2007 Annual Meeting

Minutes of the Annual Parish Assembly held on Thursday 12 April 2007

Present: Parish Councillors E. Bolton, U. Cansfield, T. Martin, B. Butler, C. Florance, M. Mitton, B. Fisher (Chairman) and two residents

Apologies for absence: P.C. M. Ayre, District Councillor C. Bayliss and Mrs. P. Hubbard

Minutes of the Annual Assembly held on 6 April 2006

The minutes were signed as a correct record by the Chairman. Proposed: B. Butler. Seconded: T. Martin.

Matters arising from the minutes:

Item 3 – Parish Records – The Clerk confirmed that a list of all the material held at the County Records office in Northallerton has been posted onto the Follifoot village website. The Clerk also holds a copy.
Item 3 – Road Safety – concerns raised by residents at the last Annual Assembly were discussed with the Police at the Parish Council meeting on 6.7.06. The Police suggested that difficulties connected with the obscured sight line from Walker Terrace caused by cars parking on Main Street could be alleviated by restricting parking to one side of the road. The Parish Council was reluctant to request this course of action at present.

Speeding vehicles – concern had been expressed and the Parish Council were made aware of family pets killed by cars on the Pannal Road. Police advised that a request for a speed monitoring survey should be made to NYCC. This was conducted in early 2007 and the results indicated an average speed of 32 mph inbound and 33mph outbound with some vehicles accelerating to up to 50 mph. The responsible officer planned to forward the survey results to the Police so they could decide whether to consider enforcement activity.

‘Rumble strips’ were to be reinstated on Pannal Road in the near future. There was also a successful bid for monies for a Rural Safety scheme designed to move the speed restriction sign outside the village on Spofforth Lane. The scheme had been delayed because of staffing shortages which NYCC was trying to resolve. Once completed this may serve to moderate driving speeds.

There was a question regarding the reasons for not considering illuminated signs and the Chairman stated that the Parish Council were against any further increases to signage in the village.

Chairman’s Annual Report 2006-2007

The Chairman read his report of the activities of the Parish Council over the past year. In a section covering planning, there was a report of a presentation made to the Parish Council on behalf of Rudding House Hotel in which expansion plans were outlined. Whilst an application had not as yet been submitted to the planning authority, there was a concern expressed of the potential for overload to the sewage system in the village.

Financial report for the year to 31 March 2007

The Clerk reported on the performance against budget, the outturn being £ 5647 compared to the budgeted figure of £ 6027. During the year the sum of £ 1843 had been spent on maintenance which included a refurbished nature board at Kitty Corner, painting the 13 parish seats, repairs and painting works to the two village ‘bus shelters and the parish notice board at Plompton.

Discussion of items proposed by residents

Parking on Main Street – noted that the grass verge outside Sycamore House was being eroded by cars, usually parents on the school run. The resident had been in contact with NYCC Highways and it appears that this land is owned by the council. NYCC is unable to take remedial action as there are insufficient monies available, although the resident would be permitted to lay kerbing to protect the verge if he wished.

Heavy goods vehicles – concern expressed about the size of vehicles travelling on the Main Street and the potential for accidents.

Emergency Plan for Follifoot and Plompton

The Chairman explained that officers from Harrogate Council and NYCC had made a presentation to the Parish Council about the advantages of having an action plan in case of an emergency arising. A small group had met on several occasions working to a template to clarify personnel and places that could be called on for assistance in an emergency. The plan was almost complete and it was anticipated that it would be ready in a few weeks time.

Proposal for floral displays in Follifoot

The Chairman summarised the activity and discussions to date to assist in brightening up the entrances to the village. The plan had yet to be firmed up but was likely to involve planting around each of the three namestones and possibly planting spring bulbs along the verges.

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.05 pm.
The Chairman thanked all for attending.