2006 Minutes


Present: Councillors A Chetcuti, B Fisher (Chair), U Cansfield, B Butler, T Martin
Apologies: Councillors E Bolton, M Mitton and PC Mark Ayre

Declarations of interest in items on the agenda
There were none

Minutes of the previous meeting held on 1 .12.05

Signed as a correct record. Proposed: T Martin. Seconded: A Chetcuti

Matters arising from the minutes

Highways – response received to matters raised as follows: Pavement at 16 Hillside and road at Crimple bridge – orders placed for repairs; pavement next to cricket field – scheme to repair approved for next financial year; area around bottom ‘bus stop – B Butler agreed to meet inspector to clarify location of damaged area.

Rural Safety Scheme – Clerk confirmed an application made as outlined and that a request to repair ‘rumble strips’ on Pannal Road also made. Closing date 31.12.05.

No progress to report on Haggs Road/Spofforth Road junction. Contact to be made with County Councillor with a view to a possible meeting.

Chairman’s communications

‘Pinderpound’ – Chairman attended planning committee to express the view of the Parish Council. The application was refused by one vote.
Benches – it was noted that two new benches had been installed by Rudding Estate. Unfortunately an existing bench in a good state of repair had been mistakenly removed. This will be re instated in due course.
‘Summerfield’, Tofts Lane – a complaint from a resident concerning the size of the works has been referred to the planning enforcement officer who is conducting an investigation. The Parish Council will be informed of the outcome.
Pollution of waterways – smell of kerosene detected on new permissive footpath and also sewage. This referred to the Environment Agency, testing and investigation carried out. Oil leak thought to come from a local residence where a new fuel tank recently installed, the effects of this pollution will take some time to dissipate. E.A. officers have found evidence of bacteria connected with the sewage leak. Both matters are held to be serious as they have an adverse effect on aquatic life in local streams and the River Crimple.

Matters Concerning Plompton

There were none to report.

Street Lighting, Main Street
Contact with Lighting Engineer who has provided a map of supply cables. Advice is that a lantern attached to the ‘bus shelter would not offer a sufficient spread of light. Councillors considered a light positioned outside Manor Cottages to be an option worth pursuing. Clerk to contact owner of properties for their opinion on the proposal.

Kitty Corner nature boards
Councillor T Martin explained that he had contacted three companies for quotations. These ranged from a professional approach similar to the village signboard to one that would more faithfully reflect the efforts of the schoolchildren. The previous nature board had lasted for more than ten years and it was hoped that future generations of pupils would also be able to make a similar contribution. The Parish Council resolved to accept the quotation from the Harrogate Sign and Display Company which included installation at £ 260 + VAT

T Martin was thanked for his work on this project

a) Balance at the bank – a totalof £ 7713.27 in both accounts including interest of £ 41.35
b) Request for authorisation of expenditure – CPRE subscription £ 26
Proposed: U Cansfield Seconded: T Martin

Budget 2006-2007 – The Parish Council resolved to approve the budget. The precept request would be held at £ 5000 as the current financial year.
Reserves held by the Parish Council – this is held to mean surpluses carried over into future years that can be available for contingencies or donations as appropriate. Following discussion, the Parish Council resolved that it would be prudent to hold a minimum of £ 7000 in reserve. At this time a view on a maximum holding has not been decided.

8. Clerk’s report and correspondence
Letters from NYCC: re. community emergency plan for Follifoot and Plompton – decision to request a presentation from officers; review of contracted ‘bus services – decision to support continuation of Wednesday service to Knaresborough; Archaeology + Building Conservation service – clerk to complete service review questionnaire.

Harrogate Council – consultation meeting with Parish Councils – no items to put on agenda.
Reports and magazines received since last meeting were circulated.

9. Planning
Application 05/0671/FUL – Lodge House, Follifoot Hall for a two storey rear extension (revised scheme). The councillors resolved to object to the application on the grounds that the size of the extension is similar to that of the dwelling.

Appeals: land to north of Elm Gable – against refusal of certificate of lawfulness and enforcement notice – no further action as views already given to Planning Inspectorate. Follifoot Ridge Farm – against refusal for agricultural building – objections to plan to be sent to Planning Inspectorate.

Outcomes:- Approved – Rudding Park Golf Academy; tree felling at Lilac Cottage and ‘Alveston’, Main Street. Refused – erection of agricultural building at Plompton.

Meetings in 2006

Dates approved
Date of next meeting: 9 February 2006



Present : Parish Councillors B Fisher ( Chair ), A Chetcuti, E Bolton, U Cansfield, T Martin, B Butler, M Mitton. A number of residents and landowners with an interest in planning applications for Thistle Hill and ‘Pinderpound’.

Before the start of the Parish Council meeting a number of interested parties had requested an opportunity to attend to share their views on planning application 06/00294/FULMAJ – Creation of football pitches and pavilion at Thistle Hill. The applicants had also asked to attend the meeting but were not present.

If the application were allowed, residents and farmers were concerned about the risk of further development in Green Belt and increase in traffic. Access to the field is by a narrow track which the landowners share responsibility for maintenance is deemed impracticable for the passage of greater numbers of vehicles, cars/coaches. There was concern about the effect of noise and activity on livestock and wildlife and the future possibility of light pollution if the site were further developed to accommodate after school training. Drainage from the site into surrounding fields was also queried.

The group will submit their views to the planning authority. They were thanked for attending and left the meeting.


Apologies for absence : District Councillor C Bayliss and County Councillor J Savage.
Declaration of interest in items on the agenda

A Chetcuti for planning application 11 b) ‘Pinderpound’.

3. Minutes of the previous meeting – held on 12.1.06

Accepted as a correct record. Proposed: T Martin. Seconded: B Butler
Matters arising from the minutes

‘Summerfield’, Tofts Lane. Enforcement investigation revealed the building height was 3” higher than the approved plans, not considered to result in any planning harm that warrants further action at present. Front extension is larger than the original building and is shown on the approved plans. In addition, it appears that an earlier approval ( 2002 ) for a 2 storey side and rear extension is also being erected. It was not clear from the most recent plans that work would commence on both approvals. This may have affected the Parish Council view on the second application. Clerk to raise this matter with the planning authority.
Community emergency plan for Follifoot and Plompton – presentation by officers from NYCC and Harrogate to take place on 4 May, 2006.

Chairman’s communications

Environment Agency – reported that oil pollution near to footpath is decreasing. Source of sewage leak not yet identified, residents nearby have complained.
Hillside – complaint re. parking by a resident received via MP and District Councillor Bayliss. B Butler agreed to make contact with the person concerned with a view to resolving the matter, he will report back to the next meeting. Noted that parking on Hillside particularly difficult at present because of roofing works, though complaint does pre-date these.

Matters concerning Plompton
There were none.

Street Lighting, Main Street

Enquiries have established that Manor Cottages no longer owned by Rudding Estate/Mackaness family. One response to letters seeking views of current residents which suggested some concern about the effect of additional light on sleep and village youth congregating around the ‘bus shelter. Query re light positioned on Post Office to be explored.

Standing Orders
Amendment proposed to reflect changes in the process of considering planning applications ( at regular Parish Council meetings or specially convened Parish Council meetings to meet consultation time limits ) was approved.

