Minutes of the meeting held on 11th June 2015: The Parish Council unanimously agreed the minutes to be a correct record and the Chairman duly signed them
  2. Matters arising from the minutes:

a)    Item 6b) Parking on Hillside – The Chairman confirmed the letters had been distributed.

b)    Item 12d) Kitty Corner – The Chairman confirmed he had cleaned the interpretation board and tidied up around the bench at Kitty Corner.

c)    Item 5c) Overhanging Trees at Plompton – The clerk said Highways had informed her that Plompton residents could not trim back the trees.

  1. Chairman’s communications:

a)    The Chairman said he had received complaints about the caravans parked at the Rugby Club overnight.  It was agreed the clerk would contact Planning Enforcement as it was possible in breach of the Rugby Clubs planning conditions.

b)    The Chairman said he had received a complaint about the Rugby Club not meeting their conditions of planning in respect of the additional pedestrian entrance, the Travel Plan and Noise evaluation. In addition, it had been noted that containers on the site were still in situ. It was agreed the clerk would contact the Rugby Club and arrange a meeting to discuss the progress.

c)    The Chairman said he had received a complaint about dog fouling in the village, see item 17.

  1. Matters concerning Plompton: None.
  2. Website:  The clerk said she had spoken to the website administrator and it was agreed that after the three year contract ended the website manager would transfer the account into the Parish Councils name.  The Chairman said he would inform the old website administrator, and ask him to close the old site down.  The clerk said she had checked the old minutes and it was agreed a donation would be made to a charity as a gesture of good will for the work and expenses the previous website manager had incurred. Action: Chairman to contact previous website administrator to ascertain closure of website.


  1. Broadband: Councillor Hinchcliffe said a meeting has been organised with Superfast North Yorkshire, County Councillors Don Mackenzie and John Savage and representatives from the areas of concern.  He said they will discuss why Superfast Broadband cannot be installed in these locations and what alternatives are available.
  2. Neighbourhood Watch: M. Hammond gave an update on Neighbourhood Watch.  He said Scams and Frauds are on the increase and residents should be not give personal details to anyone they do not know and not to buy form people who ‘cold’ call.  He gave a leaflet to the clerk to display on the noticeboard.
  3. Village Up Keep:

a)    Village Lenghtsman – The information the clerk had distributed to the councillors was discussed.  The clerk said if the Parish Council decided to have a Lenghtsman/Village handyperson it would need to be included in the Precept for 2016/17.  It was agreed the clerk would obtain quotes for the management of the verges on Pannal Road.

b)    Tofts Lane – A resident asked if the Parish Council would contact the Village Hall regarding the state of the road from Main Street to outside the village hall.  She said the road had become in a poor state over the years with use from cars going to and from the village hall and wondered if the village hall would repair the road.  It was agreed the clerk would write to the village hall.

c)    Pannal Road – Several residents reported overhanging trees making it difficult to pass, on Pannal Road, just after the cricket club.  Action: Clerk to report to Highways.

  1. Wi-Fi Village Hall: The chairman confirmed a letter had been sent to the village hall committee and a reply had not been received.
  2. Defibrillator:  Councillor Hinchcliffe explained he had spoken with the village hall regarding a defibrillator being mounted on the outside wall of the hall.  The chairman said he could initially not see a problem with it and would discuss it with the committee.  Councillor Hinchcliffe said he would obtain quotes for the installation of electrical work required and the defibrillator.  Councillor Martin informed the meeting that as a member of the British Heart Foundation he had access to a CPR dummy and could train in CPR.  It was agreed this would be an asset to the village.
  3. Affordable Housing:

a)    Website information – the clerk said she had organised for brief information on the Affordable Housing to be posted on the website.

b)    Information meeting to be held on Thursday 6th August from 4.30pm to 7.30pm in Follifoot Village Hall.  The clerk informed the meeting that Strategic Homes had organised the meeting and representatives would be present from Harrogate Borough Council and Strategic Homes.  Action:  Clerk to advertise event.

