

Minutes of the meeting held on 9th June 2011

Present: B. Fisher (chairman), B. Butler, N. Pettitt , C. Florance, T. Martin,

M. Kettlewell (internal auditor) and one resident for latter end of meeting.

• Apologies for absence: T. Hall, U. Cansfield, C. Bayliss and M. Ayre

• Declarations of interest in items on the agenda: None

• Public Participation session: No residents present until latter end of meeting, resident wished to discuss phone kiosk (item 5a).

• Minutes of the meeting held on 12 th May 2011: The minutes were proposed by

B. Butler and seconded by N. Pettitt . B. Fisher signed the minutes as a correct record.

• Matters arising from the previous minutes:

• Phone Kiosk : The parish councillors discussed the feedback the clerk had obtained from solicitors regarding public access to the phone kiosk. Two of the solicitors said that a wayleave would not be suitable and one suggested a licence and two suggested a lease. The landowner said that his solicitor had suggested a wayleave. The parish councillors discussed the matter and decided to obtain more information on a wayleave to replace the one the landowner had with BT. T. Martin said he would investigate further and consult with a solicitor. The landowner said once a wayleave or appropriate document was proposed he would ask his solicitor to read through it; the council agreed they would cover this cost.

• Parish Plan: The parish plan was discussed, amendments and additions made.

N. Pettitt explained how he proposed to analyse the data from the parish plan. It was agreed once the parish plan was complete the parish councillors would hand deliver to the parish residents.

Action: N. Pettit to meet with T. Martin and B. Butler to draw-up the parish plan and have it ready for the July Meeting.

• Chairman’s communication:

• B. Fisher said a resident had contacted him regarding removing the posts at the entrance to Walker Terrace. The parish councillors were unsure if this was a matter for the parish council as they thought the road was private.

Action: S. Hinchcliffe to investigate if Walker Terrace is maintained by the Highways and inform B. Fisher.

• S. Hinchcliffe had received communication from Harrogate Coach Travel Ltd/Connexion buses, enquiring about Transdev previously declining to put on a service passed Plompton. None of the councillors could recall any correspondence with Transdev over this matter. Action: S. Hinchcliffe to reply to Harrogate Coach Travel Ltd.

• B. Fisher said Yorkshire Water had contacted him and enquired if the drain odour on Main Street was still present. As some councillors had noticed the odour recently B. Fisher said he would inform YW the odour is still present.

• B. Fisher said he had received a letter from Follifoot Cricket Club; each parish councillor present had been given a copy, and asked to read it before the next meeting when it will be discussed.

• Matters concerning Plompton:

• S. Hinchcliffe said the landowner had replied to her email regarding the sign, he said he would try and arrange for the sign to be moved.

• Highways:

• The junction at Rudding Lane and the A658 had become overgrown on the right hand side. Action: S. Hinchcliffe to notify Highways.

• N. Pettitt enquired if the clerk had received any further correspondence from Highways regarding the repairs required to the junction at Leconfield Garth and Main Street . S. Hinchcliffe said she had not. Action: S. Hinchcliffe to contact Highways and enquire when the work will be carried out.

• Speeding: S. Hinchcliffe said she had completed a request for speed monitoring, with Community Safety Partnership, and is waiting a reply. She said she had also corresponded with Mark Ayre regarding speeding in the village.

• Sub-committee: B. Fisher said he had emailed the members to inform them that the affordable housing and sub-committee will be on hold until further correspondence is received from HBC.

• Finance:

• The balance at the bank is £10,470.25

• There was no request for authorisation of expenditure

• Annual Return 2010-2011: approval of statement of accounts.

The present councillors were given a copy of the statement of accounts. The parish council resolved to approve the statement of accounts.

• Annual Return 2010-2011: approval of annual governance statement.

The present councillors were given a copy of the annual governance statement. The parish council resolved to approve the annual governance statement.

• Clerk’s correspondence: S. Hinchcliffe said the YLCA branch meeting was 20.06.11 if any parish councillors were able to attend. The present councillors said they were unable to attend.

• Planning:

• Planning: Application 6.121.58.I.FUL 11/01791/FUL Dower Cottage, 8 Rudding Dower, Follifoot for the conversion of ancillary accommodation to form detached dwelling (site area 0.05ha) (revised scheme).

The parish councillors had no objections.

• Application 6.121.187.C.REP 11/01887/REP Home Bungalow Farm,Follifoot

for replacement of planning permission 6.121.191.B.FUL (expiry date 10.03.12) – Erection of replacement dwelling (site area 0.05ha) (revised scheme).

The parish councillors had no objections.

• Application 6.108.5.K.FUL 11/02055/FUL Scalibar Farm Plompton Knaresborough, for Installation of 161 solar panels to roofs of two agricultural buildings. The parish councillors had no objections

• No applications had been received since the agenda was compiled.

• No information had been received regarding previous applications.

• Next meeting: 14 th July 2011 at 8pm in the Village Hall.