Proposed: U Cansfield Seconded: T Martin
Balance at the bank
Total of £ 7807.65 in both accounts. Receipt of £ 70 from Harrogate Council for grass cutting grant.

Request for authorisation of expenditure

Stamps £10.08, Christmas trees £23.50, Stationery £22.24, Subscription ‘Clerks and Councils Direct’ magazine £9.

Proposed: B Butler Seconded: U Cansfield
Request for approval of grass cutting contract for 2006.
Price per cut £8.85 + VAT plus ‘one-off’ weedkilling around name stones at £5.70 + VAT. Represents a 3.5% increase on previous year. Quotation of £47.64 + VAT for weedkilling inside Pound. Prices were accepted.

Proposed: B Fisher Seconded: B Butler

Clerks report and correspondence

Parish Council records have now been catalogued by NYCC records office. List of documents to be stored and those not required to be circulated.

Highways – noted that a litter pick required on A661 ( this done by Harrogate Council 10.2.06 )

Meeting with County Councillor – Parish Council would like to know when he is free to attend a meeting, list of meeting dates has been sent.

Documents circulated to councillors.


06/00109/DVCON – Follifoot Ridge Farm Cottage – to lift condition of agricultural occupancy. Agents for applicants conducted a confidential marketing exercise ( not available to the Parish Council ) that indicated no interest in letting the property with an agricultural condition. Councillors were unclear if the rent was at market rates or at affordable/agricultural rates. They objected to the application on the grounds that it could create a precedent and pave the way for future housing development.
06/00202/FUL – Pinderpound, Plompton Road for replacement house and detached garage ( revised scheme ) Further amendments made to comply with the planning authority requirements. The Parish Council had no objections.
06/00286/TPO – Priory Lodge, Plompton Road to fell 1 Ash, reduce 1 Acer to 1 main stem, crown trim 1 Beech. It was noted that new trees would be planted in the area. The Parish Council had no objections.
06/00294/FULMAJ – Field no. 8200, Thistle Hill for change of use of land from agricultural to recreational, 6 football pitches, 50 car spaces, vehicular access, single storey pavilion ( revised scheme ). The Parish Council objected on the grounds that it was an inappropriate development in the Green Belt. Concerns expressed were around the likely increase in traffic on a minor road, access into the site could lead to an increase in accidents, the potential for noise pollution and drainage off the site. The club’s business plan implied a greater level of activity than week – ends only and appeared to offer recreation to Knaresborough schools and one Harrogate school only. There seemed to be no advantage to the local community.
Other planning matters : Tewitt Holme, Plompton Road fell 1 Beech and 1 Birch ( Parish Council consultation not required ). The Fold, Rudding Dower – approval for single storey extensions and infills.

Date of next meeting 9 March 2006.



Present: Parish Councillors B Butler ( Chair ), M Mitton, T Martin, A Chetcuti and one resident – A Dewsnip.

Apologies for absence : Parish Councillors U Cansfield, E Bolton, B Fisher and PC M Ayre.

Declaration of interest in items on the agenda B Butler for item 3 – parking on Hillside

Minutes of the previous meeting – held on 9.2.06

Signed as a correct record. Proposed: T Martin. Seconded: A Chetcuti.

Matters arising from the minutes – for information

Parking on Hillside . The Chairman reported that he had spoken to residents occupying properties at the top of the road. This resulted from a resident who was seeking assurance that it would be possible to park her vehicle outside her home. The cooperation of residents had been secured.

Presentation on emergency plan for Follifoot and Plompton by Council officers on 4 May. Time required 45 minutes. Agreed to start the meeting at 7.30 pm.

County Councillor Savage – no reply as yet to invitation to attend a Parish Council meeting.

Chairman’s communications

There were none to report.

Matters concerning Plompton

There were none to report.

Street lighting, Main Street

Council Lighting Engineer had met with A Dewsnip and Clerk to discuss the possibility of erecting a light in the area of the Post Office. It was concluded that a light fixed to the south side of the Post Office building at cill height with a Victorian style lantern would be appropriate. Light would be directed down onto the road with a minimal impact on surrounding properties. The owner of the property had been consulted on the proposal and was in favour. A Dewsnip would be prepared to allow use of his power supply for the light, the estimated cost was £10 per annum. This arrangement appeared satisfactory for the present, a similar positive approach of any future tenant/owner could not be guaranteed. It was considered that the proposal would enhance road safety. The views of residents in the immediate area had been obtained at various times over past months and had been taken into account.

The Parish Council resolved to accept the proposal and to consider making a contribution to the running costs.

Proposed: M Mitton Seconded: A Chetcuti

Annual Assembly

This to be held at 7.30 pm on 6 April. A Chetcuti agreed to create posters. Agenda items would include Chairman’s report and financial report.

Commuted sums

These are small amounts of money available from residential developers to contribute to sport, leisure and recreation at various locations in the village including the Village Hall, village green and Pannal Road verges and the tennis club.

Agreed that a copy of the commuted sums list would be circulated to parish councillors. Clerk to contact the organisations named above for ideas for use of monies. The matter to be considered at a later meeting.


Balance at the bank – £ 7782.69
Request for authorisation of expenditure – Clerks salary £585.30

Proposed: M Mitton Seconded: T Martin

Clerk’s report and correspondence

Changes to organisation of rural policing – PC Mark Ayre is to take responsibility for a different area. From 3.4.06 PC Mick Place will take over from him. He will be based at the Knaresborough station.
Annual Litter Pick – fixed for Sunday 9 April. Meet at 2 pm outside the Post Office. Gloves, bags, etc will be provided. A Chetcuti to create a poster and notice to be inserted in Parish magazine. A small gift to be donated by A Dewsnip for each child who assists.
Parish records – decision to request return of the framed ‘Best Kept Village’ and other certificates with a view to display in the Village Hall. B Butler to arrange to collect.
Various papers and magazines received since the last meeting were circulated.


Planning applications – none had been received.
Sites with a planning history – the Parish Council has made representations to the planning authority about receiving information on unimplemented planning approvals when consultation takes place on a new application. The planning authority did not think this would be a viable course of action. However, it is possible to obtain a list of all current and previous applications via the Public Access provision on the Harrogate Council web site and on that basis form a view on an application or make further enquiries as necessary. A list of site histories will be provided whenever an application is considered in future.
Applications decided upon since the last meeting:-

Land to N of Elm Gable – enforcement appeal dismissed

Tewitt Holme, Plompton Road – Tree Preservation Order made on Beech

Pinderpound, Plompton Road – replacement house and garage – approved

Priory Lodge – felling Ash and trimming other trees – approved

Follifoot Ridge Farm Cottage – lifting of agricultural condition – approved

Lodge House, Follifoot Hall – two storey rear extension – withdrawn

Date of next meeting

6 April – 7 30 pm – Annual Assembly and 8pm Parish Council



Present : Parish Councillors B Fisher ( Chair ), U Cansfield, A Chetcuti, T Martin, M Mitton, B Butler
Apologies : Parish Councillor E Bolton

It was agreed to add an item to the agenda ( item 6 ) to facilitate a discussion about Parish records.

