13th April 2017

Minutes of the Follifoot with Plompton Parish Council Meeting
13th April 2017

PRESENT: Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T. Martin, Councillors’ P. Cresswell, A. Dewsnip, T. Hall and J. Hinchcliffe, District Councillor A. Paraskos, Internal Auditor M. Kettlewell and one resident.
1. Apologies: Apologies received and accepted from Councillor Andrade.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest. None.
3. Public Participation session: None.
4. Meeting Minutes held on 9th March 2017 – The minutes were proposed as a correctly record by Councillor Dewsnip and seconded by Vice Chairman Martin, Vice Chairman Martin duly signed the minutes as he had chaired the meeting.
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes – All items included in the minutes.
6. Chairman’s communications
a) Dog Fouling and Disposal – The chairman said he had received a complaint regarding Dog Fouling and disposal of the bags of dog mess. Dog owners have been picking up the dog mess then throwing it into bushes and trees etc… The permissive footpath landowner said the amount of bags recently found had increased and if the problem continued he may close the permissive footpaths around Follifoot. The chairman said these permissive footpaths are a great asset to the village and are extremely precious. The matter was discussed and it was resolved the Parish Council would look into Dog Poo bins for the village, purchase more signs and erect them around the village footpaths, have leaflets ready for the Litter Pick so they can be handed out at the Litter Pick asking people to clean up after their dogs and dispose of the bag in an enclosed bin. Collect any bags of dog mess during the Litter Pick. Speak with the dog warden to request more frequent visits to the village to catch offenders.
7. Clerk’s correspondence –
a) Rudding Park Spa Event 20th April – The clerk said the councillors should have received an invitation to an event at Rudding Park to view the new Spa.
b) Wild Flower Scheme – Harrogate Borough Council offered the Parish Council some free bulbs or wildflowers. It was resolved they would ask for the Bluebells and they would be planted on the old Pannal Road. Councillor Hall enquired if Plompton could have some more bulbs, it was resolved the clerk would obtain some quotes for bulbs.
c) Correspondence – The clerk said a list of correspondence not included in the agenda is available if required.

8. Matters concerning Plompton –
a) The Rocks – Councillor Hall reported there had been several disturbances at The Rocks and the Police have been involved and continue to monitor the situation.
9. Broadband – No further updates
10. Neighbourhood Watch – Mike Hammond gave his report at the Annual Parish Meeting.
11. Village Up Keep
a) Maintenance – Mark had done a total of 2.5 hours in March.
b) Spring Litter Pick – The next Litter Pick is to be held Sunday 23rd April at 2pm – meeting outside Village Shop.
c) Village Flower Planting – It was resolved the next flower planting would be held on 14th May 2017 at 10am, to meet at Horse Pond Beck. Action: Clerk to advertise for volunteers. The clerk said Mark had prepared the beds and she would purchase the plants.
d) Dog fouling – Included in the Chairman’s Communication item 6.
e) Grass cutting Old Pannal Road – Mark had quoted £50.00 a cut, it was resolved Councillor Cresswell will speak with those concerned to ascertain if they wish to have the verge cut and if so how often or if they would consider a small donation towards the cutting of the verge.
12. Highways – No updates.
13. FOFWRAP/Follifields – Sam Gallimore had given an update at the Annual Parish Meeting.
14. Projector – The clerk said she had purchased a projector for the Parish Council. It was resolved the clerk would store the projector at home. It was resolved the Parish Council would charge £5.00 for the hire of the projector. Action: Clerk to compile hire agreement.
15. First World War Remembrance – The clerk reported two residents were interested in working with the parish council to hold a remembrance afternoon in November 2018 for the Follifoot residents who were in the WWI.
16. Rugby Club Junior Festival – It was resolved that the chairman would confirm with the Rugby Club that suitable arrangements had been made for the parking of cars at the Junior Festival.
17. Parish Council Risk Assessments – Annual Review
a) Gardening – It was resolved the gardening risk assessment was acceptable.
b) Financial – It was resolved the Financial Risk Assessment was acceptable.
c) Litter Picking – It was resolved the Litter Picking Assessment was acceptable.
18. Finance
a) Balance at the bank on 31st March 2017 – Current Account £491.74 and deposit account £6,848.11.
b) Expenditure for authorisation – Expenditure was unanimously agreed for Village Maintenance, Auditor Honorarium, Village Hall Hire, AW Joinery, Projector, Dog Fouling signs, Clerk’s Salary and Expenses.
YLCA Membership (adjusted fee) £282.00 Bank Transfer
S. Hinchcliffe Salary/Expenses £1208.62 Cheque 100770
M. Collyer Maintenance £37.50 Bank Transfer
M. Kettlewell Honorarium £125.00 Cheque 100771
Amazon Projector £304.74 Cheque 100772
Amazon Signs £19.90 Cheque 100773
AW Joinery Bench £147.50 Bank Transfer
Village Hall Hire £140.00 Bank Transfer

c) Adjustments to expenditure for YLCA Membership – The clerk she had emailed the Parish Councillors to explain the alteration to the YLCA Membership and attached the email from YLCA explaining their error.
d) Monthly Budget – See appendix 1
e) Quarterly Reconciliation – See appendix 2
f) Budget Outcome for 2016/17 – The clerk gave details of the draft outcome for the accounts in 2016/17.
19. Planning:
a) Applications Received
i) Wingate Farm, Plompton – 17/00935/PNG – Notification for prior approval for change of use of Agricultural Building to 2 no dwelling houses. The Parish Council supported the application.
ii) Rose Cottage, Tofts Lane, Follifoot – 17/00954/FUL
Raising of roof to form second storey, formation of roof lights and Juliet balcony. The Parish Council supported the application.
b) Applications received since the agenda was compiled – None
c) Outcome of previous applications – The Hollies, Tofts Lane, Follifoot – Approved.
20. Date of next meeting: Annual Parish Council meeting 11th May 2017 at 7.30pm in Follifoot Village Hall.