8th May 2014


MEETING on 8th May 2014

Present: Chairman B. Fisher, Vice Chairman N. MacDermid, Councillors
T. Martin, E. Jones, C. Florence, T. Hall and C. Gogna, Internal Auditor M. Kettlewell and one resident.

Annual Parish Council Election
• Chairman – Mr B. Fisher was duly elected as Chairman of Follifoot with Plompton Parish Council. Chairman B Fisher accordingly accepted office.
• Vice Chairman – Mr Nigel MacDermid was duly elected as Vice Chairman of Follifoot with Plompton Parish Council.
• Village Hall Representative – Councillor Florence volunteered to continue the role as Village Hall Representative. Councillor Martin said as he is on the committee he would represent the Parish Council if Councillor Florence was unable to attend.

1. Apologies: District Councillor C. Bayliss gave her apologies.
2. Declaration of interest: None.
3. Public Participation session: The resident said he would wait until matter 5a on the Agenda was discussed.
4. Approval of the Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd April 2014: Councillor Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record; this was seconded by Councillor Jones. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the minutes:
a) Item 8 – 3.04.14 Allerton Park Incinerator – The clerk informed the meeting that District Councillor Savage had responded to the email from the Parish Council regarding not supporting the Allerton Park Incinerator. He said he did not support the Incinerator and more can be found at www.nywag.org.
b) Harrogate Sites Policies DPD Examination Cancelled: An email had been received from the Planning Inspectorate, which explained why the Hearings had been cancelled. The email was discussed. It was decided the Parish Council would give consideration to a Neighbourhood Plan. The resident said he would pass any relevant information he had to the clerk. It was agreed to invite a Planning Consultant to the next meeting. Action: Resident to contact Planning Consultant and liase with Clerk.

6. Chairman’s communications:
a) The Chairman said he had been informed the village school were considering placing a 1.8mtr fence around part of the school. As concerns were raised over Follifoot being a Conservation Area it was decided a letter was sent to the School Governors’ to invite them to discuss their plans with the Parish Council.
Action: Clerk to prepare letter.
b) The Chairman said he had received a message from Yorkshire Water informing him there wasn’t a problem with the sewage drains on Spofforth Lane and Main Street. He said he had left a message for the previous representative to call him so they can discuss the matter further.
7. Matters concerning Plompton:
a) T. Hall informed the Parish Council the Plompton sign had still not been replaced. Action: The Clerk will contact Highways again to request it is replaced.
8. Phone Kiosk:
a) Information Centre Signage: The clerk had received comments regarding people not knowing what the Phone Kiosk was being used for. She had obtained a quote to have a two signs placed on the Kiosk. The quote was accepted and it was agreed that clerk could organise the signs.
9. Highways:
a) Grass verge on Hillside – the verge continues to be driven over by the refuse wagons. The clerk is waiting for a response from Highways regarding resolving the problem.
b) Tree maintenance on Hillside – The clerk informed the meeting the trees are the responsibility of North Yorkshire County Council and were last inspected in 2012. She said due to the amount of debris which comes off the trees she is requesting a representative visits the site to assess the trees.
c) Urban Grass Cutting 2015 – A letter had been received from NYCC who said in 2015 they will not be cutting some grass verges, due to financial cut backs. Action: Clerk to ascertain which verges they propose to cut.
10. Village Up – Keep:
a) Six monthly Risk and Maintenance Report – Chairman Fisher said he is still carrying out the Risk and Maintenance report. The clerk requested once complete the form is he returned to her.
b) Flower planting day, change of date – 8th June 2014: it was agreed to meet at the Beck at 3pm. Action: Clerk to organise Volunteers.
c) Bus Shelter repairs required – the roof has missing slates and the gutter has broken. Action: Clerk to organise repairs.
d) Weeds around benches – There are nettles around the bench at Kitty Corner and Pannal Road and people are unable to use them. Councillor MacDermid volunteered to strim the nettles.
e) The old website was discussed. It was decided to write to the host again and request the Parish Council information is removed from the old website and the site is closed down. Action: Clerk to draft letter.
f) Councillor Jones requested that signs are made for village notice boards and the display board on Leconfield Garth, with the village web address on. The clerk apologised as she had not done this. Action: Clerk to organise signs for boards.
11. Public Path Creation – Crimple Beck, Follifoot – Correspondence had been received from NYCC regarding the new Public Path. It was decided a letter would be sent to Rudding Estate to thank them for donating the land for use as a path. Action: Clerk to organise letter.
a) Tour de Follifoot – 29th June 2014 – FOFWRAP and the Cricket Club have decided to organise a village event, to celebrate Tour de France. Residents should receive leaflets through the doors about the event.
13. Model Standing Orders and approval of purchase of ‘Local Councils Explained’: It was decided to adopt the Model Standing Orders. All Parish Councillors had received a copy. It was agreed not to purchase ‘Local Councils Explained’.
14. Village Hall Committee: see 7b
15. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank in current account £789.95 and deposit account £7609.05.
b) Precept 1st instalment received
c) Request for authorisation of expenditure was approved by Councillor Jones and seconded by Councillor Martin.
Cheque No 100723
WT Hall – New Gate
Cheque No 100724
AON Insurance

d) Internal Audit Report – the Chairman had received the Internal Audit Report from M. Kettlewell. The Parish Council expressed their thanks to M. Kettlewell for all the work she carries out auditing the Parish Council Accounts.
e) External Audit:
i) Approval of Statement of Accounts – emailed to all PC’s. The Parish Council unanimously agreed these were a true record; the Chairman duly signed the statement.
ii) Annual Governance of Statement – emailed to all PC’s. The Parish Council unanimously agreed these were a true record; the Chairman duly signed the statement.
16. Insurance renewal: The insurance renewal was discussed and it was agreed to renew with AON insurance.

17. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) The clerk had received the police report and emailed a copy to the Parish Councillors.
18. Planning:
a) Applications
i) 6.121.11.B.FUL 14/01274/FUL – 17 Leconfield Garth, Follifoot – Erection of single storey rear extension and conversion of garage. There were no objections.
ii) 6.108.5.M.FULMAJ 14/01223/FULMAJ Scalibar Farm, Plompton – Erection of pig finishing building. There were no objections.
b) No applications received since the agenda was compiled
c) Outcome of previous applications – none received.
d) Notification planning enforcement received 14/00191/ADVERT. Regarding installation of three advertisements.
19. Date of next meeting: 12th June 2014 at 8pm in Follifoot Village Hall.