Declarations of interest in items on the agenda. There were none Minutes of the previous meeting – held on 9. 3.06
Signed as a correct record

Proposed: T Martin Seconded: B Butler

Matters arising from the minutes

Litter pick arrangements – confirmed meeting at 2 pm outside Post Office. Gifts for participants entrusted to M Mitton. Comment made about the high level of litter deposited around the village, consideration to be given to increasing the frequency of litter picks in the future.
Commuted sums – Chairman of Village Hall and Tennis Club contacted and their ideas requested. Village Hall would appreciate collapsible goal posts, a costing awaited. Village Green – tub filled with bulbs or Box hedge around the Cross were suggested – clerk to investigate relative costs. Pannal Road verges – noted these were damaged by hedge cutting and ditching and would not lend themselves to enhancement by planting. Clerk to check if another site on the junction of Rudding Lane and the by pass would be acceptable to Harrogate Council.

Chairman’s communications

Resignation of Parish Councillor – it was with regret that the Chairman announced that Andrea Chetcuti had resigned. A notice would have to be posted giving 14 days for 10 electors to write to request an election, if no request was received then the Parish Council was at liberty to co-opt to fill the vacancy. The notice would be posted in early May. Andrea Chetcuti was thanked for her valuable contribution to the work of the Parish Council.
Hedge cutting on Spofforth Lane – complaint received from a resident that young beech trees had been damaged. Chairman contacted the landowner who subsequently arranged for the trees to be pruned in an effort to mitigate the damage.
Environment Agency – continues work to try to identify the source of the sewage leak on Pannal Road. Contact maintained with the Chairman.

Matters concerning Plompton

There were none.

Parish Records

T Martin reported a visit to the County Records office with B Butler. ‘Best Kept Village certificates’ and frames were collected. Unfortunately the mountings had been disposed of and there would be a cost for reinstatement. The frames were hung in the Village Hall prior to its refurbishment and there was a need to establish if the Committee still wanted them for display. T Martin agreed to raise the matter at the Village Hall AGM and also enquire about the location of a collage of Arch Cottage and photographs of the Home Guard. It was suggested that a review of the materials in storage under the Village Hall would be helpful, also to involve the Cricket Club and Village Hall committees in this. T Martin to report back to the May meeting. B Butler agreed to keep photographs of Alfred Green’s 80 th birthday and the Silver Jubilee celebrations at his home.

7. Planning

a) No applications had been received since the agenda was compiled.

b) Outcome of previous applications:

Approved – Aketon Stables for sun lounge; Partridge Cottage for felling of

1 Rhus and trimming others

Tree Preservation Order – Tewitt Holme – Order confirmed


Balance at the bank – £ 7197.40. Includes £ 39.87 interest
Request for authorisation of expenditure: Hire of Village Hall for meetings 2005-06 £ 87.50, Subscriptions to YLCA’s and YRCC £ 164 and £ 25 respectively

Proposed: B Fisher Seconded: U Cansfield

Kitty Corner – nature boards now in place. Invoice to be presented to Parish Council together with original artwork which is to be returned to Follifoot school.

Clerk report and correspondence

National Enquiry into Rural Housing – meeting to report on findings on 18.4.06 at Spofforth Long Memorial Hall. Councillors elected to receive copy of report.
Insurance – revised and updated policy received. New requirements relating to internal controls to be discussed at the next meeting. This and other documents received since the last meeting were circulated.

Date of next meeting: THURSDAY 4 MAY AT 7.30 PM. The meeting will start with a presentation on the emergency plan for Follifoot and Plompton to which all residents are invited.



Presentation on emergency planning by Emma-Jane Ellison from Harrogate Council and Louise Collins from North Yorkshire County Council, emergency planning officers.

The role of NYCC in providing support and coordination in emergencies including setting up reception centres was explained. The Police were likely to be the first point of contact in emergencies. The need to manage the media in such situations was stressed as it had been found that their presence could hamper rescue operations and provision for those most affected.

It was held to be good practice for parishes to develop their own emergency plans and to conduct risk assessments for local occurrences. Harrogate Council were in process of producing a pro forma to facilitate this and a copy would be made available to the Parish Council. Discussion of methods of devising an emergency plan would be held at a later date.

The officers were thanked for attending the meeting and for their offers of support in producing a plan for Follifoot and Plompton.


Present : Parish Councillors B Fisher, B Butler, E Bolton, U Cansfield, T Martin

Apologies for absence : Parish Councillor M Mitton, P C M Place

Election of Chairman

B Fisher was nominated by U Cansfield and seconded by E Bolton. B Fisher expressed his willingness to stand, was duly elected and signed the acceptance of office.

2. Election of Vice-Chairman

B Butler was nominated by B Fisher and seconded by T Martin. He expressed his willingness to stand and was duly elected.

3. Election of Village Hall representative

B Butler was willing to stand for a further year and was nominated by T Martin and seconded by E Bolton and duly elected.

4. Declarations of interest in items on the agenda

T Martin declared an interest in item 8 – Parish Records.

5. Minutes of the previous meeting – held on 6 April 2006 were signed as a correct record. Proposed; B Butler Seconded: T Martin

6. Matters arising from the minutes

a) Commuted sums – Letter to Clerk from the Tennis Club Chairman describing a current project which would benefit from financial help. This was checked with the Council officer responsible who stated it would not meet the criteria for funding, Tennis Club Chairman to be informed. The verge at the junction of Pannal Road and Rudding Lane may be planted with bulbs.

b) Resignation of parish councillor – a notice inviting electors to request an election will be placed on the notice board.

7. Chairman’s communications

a) Children’s playground proposal – letter received from M Mackaness stating that he would not be proceeding with the project.

b) Litter pick – letter of complaint received from a resident of Manor Fold concerning the bags of litter left for collection next to the re cycling bins. Bags were left from 9th April and picked up on 24th. Clerk had contacted the Council officer responsible on two occasions during this period. Chairman had responded to the resident with an explanation, but he was not satisfied by this. Parish councillors requested sight of the correspondence.

B Butler and T Martin reported they had completed the litter pick on Pannal Road and found there was sewage present in a ditch. The Chairman agreed to speak to the Environment Agency which is aware of the problem.

8. Parish Records

T Martin reported on his attendance at the Village Hall AGM when he sought clarification on the whereabouts of some items formerly hung in the Village Hall. Some had been stored temporarily in the toilet for disabled people and framed photographs were thought to be in the safekeeping of residents. B Butler agreed to enquire further re their location. Agreement had been sought and secured from the Chairman of the Village Hall that ‘ Best Kept Village ‘ certificates, etc could put on display, letter received confirming this. These items required re mounting. A written estimate for the work to be requested from P + V Manning. Proposed: B Butler Seconded: U Cansfield.

Noted that a display of old photographs prepared by the Yorkshire Film Archive was stored under the Hall. Importance of listing location of Parish property was stressed.


There was nothing to report.

