12th June


Meeting held on 12th June 2014

Chairman B. Fisher, Vice Chairman N. MacDermid, Councillors’ T. Martin, E. Jones,
T. Hall and C. Florance, Internal Auditor M. Kettlewell, Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator M. Hammond, Head of Follifoot School Governors’ R. Keyes and five residents.

1. Apologies received and accepted from County Councillor J. Savage, District Councillor and Councillor C. Gogna.

2. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: Received from C. Florance, regarding item 8d.

3. Public Participation:
a) Proposed School Fence: – R. Keyse explained the requirement for the installation of a fence around the bottom playground and the current proposal. R. Keyse did not have the plans and said he would organise for the plans to be sent to the clerk, who will distribute to the Parish Councillors. The Chairman explained that it is a Conservation Area, and the correct planning would be required.
b) Trees on Hillside – Residents attended to express their concerns over the removal of the trees on Hillside. They explained they like the trees and do not wish for the trees to be removed. The clerk explained she had received complaints from residents about the debris falling on cars parked under the trees and had made enquires to have the trees trimmed. The trees are due from an appraisal from the Parks Department in 2017; they were last inspected in 2012. Whilst doing so she discovered that the Follifoot Conservation Area Appraisal had recommended the trees were removed to open up long distance views. A resident suggested a meeting with residents who wished to have the trees removed. The clerk explained due to the current financial situation the trees will not be removed and therefore a meeting would not be necessary.
c) Neighbourhood Watch – The representative said there’s a vacancy on Leconfield Garth for a coordinator, and residents should contact him if interested. He said over the last six to eight weeks there had been thefts at Cricket Clubs in the area. Doorstep callers to continue to come into the village, he said they should be sent away as they are acting illegally.

4. Minutes of the meeting held on 8th May 2014: the clerk apologised for incorrect spelling of C. Florance’s name, it should be spelt ‘Florance’ and item 14, should read ‘see page 1’. T. Hall proposed the Minutes as a true record and this was seconded by T. Martin, the Chairman duly signed them.

5. Matters arising from the minutes:
a) Yorkshire Water item 6a – The Chairman reported he had spoken with Yorkshire Water about the sewage problem at bottom of Main Street and along Spofforth Lane. Yorkshire Water informed him there were not a problem and no record of residents reporting a problem. The Chairman said he reiterated to Yorkshire Water there was a problem and if it is not resolved he will report it to Environmental Health. The Chairman asked everyone who sees a problem to report it to Yorkshire Water on 08451242424. He said the Parish Council will continue to monitor the problem.
b) School fence item 6b: See item 3a.

6. Chairman’s communications:
a) The Chairman thanked the residents who helped at the planting afternoon.
b) Wind Turbine off Haggs Road – The Chairman said a resident had expressed his concerns about the proposed Wind Turbine off Haggs Road. The Chairman said Spofforth Parish Council would receive the Notification, and advised the resident to speak with Spofforth Parish Council. The clerk said she had received a call from Chairman of Kirkby Overblow Parish Council, who expressed concerns over the Wind Turbine.
c) Mud of Rudding Lane/Pannal Road – The Chairman said he had received several complaints from Residents about the mud on the roads around Rudding Lane, caused by the HGV’s coming out of the Rugby Club site. He had made enquires and a road sweeper was present the following day.
d) Rudding Hotel – The Parish Councillors had been invited to attend a meeting with Rudding Hotel to discuss plans to extend the Spa.
Action: Chairman and Clerk to liaise to organise meeting.

7. Matters concerning Plompton:
a) Plompton Sign – Highways informed the clerk the ‘works’ had been requested.
b) T. Hall said the trees on the right up Plompton Lane are overgrown and enquired if the Parish Council is aware who is responsible for maintenance of the trees. As it is private land the Parish Council were unsure who was responsible.

8. Village Upkeep:
a) Six monthly Risk and Maintenance Assessments – B. Fisher reported he had carried out the assessments and will forward the completed form to the clerk.
b) Risk Assessment for Gardening Volunteers – the Parish Councillors proposed to adopted the Risk Assessment. A copy is on the website.
c) Parish Council Community Group Bulb Scheme: The Parish Councillors agreed to order some daffodil bulbs for Plompton.
d) Allotment 2 Vacancy – The clerk had displayed a notice and had one application from C. Florance. It was agreed he would take the allotment until 31st March 2015, upon which time he can renew if he so wishes. The clerk will write to the previous allotment holder to inform him the Parish Council accepts the end in tenancy and request he removes his items before 30th June 2014.
e) Watering Rota – The clerk said she would circulate the rota to the Parish Councillors.
f) Councillor MacDermid volunteered to trim the nettles by the sign at Floodersome Lane.

a) Tour De Follifoot 29th June 2014: The clerk said the event continues to gather interest, with over 20 stalls and a barbecue at the Cricket Club.

10. Speeding:
a) Speed Management in the Follifoot Area – The contents of the email received from Highways regarding a Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) for Follifoot was discussed. It was suggested Follifoot could possible hire a VAS, which maybe available early next year. The email advised the Parish Council not purchase a VAS for Follifoot as they would not be permitted to place it the highway and planning would probably be refused. Action: The clerk to register interest in hiring a VAS.

11. Highways
a) Trees on Hillside – see item 3b
b) Urban Grass cutting – The clerk had not received a response to her enquires, asking which verges Highways propose not to cut in 2015.
Action: Clerk to follow-up.

12. Finance:
a) Balance in deposit account £7,630.09 and current account £176.37, total balance £7806.46.
b) Request for authorisation of expenditure for Information Signs, Plants and compost, this was proposed by T. Martin and seconded by T. Hall.
Cheque No: 100725 Signs Express £54.00
Cheque No: 100726 Flowers for tubs £46.95
Cheque No: 100727 YLCA – Neighbourhood Planning Course £95.00

13. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) YLCA Courses – It was agreed N. MacDermid would attend the course on Neighbourhood Planning.
b) HBC Accommodation Consultation had been received. Following a discussion the clerk said she would complete the questionnaire.
c) The clerk confirmed the signs to advertise the village website in the Kiosk and on the notice board are on order.

14. Planning:
a) Applications – The clerk apologised for missing the following application off the Agenda, she informed the meeting she had placed a notice on the notice board for three working days.
Tree Cottage, Haggs Road, Spofforth – 6.121.211.ADV 14/01932/ADV – Retention of 1 non-illuminated free standing sign. The Parish Council objected to the application.
b) No applications received since the agenda was compiled.
c) Outcome of previous applications
i) Beaker Cottage, Pannal Road, Follifoot – 14/01094/FUL – Refused
ii) Green Meadows, Haggs Road, Follifoot – 14/00300/FUL – Granted
d) Neighbourhood Plan – The viability of the creating a Neighbourhood Plan was discussed. It was decided that the clerk would make the initial step of applying for a grant, and liaising with Sean Hanson, a Consultant in the subject.

15. Date of next meeting: Thursday 10th July at 8pm in Follifoot Village Hall