Annual Parish Council Meeting 2015


Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T. Martin, Councillors C. Gogna, J. Hinchcliffe, T. Hall, E. Jones, Internal Auditor M. Kettlewell, Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator M. Hammond and two residents.

Chairman – Mr Nigel MacDermid was duly elected as Chairman of Follifoot with Plompton Parish Council. Chairman MacDermid accordingly accepted office and signed the declaration.
Vice Chairman – Mr Anthony Martin, known as Tony Martin was duly elected as Vice Chairman of Follifoot with Plompton Parish Council.
Village Hall Representative – Councillor Martin was duly elected as the village hall representative.

1. Apologies: Apologies for absence and reasons given, received and accepted from Councillor Florance.

2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of Changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None

3. Public Participation session: None

4. Minutes of the meeting held on 9th April 2015: Councillor Hinchcliffe proposed the minutes to be a correct record, this was seconded by Councillor Hall. The minutes were duly signed by Vice Chairman Martin.

5. Matters arising from the minutes: All matters included in the meeting agenda.

6. Chairman’s communications:
a) The chairman said he had received a letter from the Village Hall Committee regarding the installation of broadband in the village hall. The Village Hall Committee asked if the Parish Council would state the benefits of installing broadband in the village hall. Action: Clerk to organise a letter.
b) The chairman said he had received complaints from a resident regarding the upkeep of the bus shelters. The chairman reminded the parish councillors to ensure they clean the shelters when they are scheduled to do so.

7. Matters concerning Plompton:
a) Directional sign: Councillor Hall showed the draft design for the new sign. This was duly accepted by the Parish Council. Action: Councillor Hall to organise the new sign.

8. Website: The chairman said he will report back at the June meeting.

9. Broadband:
a) Update: Councillor Hinchcliffe said Pannal Road and Haggs Road now have superfast broadband. He said homes in the Rudding Lane area and Plompton still do not have superfast broadband. He said he had corresponded with Superfast North Yorkshire and North Yorkshire County Council, who said they are now unsure if these areas will receive broadband due to technical difficulties. It was resolved that the Parish Council would write to Superfast North Yorkshire and North Yorkshire County Council to request superfast broadband in the areas. Action: Councillor Hinchcliffe to prepare the letter.
b) Village Hall response: See item 6a.

10. Neighbourhood Watch:
a) Allotment Security – The clerk said she had circulated the allotment email she had received.

11. Village Up Keep:
a) Litter Pick: Overall the Parish Council said the Litter Pick had been a success.
b) Dog Fouling: The chairman said dog fouling continues to be a problem in the village. He said he had received reports of people allowing their dogs to foul on the steps of the village school. The clerk said she had informed Harrogate Borough Council that dog fouling was a problem and they said they will continue to visit the area and fine anyone who is caught not cleaning up after their dog. A resident said people put bagged dog mess in the bin outside the shop, he said Harrogate Borough Council said the village shop are not allowed to put a notice on the bin to ask people not to do it. The post office said they will keep spare dog poo bags for anyone who may forget to bring one.
c) Planting of flower tubs and signs 7th June 2015: The clerk said she has organised for a gardening afternoon. Volunteers to meet at 2pm on 7th June at Horse Pond Beck. Volunteers to bring gloves and a trowel. She said gardening risk assessment is on the website. The clerk said she will advertise it accordingly.
d) Grass Verge Mapping: The clerk said this is ongoing.
e) Community Group: It was agreed daffodil bulbs would be requested from Harrogate Borough Council and planted at Plompton. Action: Clerk to order the bulbs and arrange collection.

12. Rugby Club:
a) Travel Plan: The Parish Council said they were disappointed the travel plan had not been analysed in more detail by North Yorkshire Highways or Harrogate Borough Council’s Planning Department.
b) Licensing: The Rugby Clubs recent Licence Application was discussed. The Licencing department had received several objections regarding the application. Licensing have therefore arranged a hearing on 4th June 2015. The Parish Council will organise a representative to attend if amendments to the proposed Licence cannot be agreed.
c) General:
i) Planning – The response received from the HBC Planning Department regarding the recent enquiry was discussed.
d) Parish Council visit to the Rugby Club: The clerk said she had organised for the Parish Councillors to visit the Rugby Club on 18th May 2015 at 7pm.

13. Information Leaflet for Promotion of Parish Council and Communication within the village: The ways in which communication is managed by the Parish was discussed at the Annual Parish Meeting.

14. Affordable Housing: A resident asked if plans of the homes are available. The clerk said she would enquire with Strategic Homes. It was suggested if plans are available they are put on the village website. The clerk said she would report back.

15. Federation of Follifoot C of E Primary School and Spofforth School: The joining of the two schools was discussed.

16. Recycling in Follifoot:
a) Paper and Card recycling: The clerk said she had not yet received a response from Harrogate Borough Council.
b) Garden waste bins at Rudding Dower: The clerk informed the meeting that Rudding Dower and Rudding Lane do not have the garden waste bins and Harrogate Borough Council have no funding to install or empty them in the foreseeable future.

a) Annual Meeting: The clerk said the FOFWRAP annual meeting is to be held on 19th May 2015 at 8pm. She said the meeting was open to all.
b) Draft Heads of Terms: The clerk said FOFWRAP had received the draft Heads of Terms from the landowner. The Parish Council agreed to look at the draft Heads of Terms in more detail.
c) General update: The clerk said the committee are organising a Newsletter and Questionnaire to be circulated to residents. She said this is one of many consultations with the residents. The Parish Councillors agreed to circulate the leaflet. Action: Clerk to organise.