Balance at the bank – Total of £ 6790.28 in both accounts including receipts of £ 154.86 for VAT refund, £ 20 for one allotment rental and .02p interest on current account.
Request for authorisation of expenditure – £305.50 to Harrogate Sign and Display (as quotation ) for Kitty Corner nature board and £ 274.70 for insurance premium from Allianz Cornhill. Documents examined and amount verified by B Butler and T Martin. Proposed: B Fisher Seconded: B Butler
Insurance – Minimum standards of control. Paper previously circulated outlined insurance company’s new requirements and the extent to which the Parish Council were complianct. Full compliance to be achieved by preparation of a quarterly reconciliation and provision of associated documentation for scrutiny and verification by councillor (s) at a Parish Council meeting. The Parish councillors resolved to accept the recommendations.
Clerk’s report and correspondence

Rural safety Schemes – noted that a report was considered at the April meeting of the Area Committee for the Harrogate District. The bid from the Parish Council was included with a recommendation for approval. Outcome not yet communicated.

Papers received since the last meeting were circulated.

Application 06/01864/CON and 06/00648/FUL – Plompton Hall Farm, Plompton. Conservation area application for demolition of agricultural building and erection of a detached dwelling on site. Following discussion, the councillors concluded that they had no objection to either application, although the scale of the proposed dwelling seemed rather large.
No further applications had been received for comment. Parish Council consultation not required – Brooklands, Follifoot for felling 3 Lawson cypress and coppicing 1 eucalyptus.
Outcome of previous applications: Approved – 13 Leconfield Garth for extensions; Low grange Farm, Plompton for lean-to agricultural building. Appeal – agricultural building at Follifoot Ridge Farm allowed. Documents relating to appeal judgement to be circulated to Parish Councillors.
Date of next meeting

Thursday 8 June at 8 pm


Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 8 June 2006

Present: Parish Councillors U. Cansfield, E. Bolton, B. Fisher
(Chairman), T. Martin, B. Butler, M. Mitton and one resident

Apologies for absence: District Councillor C. Bayliss, P. C. Place

Declarations of interest in items on the agenda

T Martin declared an interest in item 7 and would not participate in the discussion.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 4.5.06 were signed as a correct record. Proposed: B. Butler Seconded: U. Cansfield

Matters arising from the minutes

Rural Safety Scheme – there was a query about the outcome of the application to alter speed restriction signs on Spofforth Lane. Letter received today indicated the works had been approved and work would start in due course. Letter circulated to councillors.

Chairman’s communications

Sewage discharge into the ditch beside Prospect Cottage. It is understood that a long standing concession is in place for this property to dispose of effluent into the adjacent ditch. Discussions with the Environment Agency indicate that samples of the ditchwater had been taken for analysis. A possible outcome was referral to Harrogate Council Environmental Health department. A resident/landowner had contacted the Chairman to express concern.

A request by a resident to have sight of the papers relating to agenda item 7 prior to the discussion had been declined.

Mayor making ceremony 9.7.06 – an invitation to attend received by Chairman – prior commitments mean that no representative from the Parish Council is able to attend.

Matters concerning Plompton

There were no matters to report.

Consultation: The Harrogate District Local Development Framework

Follifoot has been selected as a potential area for housing and business development up to 2021. It was noted that every householder had received a newspaper from Harrogate Council outlining proposals for change and requesting feedback. The Parish Council was asked to give views on whether the existing development limits drawn around the major settlement of the village should be extended. The questions were debated at length and the councillors resolved not to recommend extension of the development limit around a parcel of available land off Spofforth Lane ( RL25a – 0.8 hectare ) on the grounds of poor access and concern that there was potential for a large housing development that may destroy the present character of the village. Councillors took the view that smaller sites would be appropriate (T. Martin left the meeting for part of the discussion)

The councillors decided to recommend two proposed extensions to the development limit – one being the field behind ‘Glenshee’, Spofforth Lane and the second the part site of a former garage off Pannal Road. These would be incorporated into the new development limit proposal for consideration by Harrogate Council.

The Parish Council was unanimous in its opinion that all new houses in the village should be and remain affordable as there was no such provision currently.

There followed an exchange of views about the importance of open land in and around Follifoot. Clerk to collate information and forward to the Council as requested.

Other related consultation documents received today – The Core Strategy Development Plan (also available to view on line at www.harrogate.gov.uk/ldf) The reports to be circulated to councillors with a view to further discussion at the next meeting.

Noted that two landowners had put forward sites for consideration for employment or housing use. These were Haggs Farm Industrial Estate and Follifoot Ridge Farm Industrial Estate.

Balance at the bank – Total £ 9094 .07 including two allotment rentals £ 40 and interest £ 38.49
Request for authorisation of expenditure: Subscriptions to Playing Fields Association and the Parish magazine £25 each.

Quotation of £ 100 to re frame Parish memorabilia from P & V Manning Framework was accepted.

Painting seats owned by Parish – difficulties reported in attempts to set up the work with the Probation Service – almost a year to date. Agreement given to seek quotation from local sources.

Proposed: B Fisher Seconded: B Butler

Internal audit – conducted for the financial year 2005-06 by P. Carney. He had written to confirm that finances had been dealt with in a satisfactory manner over the period.
Arrangements to sign off Annual Report for 2005-06. The statutory notice would be displayed from 3.7.06 and the Parish Council would be asked to approve the accounts at the meeting on 6.7.06.
Arrangements to co-opt a replacement Parish Councillor

Statutory notice did not result in a request for an election. However, two residents had now indicated an interest in becoming a councillor. The Clerk would clarify whether both could be co-opted and if not, then the Parish Council would arrange to meet each person to discuss their interest further.

Clerk’s report and correspondence

Information received since the last meeting was circulated.

06/02244/FUL – Meadow Sweet, Tofts Lane,Follifoot – for first floor side and two storey rear extension. The Parish Councillors discussed the application and concluded that whilst they had no objection in principle to the extension of the property, they thought that its design was not sympathetic to the existing dwelling.
No further applications had been received
Outcome of previous applications – Approved: Town End House – for horse riding arena; Fields at Thistle Hill – for football pitches, etc (papers circulated for information); Brooklands, Follifoot – for felling trees. Refusal: Plompton Hall – for demolition of agricultural building and a replacement house (papers circulated)

11. Date of next meeting Thursday 6 July 2006


Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 6 July 2006

Present: Parish Councillors B. Butler (Chair), U. Cansfield, T. Martin, M. Mitton, C. Florance. P.C.’s Mick Place and Alex Sellers

Apologies: Parish Councillor B. Fisher, E. Bolton

Declarations of interest in items on the agenda

There were none.
Co-option of new Parish Councillor
Charles Florance was co-opted onto the Parish Council

Proposed: B. Butler Seconded: U. Cansfield
He duly signed the acceptance of office

Minutes of the meeting held on 8.6.06
These were signed as a correct record

Proposed: M. Mitton Seconded: T. Martin
Matters arising from the minutes

U. Cansfield reported that a resident had sought clarification from her about the location of one of the sites proposed for development by the Parish Council in the Local Development Framework consultation.

Chairman’s communications

Burglary on the Paddocks. A house had been entered car keys, car and electrical goods stolen on 4.7.06. The offence was thought to be attributable to windows left open in the hot weather. P.C. Place commented that this was a ‘Hanoi’ style crime usually committed by teams from Leeds or the N. E. He advised that residents should conceal their keys, wallets, etc as a preventative measure.
Litter Pick – A resident in Manor Fold had made further contact with the Chairman by email to state that he was dissatisfied with the response he had received from the Parish Council and also with the way the matter had been minuted. He was minded to complain to the District Council. Following a discussion of the issues, the councillors concluded there was no further action they could take.

