

Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 8th December 2011

PRESENT: Parish Councillors B. Fisher (Chairman), B. Butler, T. Martin, T. Hall, N. Pettitt C.Florance and M. Kettlewell (Internal Auditor) and two residents.

• Apologies: U. Cansfield and C. Bayliss

• Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: None

• Public Participation :

Mike Hammond asked the views of the Councillors on installing Neighbourhood Watch signs at the entrance to the village. The Parish Councillors requested a sample sign, Mike Hammond said he would obtain one. He suggested two different Neighbourhood Watch meetings in the New Year. It was suggested that it may be suitable as a discussion point at the AGM in April.

• Minutes of the meeting held on 11th November 2011: Proposed by T. Martin and seconded by B. Butler; the Chairman signed the minutes as a correct record.

• Matters arising from the minutes: None

• Phone Kiosk: The Clerk has instructed Berwins Solicitors to compile an agreement between the Parish Council and the Landowner, regarding accessing the Phone Kiosk.

• Chairman’s communications :

• The Chairman said NYCC Highways Department had replied to the Parish Councils’ request to provide a 30mph speed zone on Haggs Road, from the A658 turn off until after the houses, and to install signage. Highways declined to reduce the speed limit and install more signs. The Chairman said on receipt of the email he contacted Highways to make further enquiries. He said he was disappointed that they had dismissed taking any action. He said he will forward the emails to the Councillors. The Chairman said he would like the residents of Haggs Road to be aware the Parish Council are continuing to pursue the matter. It was suggested the Clerk emailed the residents to keep them up to date. He said he had contacted Caroline Bayliss on the matter, and will continue to try and contact the District Councillor, to enquire if he can assist in the matter. It was suggested the Clerk contacted Spofforth Parish Council to obtain their thoughts on the speed traffic travels at on Haggs Road. To be discussed at the next meeting.

Action: Clerk to inform residents and contact Spofforth Council.

• Matters concerning Plompton:

• The Clerk had received a Conservation Report from HBC. To be included in the Clerk’s Correspondence.

• Highways:

• Speeding – see Chairman’s Communication (7)

• Drains on Hillside are blocked. Clerk to inform Highways

• A drain cover on Pannal Road has been taken. Clerk to inform Highways.

• A group of volunteers have planted bulbs around the village, and have also cleared debris from under the trees on Hillside. B. Butler asked the Clerk to write and thank the volunteers.

• The Chairman asked the Clerk to organise the Road Sweeper for the village.

• Following the email from Highways on the improvements to the A658/Rudding Lane signage the Clerk asked for comments. The Parish Councillors agreed that when the work was completed it would be an improvement.

• N. Pettitt said there are reports carried out by all emergency services following an accident. It was requested the clerk investigated how the Parish Council could access this information.

• Parish Plan : It was suggested a separate meeting to be arranged to discuss the results. Clerk to organise.

• Commuted Sums : The Clerk explained she had spoken with HBC to enquire how the commuted sums system applies to the use by dates.

• Saxon Cross: The Clerk explained Commuted sums can be used for the pointing of the Saxon Cross. Quotes for the re-pointing discussed. T. Hall to provide a quote.

• HBC Consultation Meeting on 02.02.12 : Present Councillors unable to attend

• Finance:

• Balance at the bank is total £11,389.44

• Request for authorisation of expenditure – Bulbs for village £122.34 and Grit Bin for Plompton £214.93. Proposed by B. Fisher and seconded by N. Pettit

• Precept Budget – Following the discussion the Parish Councillors unanimously agreed to request £5,700 precept from HBC, which is exactly the same sum as last year. Action: Clerk to request.

• Clerk’s correspondence

• Correspondence files – The Clerk reminded the Parish Councillors to circulate the folders. All folders had now been returned to the clerk.

• Planning

• 6.121.75.D.FUL 11/04663FUL 3 Leconfield Garth, Follifoot HG3 1NF

Erection of single storey extension and canopy. The Parish Council had no objections.

• No applications received since the agenda was compiled

• Outcome of previous applications – none

• Date of next meeting: Thursday 19th January 2012