  1. Rugby Club:

a)    Open Day for Residents – The Chairman informed the meeting that approximately one hundred people attended the event.

b)    Dates of functions – The clerk said the dates of private functions are on the village website.

  1. The Pound Use:  Following a residents request to use the Pound as an allotment or an area to keep chickens, the clerk had made enquiries.  The conservation officer said to use as an allotment would require planning permission but the keeping of chickens would be acceptable.  The resident agreed to give the Parish Council her proposals in writing.  Action:  The clerk to obtain a draft licence/contract.
  2. Dog Fouling in Village:  The Chairman said Dog Fouling continues to be a problem in the village and a resident had reported that it was happening outside the school gate.  It was agreed the clerk would contact the dog warden and request some posters and ask her to attend a meeting to discuss the issue.  Also put a note in the Parish Magazine and website.
  3. FOFWRAP:  The Parish Council discussed the proposed Heads of Terms for the recreational area.  A resident enquired about parking for visitors and dogs on the site.  It was agreed the Chairman would inform the FOFWRAP committee of the Parish Councils comments and residents’ concerns and and ask them to liaise with the landowner on the Heads of Terms.
  1. Highways:

a)    Parking on Main Street – Councillor Hinchcliffe said he had received a complaint from residents about inappropriate parking during school pick-up and drop off.  It was discussed and decided the clerk would write to the school and request they speak with the parents/carers.

b)    Footpath Maintenance from Main Street to Tofts Lane – The clerk said she had received a complaint from a resident regarding the state of the footpath from Main Street to Tofts Lane.  It was agreed the clerk would contact the NYCC Ranger and Councillor Hinchcliffe would speak with the resident who owns the overhanging branches and stones on the footpath.

c)    Pot Hole – A resident reported a pot hole on Main Street, outside the school.  Action: Clerk to inform Highways.

  1. Finance:

a)    Balance at the bank – Current account £720.90 and deposit account £8405.33.

b)    Request for authorisation of expenditure was proposed by E. Jones and seconded by T. Martin.

Cheque No Item Payable to Amount
100750 Plompton Sign Colton Signs £216.00
100751 Grass Cutting Harrogate BC £70.80
100752 Clerks Expenses SG Hinchcliffe £90.00
100752 Clerks Salary SG Hinchcliffe £916.98


c)    Quarterly reconciliation and monthly budget – The clerk had emailed the monthly budget to the Parish Councillors and had apologised for not sending the reconciliation.  She said she would forward the reconciliation.  The accounts were available for inspection.

d)    Transparency – The clerk said she is required to publish the accounts on the website from July.

e)    Councillor Jones asked if the monthly budget could include a column for budget, current expenditure and current balance.  The councillors agreed it would be beneficial.  Action: Clerk and Chairman to meet and discuss.

  1. Clerk’s correspondence:

a)    YLCA – The clerk informed the meeting that YLCA are holding their Joint Annual Meeting Sat 18th July.

b)    Appendix I – for a list of emails and mail received.

  1. Planning:

a)    Applications – can be viewed at www.harrogate.gov.uk/planning

i)              Follifoot Hall, Pannal Road, Follifoot – Ref: 15/02640/FUL – Erection of single storey extensions and two storey garage and plant room, erection of wall and external access steps and formation of terrace.  The Parish Council did not object to or support the application, but wished to comment.

b)    Arrange a meeting for applications received since the agenda was compiled: None received.

c)    Outcome of previous applications:

i)              High Barrass, Plompton Road, Follifoot – Ref: 15/01338/FUL – Granted

ii)             Hilltop, Pannal Road, Follifoot – Ref: 15/01621/FUL – Refused

iii)            North Lodge Cottage, Rudding Lane, Follifoot – Ref: 15/01231/FUL – Granted

d)    Planning Enforcement –

i)              Plompton, Knaresborough – Extension to boundary wall

ii)             Plompton, Knaresborough – Erection of extension of boundary wall

e)    Appeal – Unit 9, Follifoot Ridge Business Park, Follifoot – Ref: 15/00039/NREFPP

  1. Date of next meeting: 10th September 2015 at 8pm in Follifoot Village Hall