Matters concerning Plompton
There were none to report.


Condition of road surface on Spofforth Lane – Clerk reported that she had contacted NYCC Highways inspector who stated he was to visit the site and would arrange for a repair to be made. It was noted that a pothole had been repaired. The condition of the road would be monitored.
Other matters relating to Highways – a complaint received from a resident that dog walker’s cars parked at Grimbald Bridge were encroaching on the highway. P. C. Place agreed to look at the situation.

Cars parking on Main Street – access was extremely difficult for drivers of buses and HGV’s at times. C. Florance reported that the school governor’s planned to write to all parents following concerns expressed by residents about restricted access at the beginning and end of the school day. P. C. Sellers informed the meeting that it was likely that the solution to the problems may lie in restricting parking to one side of the street. This was now the responsibility of Highways, not the Police. At this time, councillors expressed a reluctance to follow this course.

In response to a question relating to parking along Pellentine Road, P. C. Place stated that it was illegal to park within 25 yards of a road junction.

Speeding – this had been raised as a problem by one resident. Monitoring vehicle speed was initially the responsibility of Highways who could install a device on the road. If compliance with speed limits was not generally observed, the Police would become involved.

P. C.’s Place and Sellers were thanked for attending the meeting.

a) Quarterly reconciliation of accounts as required by the revised insurance policy – cheque, receipt, paying in books and bank statements were examined. The reconciliation was approved by the councillors. Proposed: M. Mitton Seconded: T. Martin

Balance at the bank = £9069.07p
Request for authorisation of expenditure – Clerk’s salary for first quarter – £616.87p; P & V Manning for re-framing Parish Council memorabilia – £117.50p; Harrogate Council for grass cutting ( for 3 months) – £135.47p. Proposed: M. Mitton Seconded: T. Martin

Quotation for painting Parish Council benches – two local quotations sought, one declined and the second quoted £ 491.40p. With an amendment to the treatment of two new benches with oil rather than preservative, the councillors resolved to accept the quotation.

Annual Report – the councillors considered the report and made the following resolutions:

to approve the statement of accounts for 2005-06
to approve the statement of assurance

The Chairman of the meeting and the Clerk duly signed the documents as required.

Continuation of banking with HSBC – councillors resolved to continue

the existing banking arrangements and the Chairman of the meeting and Clerk signed the new bank mandate as required.

Recent works to local ‘bus stops – Clerk had made efforts to contact the responsible NYCC officer by ‘phone and had finally written to express the views of the councillors that much of the works appeared to be unnecessary and unsightly, especially on Main Street and requesting that steps be taken to remedy the situation. To date, no reply had been received, but the matter would be followed up. The Parish Council view had been clearly expressed.

Parking at ‘bus stop, top Main Street – further complaint received from a resident re. difficulty in getting on the ‘bus at times when cars are parked at the stop. Investigations suggested that the erection of a ‘no parking’ sign had to be supported by restricted parking lines on the road. No action would be taken at this time and the situation would be monitored.

Clerk’s report and correspondence
Allotments – complaint received from a resident re. the condition of one of the plots. The matter was discussed together with the terms of the tenancy agreement. The councillors resolved that the tenant should have written notice of three weeks to improve the state of the plot before further action was considered.

Harrogate area conservation grant scheme – papers circulated at the last meeting and displayed on the notice board – clerk asked to investigate availability of funding to renovate the War Memorial in the top ‘bus shelter.

Papers received since the last meeting were circulated.

Local development Framework
Consultation on site options for housing and employment land outside the major settlement of Follifoot. The Parish Council considered two proposals: Follifoot Ridge Farm Business Park – the Parish Council‘s view was that the existing development limit for the site should not be enlarged as it could impact negatively on the adjacent small residential settlement and riding establishment. Any further development or activity within the limits should be compatible with its rural location.

Haggs Farm Business Park – this was just outside the Parish, councillors took the view that the site should not be extended beyond its current limits but buildings that were unused could be utilised for businesses. It was thought inappropriate for development to encroach into the surrounding countryside. It was noted that there was no access to this site by public transport and that this was a criterion for development in the Council’s strategy.

No applications had been received for consideration.

Outcome of previous applications – Meadow Sweet, Tofts Lane, Follifoot for side and rear extensions – refused; notice of diversion of public right of way – Bridleway 50, Knaresborough.
Additional meeting to consider planning applications was fixed for MONDAY 24 JULY 2006 ( now cancelled )

Date of next meeting
Decision to change the date from Thursday 10 August to 3 AUGUST 2006


Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 3 August 2006

Present : Parish Councillors U. Cansfield, E. Bolton, T. Martin, C. Florance.

Apologies : Parish Councillors B. Butler, M. Mitton, B. Fisher

Election of Chairman : as the Chairman and Vice-Chairman had tendered their apologies for the meeting, U. Cansfield was elected Chairman for this meeting.

Declaration of interest in items on the agenda : there were no declarations of interest.

Minutes of the meeting held on 6.7.06 : signed as a correct record

Proposed: Seconded:

Matters arising from the minutes :

Annual Report – a query from the external auditor re. the amount of reserves held by the Parish Council was answered by the need to have a small surplus to meet contingencies e.g. maintenance and replacement of items. The external auditor is to recommend the accounts be approved.
Conservation grant – War Memorial. In response to a query re. eligibility, the Harrogate Council Conservation Officer has requested a rough estimate of the cost.

Chairman’s communications : there were none to report.

Matters concerning Plompton
There were two planning matters for consultation under agenda item 10.

Highways :

Recent works to local ‘bus stops – Clerk followed up this matter to be informed by the NYCC officer responsible that she had received neither the letter nor two ‘phone messages. Concern expressed about this too and assurance received that the office communication would be improved in future. The officer had visited the ‘bus route and had indicated that the changes were part of a consultation exercise conducted in 2005. However it was conceded that the new pole at the bottom of Main Street would be removed as requested by the Parish Council as its position was dangerous.

Finance :

Balance at the bank – £ 8174.23p. All cheques issued to date have been presented.
Request for authorisation of expenditure : Harrogate Council for grass cutting – £ 20.80. Proposed: Seconded:

Clerk’s report and correspondence; template for an emergency plan received. It was agreed this would be circulated to assist councillors to decide at the next meeting how best to take this matter forward.

Planning :

Application 06/03298/LB – Plompton Cottage, Plompton – listed building consent for 1 st floor extension to east elevation and internal alterations.
Application 06/03295/FUL – Plompton Cottage, Plompton – erection of 1 st floor extension to east elevation
No further applications had been received.
Outcome of previous applications : Tewitt Holme, Plompton Road, Follifoot for side and rear extensions – refused.

O.S. fields 8200 + 7100, Thistle Hill for deletion of planning permission to allow it to operate for the benefit of persons other than Mr. Stonard – approved.

Date of next meeting: 7.9.06


Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7 September 2006

Present: Parish Councillors B. Fisher (Chairman), E. Bolton, C. Florancce, U. Cansfield, T. Martin, M.Mitton.

