

Minutes of the meeting held on 10th March 2011

Present: B. Fisher (Chairman), B. Butler, U. Cansfield, T. Martin, C. Florance, N. Pettitt ,

M. Kettlewell (internal auditor) and one resident

• Apologies for absence: Esther Bolton

• Declarations of interest in items on the agenda: T.Martin declared an interest in agenda item 5a, Trees.

• Public Participation session: There were no matters for discussion.

• Minutes of the meeting held on 10 th February 2011 : It was noted that M. Kettlewell had not attended the meeting. Having been proposed by T. Martin and seconded by B. Butler the minutes were signed as a correct record.

• Matters arising from the previous minutes:

• Item 5a) Trees: B. Butler said that he and T. Martin had found some suitable places to locate the trees. He said they will be relocated when the weather improves.

• Item 10) Cricket Club : S. Hinchcliffe said she had enquired whether the cricket club was eligible for commuted sums; she informed the parish council that presently they are not.

• Item 8) Parish Plan : N. Pettitt had circulated a draft copy of the parish plan to the councillors. N. Pettit sought the views of the parish councillors. It was agreed that N. Pettitt would speak about the plan at the Annual Parish Meeting.

• Item 7b) Resignation of Parish Councillor Esther Bolton : B. Fisher said that he had received a formal letter from E. Bolton and accepted her resignation with regret. He wanted to ensure she is thanked for her work as an excellent parish councillor and excellent representative for Plompton. There is a vacancy notice on Plompton and Follifoot notice boards.

• Item 16) Annual Parish Meeting : The meeting agenda was discussed. It was agreed that the agenda would consist of sub-committee, parish plan and

affordable housing. The sub-committee said they would organise a member to talk about the work of the sub-committee at the Annual Parish Meeting. S. Hinchcliffe showed the posters a resident had made for the APM and Litter Pick. The resident said he was unable to continue to make any future poster.

B. Fisher asked if he could be formally thanked. U. Cansfield and M. Kettlewell said they would organise the refreshments.

Action: S. Hinchcliffe to organise letter and distribute posters. U. Cansfield and M. Kettlewell to organise refreshments. The Sub-committee to organise a member to give a talk at the Annual Parish Meeting.

• Chairman’s communication :

• Chinese Lanterns : B. Fisher said he had received a letter from Rudding Estate regarding the article on Chinese Lanterns in the parish magazine. Rudding Estate said the article had not included the aspect of Chinese Lanterns littering the countryside. The parish council felt that the article had covered the main point of ‘people should not use them’. B. Fisher said he would contact Rudding Estate to discuss the matter.

Action: B. Fisher to contact Rudding Estate to discuss.

• Fallen Tree Plompton Road : B. Fisher said a number of residents had commented on the remains of fallen tree on Plompton Road ; which had not been removed.

S. Hinchcliffe said she had spoken with Highways several times regarding removing the remainder of the tree. Highways had said they had not removed it as they thought it had been left there by Rudding. B. Fisher confirmed Rudding had not left the tree on the verge.

Action: S. Hinchcliffe contact Highways to remove tree.

• Verges on Plompton Road : B. Fisher said several residents had commented on the damage to the verges on Plompton Road . Apparently, this had been caused by the building companies working on two properties on Plompton Road .

B. Fisher said he will make contact with relevant homeowners to ensure the verges are reinstated after the work is completed.

Action: B. Fisher to obtain confirmation the verges will be reinstated.

• Yorkshire Water : B. Fisher informed the parish council that Mike Denning from Yorkshire Water had informed him that a camera had been put down the drains following the tree root cutting; it confirmed that the pipe is presently clear. He said he will make long term plans and request funding is made available to replace the pipe, but was unable to confirm a timescale.

• A resident wished to resign from neighbourhood watch. B. Fisher asked

T. Martin to contact her.

• Matters concerning Plompton: None

• Mineral Core Strategy: Parish councillors had received a copy. The questionnaire was discussed and completed.

• Highways:

• B. Butler said following the cutting back of overhanging branches on Spofforth Lane , there was still some over hanging brambles. He said he would trim them back. Action B.Butler to cut back overhanging brambles.

• B. Butler said the bottom bus shelter was full of leaves. B. Fisher said that it would need to be discussed at the next meeting.

• Damage to Village Green: Following reports of the buses continuing to drive over the edge of the village green, S. Hinchcliffe spoke with the bus company. They said they would ask the bus drivers not to drive over the edge of the village green. The bus company said they would repair the green if evidence was provided. B. Fisher said the situation can be monitored and then the parish council will organise the repair.

• Felled Tree – Plompton Road : Discussed in chairman’s communication, 6b.

• Follifoot Sign: A quote of £77.40 had been received for a new sign. Fitting would need to be organised when the sign arrived. The parish council said S. Hinchcliffe could organise purchase and fitting of the sign.

Action: S.Hinchcliffe to organise the fitting of the new sign.

• Spring Litter Pick: The litter pick will be held on Sunday 10 th April at 2pm, meeting outside the post office.

Action: S. Hinchcliffe to display notices.

• Telephone Kiosk: The landowner had replied and requested confirmation that the parish council would cover the cost of advice from a solicitor. B. Fisher asked

S. Hinchcliffe to reply and request a quote.

Action: S. Hinchcliffe to inform landowner.

• Neighbourhood Watch: A meeting will be held on 15/03/11, by North Yorkshire Police. T. Martin said he attended these meeting every three months. He would like to pass this role on. He said a previous resident had shown an interest. B. Fisher suggests T. Martin contacted the resident.

Action: T.M speaks with resident.

• Finance:

• Balance at the bank Total: £9,088.02

• Request for authorisation of expenditure: The expenditure was proposed by

B. Butler and seconded by N. Pettitt .

Jespers, for paper: £69.32

YLCA for clerks training: £45.00

Memory Stick for back-up: £9.99

• Clerk’s correspondence: Clerk’s correspondence distributed.

• Planning:

• No applications received.

• No outcomes since previous meeting.

• Next meeting: The Annual Parish Meeting to be held at 7.30pm on 14 th April 2011, in Follifoot Village Hall.

Followed by the Parish Council Meeting.

Refreshments will be available from 7pm.