18. Defibrillator: Councillor Hinchcliffe gave brief details on how a defibrillator could be obtained. The councillors discussed where it could be kept and training required. Councillor Hinchcliffe said he would make enquiries into how to obtain and the cost of a defibrillator and what training was available.

19. Review of Standing Orders: The Parish Councillors agreed the Standing Orders were relevant.

20. Footpaths and Bridleways:
a) Repair to river crossing: The Chairman said the Crimple Beck river crossing had been reinstated by the local landowner. He said a letter of thanks had been sent.
b) Footpath sign repairs: Councillor Hinchcliffe said many of the signs had been replaced recently. He said a rotten sign on the A658 had not been replaced so he had informed the ranger.

21. Highways:
a) Verges on Pannal Road and Rudding Lane: The clerk said Northern Powergrid had left the verges in a poor state following the installation of electricity to the Rugby Club. The clerk had contacted Harrogate Borough Council who requested Northern Powergrid reinstate the verges.
b) Ducks on Rudding Lane: A resident had complained a duck had recently been killed on Rudding Lane, she said the ducks come back every year and is concerned it may happen again. The clerk said she had emailed North Yorkshire Highways to ask if a warning sign could be installed.
c) Closure of Rudding Lane: The clerk said she had received a closure notice for Rudding Lane on 26th May for one day. The road will be closed at the junction of Wetherby Road/Rudding Lane.
d) Overhanging trees: A resident reported overhanging trees at the junction of Plompton/A661. Action: Clerk to report to Highways.

22. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank £9,298.32 deposit account and £411.11 in current account.
b) Request for authorisation of expenditure: The clerk said she had the incorrect insurance details so it was agreed she would email them to the Parish Councillors and once the quote was accepted would pay using the new internet banking service. The following expenditure was unanimously agreed.
Cheque No: 100747 YLCA – course £45.00
c) Internet Banking: The clerk said she had received the relevant documentation.
d) Audit:
i) Internal Audit Report had been received and comments noted.
ii) Internal Audit Review of effectiveness: The Parish Council unanimously agreed the internal audit was effective.
iii) External Audit of Accounts:
i) Approval of Statement of Accounts: The accounts were unanimously approved by the Parish Councillors, the Chairman duly signed the accounts.
ii) Annual Governance Statement: The Governance Statement was unanimously approved by the Parish Councillors, the Chairman duly signed the statement.

23. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) YLCA Branch meeting 8th June was discussed.
b) YLCA – Training – for Councillors and Clerks with responsibility for undertaking the routine daily/ weekly inspection of the council’s play area 2.6.15 9.30am.
c) YLCA – The clerk said she had received notification of change of password which had been emailed to the parish councillors.
d) Three emails from Rural Services network had been received and forwarded.
e) CPRE – Minutes and Annual report received. Notification of the AGM on 22nd May had been received.
f) RAY News email had been received.
g) Clerks and Council Direct Magazine had been received and was available.
h) Emails from Harrogate Borough Council regarding Open Spaces had been received.
i) PC Marie Scott had reported two crimes since April.
j) CVS News had been received.

24. Planning:
a) Applications:
i) North Lodge Cottage, Rudding Lane, Follifoot – 6.121.219.FUL 15/0131/FUL – Demolition of single storey extension and car port, erection of replacement single storey extension and alterations to fenestration. Application not received and therefore consultation held before meeting. The Parish Councillors supported the application.
ii) Land Comprising Field At 433791 452482 Pannal Road, Follifoot – 6.121.146.E.OUT 15/01541/OUT – Outline application for erection of one dwelling (Site Area 0.05ha). The Parish Council had no objections.
iii) Hilltop House, Pannal Road, Follifoot – 6.121.174.I.LB 15/01622/LB – Listed building consent for the erection of first floor extension installation of roof lights and internal alterations. The Parish Council supported the application.
iv) Hilltop House, Pannal Road, Follifoot – 6.121.174.H.FUL 15/01621/FUL Erection of first floor extension, internal alterations and installation of roof lights. The Parish Council supported the application.
v) High Barrass, Plompton Road, Follifoot – 6.121.137.A.FUL – Erection of carport, and alterations to windows and doors. The Parish Council supported the application.
vi) Elm Gable, Haggs Road, Follifoot – 6.121.220.FUL 15/01326/FUL – Retention of Caravan. The Parish Council had no objections.
vii) The Grange, Pannal Road, Follifoot – 6.121.50.P.FUL 15/01751/FUL – Erection of new two storey dwelling to include formation of vehicular access and parking area (site area 0.15ha). The Parish Council objected to the application.
b) No applications had been received since the agenda was compiled.
c) Outcome of previous applications: No notifications had been received.
d) Neighbourhood Plan: Neighbourhood Plans were discussed at the Annual Parish Meeting.

25. Date of next meeting: 11th June 2015 at 8pm in Follifoot Village Hall.