The Chairman thanked B. Butler and U. Cansfield respectively for chairing the last two meetings in his absence.

Apologies for absence : Parish Councillor B. Butler, District Councillor C. Bayliss
Declarations of interest in items on the agenda

There were none to declare.

Minutes of the previous meeting – held on 3.8.06 were signed as a correct record. Proposed: T. Martin. Seconded: C. Florance.
Matters arising from the minutes

Advertisements displayed on Rudding Lane and Wetherby Road – noted that the signs had been removed. No further action required.

Chairman’s communications :

Crimple bridge, Plompton Road – complaint from resident re. weeds on footpath. He had already made contact with Harrogate Council and the paths had been cleared subsequently.
Commemorative plates, Village Hall – request from resident that a small plaque be fixed to the frame to identify the donor. T. Martin agreed to obtain quotations for the next meeting.
Planning query – letter received via District Councillor from an architect seeking the views of the Parish Council. Following discussion, Chairman to advise that contact be made with planning authority for a pre-planning application enquiry.
Allotments – a vacancy will arise on 1 st November, those on the waiting list to be contacted to determine their interest.

Matters concerning Plompton.

E. Bolton reported that the Parish notice board was in a poor state of repair and not watertight. Following discussion, it was decided to consider purchase of a new board ‘off the shelf’. Clerk to bring information to next meeting.

There were no other matters to report.

Emergency Plan for Follifoot and Plompton

Councillors were in favour of developing a plan for the settlements. It was suggested that a meeting to discuss this further be organised to which residents and other people significant in the life of the villages should be invited. It was proposed that the meeting be held on 2 November at 7.30 pm.

Clerk to draft a letter of invitation for consideration at the next meeting.

Condition of ‘bus shelters

Response from NYCC to letter requesting information about refurbishment of ‘bus shelters indicated that the 2006-07 budget was committed but if monies were made available for the next financial year (2007-08), then the officer concerned would make contact with the clerk. Councillors considered the report from T. Martin and resolved to seek quotations from local contractors based on his assessment of possible works required. These did not appear to be of a fundamental nature, more a matter of maintenance. Noted that the top ‘bus shelter was a memorial and that it might be worthwhile to enquire if a conservation grant were available once quotations were received. Clerk to progress this.

Highways – update

Pannal Road – Haggs Road/ Leeds Road section. Harrogate Council have recently repainted white lines on the road

Pannal Road footpath adjacent to cricket field – repairs to commence mid-October and will take approximately one month.


Balance at the bank – Total of £ 8153. 43. All cheques have been presented to date.
Request for authorisation of expenditure: to C + J Bratherton for painting Parish seating – £ 491.40; to clerk for stamps – £ 8.28; to Harrogate Council for grass cutting £ 20.80. Parish Council resolved to approve these payments.
Clerk reported recent difficulties with telephone banking arrangement. HSBC manger attempting to resolve this.

Clerks report and correspondence

North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service – consultation questionnaire completed on draft integrated risk management action plan.

Commuted sums – Councillors agreed clerk should obtain prices for bulbs to plant at the Rudding Lane/ by-pass junction and make an application to Harrogate Council for release of monies.

Papers, magazines, etc. received since the last meeting were circulated.


06/04084/FUL – Thistle Hill, Knaresborough – land comprising part of OS fields 8200, 7100 and access road. A retrospective application to retain the vehicular access and track. The Parish Council had no objections.
Applications received since the agenda was compiled :

06/03789/FUL – ‘Overdale’, Tofts Lane, Follifoot for two storey rear and front extensions, raising the roof height to form first floor, 2 front and 1 rear dormer windows and replacement garage. The Parish Council objected to the application on the grounds that the ‘footprint’ of the proposal was substantially greater than the existing property, the volume would also be greatly increased. The impact on neighbouring properties was also considered as was the fact that ‘Overdale’ had already been extended.

06/04288/FUL – Unit 6, Follifoot Ridge Business Park, Pannal Road for erection of single storey side extension. The Parish Council had no objections.

Outcome of previous applications : Plompton Cottage, Plompton – Listed Building application for first floor extension and internal alterations – approved.

13. Date of next meeting: 5.10.06


Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5 October 2006

Present : Parish Councillors E. Bolton, U. Cansfield, B. Fisher (Chair), M. Mitton, T. Martin. District Councillor C. Bayliss

Apologies for absence : Parish Councillors B. Butler, C. Florance

Declarations of interest in items on the agenda
There were none.

Minutes of the meeting held on 7.9.06
Signed as a correct record. Proposed: T. Martin. Seconded: U. Cansfield.

Matters arising from the minutes
Allotment – Clerk reported that a new tenant would take over the plot from 1 November 2006

Item 10c – difficulties with telephone banking now resolved. Complaint to be made to HSBC re. their unauthorised actions.
Item 11 – Commuted sums – application for funding still to be made by Clerk.

Chairman’s communications
Yorkshire Water – following unusually heavy rainfall, the sewer was unable to contain the volume of water, resulting in raw sewage coming through the road beside Pear Tree Cottage, Main Street. Chairman contacted Yorkshire Water and a repair will be made in due course. The caps to reduce foul odours from the sewage system in the vicinity will remain in place even though the problem is likely to recur in future. It is thought the odours are caused when sewage from the holding tank at the Rudding Park site is released into the system.

Planning query – Chairman reported a further meeting with a resident to give information about how to resolve their concerns.
Street light in narrows on Plompton Road is faulty. To be reported to the Council.

Matters concerning Plompton
There were none to report other than the enquiries made about a new notice board. A wooden replacement would cost approximately £500 + VAT which councillors considered to be too expensive. The Parish Council requested that quotations be sought from local contractors to repair and refurbish the existing notice board. Clerk to follow up.

7. Highways
a) Noted that potholes on Spofforth Lane had deteriorated further. Clerk will make contact with NYCC Highways.

b) Rural Safety Scheme – Spofforth Lane – bid approved but delays likely as the existing consultant has lost the contract, a new one now engaged by NYCC. Unlikely that works will commence until early 2007.

Emergency Plan for Follifoot and Plompton
Draft letter of invitation to meeting on 2.11.06 approved by the councillors and will be signed by the Chairman. Initially key residents will be invited. It was agreed that the Chairman would prepare a short presentation to inform the meeting.

a) Quarterly reconciliation of accounts to 30.9.06 – accounts examined by councillors and found to be in order. All cheques had been presented. Closing balance was £7675.68.

Second instalment of precept in the sum of £ 2500 received and cleared giving total balances of £10175.68 at 5.10.06.

b) Request for authorisation of expenditure – Clerk’s salary £616.87; External audit fee £141; Grass cutting £20.80; Stationary £21.27. Estimate for small plaque for commemorative plates was £10 – £12. Proposed: B. Fisher, Seconded: M. Mitton.

c) Parish Precept 2007-08 – Clerk, Chairman and Vice Chairman to meet with a view to drafting the budget for consideration at the Parish Council meeting in December.

d) Refurbishment of ‘bus shelters – two quotations received. The Parish Council resolved to accept a quote in the sum of £ 769.65 from AW Joinery. Clerk to enquire whether a conservation area grant would be available for the top shelter and plaque. Noted that the conifer beside the bottom ‘bus shelter was planted by the Parish Council. It is overhanging the shelter and causing some root damage to the path. T. Martin agreed to investigate.

e) Annual Return – signed off by the External Auditor. Documents will be displayed on the notice boards for 14 days.

Clerk’s report and correspondence
Horse Pond Beck – a working party to be arranged to clear up the area – M. Mitton and B. Fisher to organise.

Correspondence received since the last meeting was circulated.

No applications had been received for consultation. There were no planning decisions to report.

Date of next meeting : 2 November at 7.30 pm


Minutes of the meeting to discuss making an emergency plan for Follifoot and Plompton held on Thursday 2 November 2006

Present : Parish Councillors B. Fisher (Chairman), U. Cansfield, B. Butler, E. Bolton, C. Florance, T. Martin, District Councillor C. Bayliss, D. Townsend, M. Holloway, A. Dewsnip, P. Carney, R. Lamming, P.C. M. Place, P.C. M. Ayre, P. Bell

Apologies : Parish Councillor M. Mitton, Rev. J. Trew, Rev. J. Betts, S. Mackaness, M. Mackaness

The Chairman thanked all for attending. He explained that whilst it was not a statutory requirement for parishes to have an emergency plan, it would be useful to have a basic structure in place in case of emergency. This would make use of local knowledge, providing detail to complement the district and county plans. A template for a plan had been provided, so it would not be a case of ‘re-inventing the wheel’. Following a short discussion, those present considered it would be helpful to make a plan for the two villages.

It was agreed that a working group would be convened to progress the matter using the template provided. Any further information available on-line would be brought to the first meeting.

Group members: B. Fisher (Chairman), P. Carney, A. Dewsnip, R. Lamming, M. Holloway, C. Bayliss. A quorum should be four persons

The first meeting would be held on Tuesday 5 December at 6.30 pm at the Harewood Arms, Main Street, Follifoot.

The Parish Council Meeting

Present : Parish Councillors B. Fisher (Chairman), U. Cansfield, E. Bolton. B. Butler, T. Martin, C. Florance, District Councillor C. Bayliss

An opportunity for residents to ask questions or register concerns:

A. Dewsnip referred to recent criminal activity in Follifoot. The Police were aware of two crimes, whilst A. Dewsnip knew of five. Police will check the computer but it appears that three crimes were not reported by the victims or any other person.

A. Dewsnip registered concern about the speed of some vehicles travelling along the Pannal/Plompton Road which had apparently resulted in the death of two family pets. Affected residents have not raised the matter personally with the Parish Council. P.C. Ayre advised writing to NYCC to request speed monitoring strips be installed. Clerk to follow up.

Proposed street light outside the Post Office. A. Dewsnip asked when it was likely to be installed. The lantern has been delivered to the Harrogate Council and Clerk has provided information to the Lighting Engineer to facilitate completion of the works. District Councillor Bayliss to follow up.

The meeting was informed that the arrangements for community policing were to change as current workloads were too heavy, an additional officer was to be drafted in to assist. The Parish link in future would be P.C. Ayre. P.C. Place was thanked for his involvement.

Apologies for absence : Parish Councillor M. Mitton
Declarations of interest in items on the agenda
There were none

Minutes of the meeting held on 5.10.06
The minutes were signed as a correct record. Proposed: T. Martin Seconded: U. Cansfield

Matters arising from the minutes
Yorkshire Water – noted that the repair had been made to the road at the bottom of the Main Street.

Chairman’s communications
Friends of Harrogate Hospital – an approach had been made regarding another Open Gardens day in Follifoot. The Chairman had expressed an interest in principal, possibly for 2008. The challenge was to find enough residents willing to open their gardens to the public.
‘Follifoot in Bloom’ – The Chairman would like to discuss the possibility of having floral displays around the villages. An agenda item will be tabled for the January meeting.

Matters concerning Plompton
The Parish notice board – a quotation received from AWJoinery in the sum of £145 which the Parish Council resolved to accept.

There were no other matters to report.

Potholes on Spofforth Lane – Clerk reported that NYCC were monitoring the state of the road, an order was to be made to repair the site but no date had yet been arranged.

Rural Safety Scheme, Spofforth Lane – Scheme approved works will not begin until the New Year.

Parish Assets
‘Bus shelters – work on refurbishment has commenced. Contact made with conservation officer regarding financial assistance for the top shelter, no response received to date. Bottom shelter – T. Martin had examined the conifer next to the building and thought it could damage the structure as well as the adjacent drive. He recommended that the tree be felled. The councillors accepted this and will take advice from the planning authority regarding the process as it is in the conservation area. Clerk to follow up.

Horsepond Beck – councillors arranged a working party to tidy up the area. Harrogate Council to be asked for a quotation for this work for the next financial year.

District Councillor Bayliss requested time to raise two matters of current concern in the Harrogate district as she was interested to hear the views of the Parish Council:

‘Wheelie bins’ – councillors were concerned that some properties had insufficient space to accommodate a number of bins. Councillors were supportive of moves to increase items that were re cycled, especially plastic. An earlier pilot project was mentioned and Councillor Bayliss agreed to enquire about the outcome of the trial. She stressed that no decision had been made by the Council about the matter as yet.
Starbeck baths – U. Cansfield stated that she was a user of the swimming pool and thought it appeared to be well used by people who may not want the added facilities of the other ools in the district. There was an important social element apparent for the users.

Finance :
Balance at the bank – A total of £ 9375.74 in the accounts. Request for authorisation of expenditure – to D. Stalker for engraving a commemorative plaque £ 9.50; to Harrogate Council for final grass cut – £ 10.40. Proposed: B. Butler Seconded: U.Cansfield
Internal Audit – Letter from P. Carney stating that he had examined the accounts for the six months to 30.9.06 and found them in order.

Clerk’s report and correspondence
Contact from John Chilton who reports on events in Follifoot and surrounding villages for local newspapers. He would like to report the proceedings of the Parish Council where they may be of interest to readers. Following a discussion in which it was noted that minutes were available on the Parish notice boards and Follifoot web site, councillors agreed that minutes could be sent to Mr. Chilton.

Countryside Alliance – letter received requesting support for the retention of rural Post Offices. Clerk to draft a letter to the Minister concerned for approval at the next meeting
Manor Cottages, Main Street. Complaint received regarding branches overhanging the pavement. Clerk to contact letting agent to request remedial action
Correspondence received since the last meeting was circulated.

Application 06/05020/FUL – Alveston, Main Street, Follifoot for front porch and rear dormer windows. The Parish Council had no objections to the application.
No further applications had been received
Outcome of previous applications : Approved – Fields 8200 and 7100, Thistle Hill -for retention of vehicular access and Unit 6, Follifoot Ridge Business Park – for extension. Withdrawn – Overdale, Tofts Lane, Follifoot – for extensions.


Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7 December 2006

Present : Parish Councillors B. Fisher (Chairman), U. Cansfield, C. Florance, M. Mitton, B. Butler, T. Martin.

Apologies for absence : Parish Councillor E. Bolton, District Councillor C. Bayliss
Declarations of interest in items on the agenda

There were none to declare.
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 2.11.06.

Correction – item 12 – Date of next meeting should have read 7.12.06. Minutes approved as a correct record. Proposed: T. Martin. Seconded: U. Cansfield.

Matters arising from the minutes

Thefts from cars – P.C. Ayre reported that these had been recorded but were logged under Pannal village crimes.
Speed monitoring, Pannal Road. NYCC will order a traffic survey.
Street lighting – C. Bayliss has spoken to the Lighting Engineer. The light will be fitted but no indication of timing was given. It is evident that the top ‘bus shelter is being used as a urinal and it is hoped that the installation of the street light in this location may deter this unacceptable practice.
Item 8 – Parish assets – Top ‘bus shelter – Conservation Officer stated that the Council would not be able to assist with a grant. Bottom ‘bus shelter – an application made to the planning authority to fell the cypress next to the shelter.

Chairman’s communications
Emergency Plan for Follifoot and Plompton. The Chairman informed councillors that the first meeting of the working group had been held. It was quite productive with key personnel identified and tasks allocated. Another meeting was planned in January.

Matters concerning Plompton
The repair to the Parish notice board has been completed and the councillors commented on the excellent quality of the work. Payment is referred to in item 9 c). There were no other matters raised for discussion.

Parish Assets
The Stocks, Main Street are in need of refurbishment. Quotations to be sought from local contractors and enquiries made re. eligibility for a conservation grant.

Kitty Corner – T. Martin brought the nature board to the meeting. This had been vandalised and ripped from its plinth. After some discussion, the councillors resolved that the board should be repaired and re fixed. T. Martin to contact Harrogate Sign and Display for a quotation. Clerk would report the crime to P. C. Ayre. In addition, fly tipping of green waste had taken place. Clerk to inform Harrogate Council.

Open Spaces and Village Halls in the Parish
Maps of the parish indicating areas of land and facilities accessible to the public were reviewed. Amendments and additions proposed. Clerk to return these to Harrogate Council.

Finance :

Budget 2007-2008 Councillors resolved to approve the budget. Proposed: B. Butler. Seconded: C. Florance. The precept request was £ 5000, the same amount as the previous two years.
Balance at the bank Total in the accounts was £ 9480.39. This included a payment of £ 75 by HSBC to compensate for time spent and inconvenience when the telephone banking and mandating arrangements were cancelled recently. The Parish Council resolved not to pursue their complaint further, but would monitor the performance of the banking provision.
Request for authorisation of expenditure To AWJoinery £ 870 for repairs to ‘bus shelters and Plompton Parish notice board. High quality of work noted, also thanks to be made to Mr. and Mrs. Hinchcliffe for the loan of a generator to facilitate the works. To Parish Clerk for salary £ 616.87 and £ 8.28 for stamps. Proposed: U. Cansfield. Seconded: B. Butler.

Clerk’s report and correspondence
Report from P. C. Ayre concerning crimes reported since early November. Three crimes were recorded, one theft from a car on Main Street, a burglary from farm buildings at Plompton and a drugs offence detected on the by-pass from a routine stop/check of a vehicle.

Papers received since the last meeting were circulated.

Support for rural Post Offices

The Parish Council approved a letter to be signed by the Chairman. This would be sent to the government minister responsible.

Planning :

Application 06/05452/FUL – Summerfield, Tofts Lane, Follifoot – for a single storey side extension. This is a retrospective application to which the Parish Council had no objections. There was concern about the poor quality of the architectural drawings. This had already been discussed with the planning officer and would be raised formally with the planning authority.
Applications received since the agenda was compiled – Plompton Hall Farm appeal against refusal of application to erect detached dwelling on site of agricultural building to be demolished. Following discussion, the Parish Council resolved to support the position of the planning authority. Clerk to write to Planning Inspectorate.
Outcome of previous applications – Alveston, Main Street, Follifoot for porch and dormer windows – permission granted.

Dates of meetings for 2007

Decision deferred to next meeting.

Date of next meeting: 11 January 2007



Present : Parish Councillors B Fisher ( Chairman ), A Chetcuti, U Cansfield, T Martin, B Butler, M Mitton and 7 residents

Apologies : Parish Councillor E Bolton and Mrs E Simpson

Minutes of the previous Annual Assembly held on 14 April 2005

Signed as a correct record

Proposed: B Butler Seconded: A Chetcuti

Matters arising from the minutes

Item 7 – there was a query about the filming of an episode of ‘ The Royal’ and whether any payment had been made to the Parish Council. The Chairman stated that no payment had been received but he understood that a fee was paid to the farmer whose land was used.

Chairman’s Annual Report

The Chairman read his report to the meeting. Questions and discussion arose on the following matters:-

Parish Records
Noted that the County Records office had archived materials which would be available for scrutiny by members of the public and were still the property of the Parish Council. The records were now kept in safe and secure conditions. A. Dewsnip requested the Records office contact details as he was sometimes asked for information. He also asked if a list of the information held could be posted on the Follifoot website. Clerk will explore the possibility.

Women’s Institute records held by Mrs Hubbard. Also two village books had been published by the W.I. as limited editions in 1965 and 1975. A suggestion made that a Follifoot historical society might be formed, longstanding residents expressed a willingness to share their memories of their early days in the village.

Road Safety
Parking on Main Street – residents commented that some cars were parked partly on the pavement restricting pedestrian access. Egress from Walker Terrace by car or on foot was problematic as parked cars obscured the sight line, some believed there was potential for accidents and wondered if a ‘concealed exit’ sign would help. ‘Buses and HGV’s were often unable to negotiate the street because of the congestion. It was also suggested that the brewery may restrict parking behind ‘The Lascelles’ which could exacerbate matters. It was decided that the Councillors would arrange to meet the community policeman when he was in post.

Speeding vehicles – concern that some drivers were not observing the speed limit when passing through the village. Various options discussed including speed bumps, an illuminated ‘Slow Down’ sign and a 20 m.p.h. speed limit. Councillors to discuss with community policeman and possibly NYCC Highways at a later stage.

Noted that the gully at the bottom of Main Street appeared to be blocked. Clerk informed the meeting that she had contacted NYCC Highways to inform by letter on 12.12.05 and by ‘phone on 4.4.06.

Main Street road surface – disappointment expressed that only a few months after the road was resurfaced, the utility companies had dug a number of holes and trenches and had not adequately reinstated the road surface. The Clerk to write to NYCC Highways to request the damage be made good.

Village Booklets
Chairman agreed to supply further copies to Mrs Hubbard and Post Office.

Minibus to Knaresborough
Every Wednesday from Follifoot at 10 am returning at 12 noon. The service has not been widely publicised, A Chetcuti agreed to make a poster to increase awareness of the service. Places can be booked with the driver, Peter Kay on 867986.

Litter Pick
2 pm Sunday 9 April. A. Dewsnip, Post Office kindly providing chocolate eggs to child participants.

4. Financial Report
Paper showing performance against budget was distributed. In response to a query regarding a contribution made to the Parish Council from the company filming ‘Barking’, it was stated that £ 250 had been received and this was shown under ‘other’ income.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.15 pm. The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.