9th October 2014

Meeting of the Parish Council 9th October 2014

Present: District Councillor C. Bayliss, Chairman B. Fisher, Vice Chairman N. MacDermid, Councillor’s T. Martin, C. Florance, C. Gogna, Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator M. Hammond and Youth Development Worker Vicky Lever.

1. Apologies: Apologies received and accepted from Councillor E. Jones and T. Hall.

2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None

3. Public Participation session:
a) Vicki Lever a Youth Development Worker, attended the meeting to discuss the possibility of a Youth Club in the Village. She left her contact details with the Parish Council for any residents who may be interested in organising a Youth Club.
b) Mike Hammond from Neighbourhood Watch said the overgrown foliage on Plompton Road was causing problems for motorists. The clerk said she had reported it, and NYCC portal showed the work was scheduled, but no date. She said she will follow up the matter.
c) Mike Hammond said there had been recent burglaries at Follifoot Cricket Club and in Spofforth. He asked that everyone remains vigilant.
d) Mike Hammond said doorstep sellers continue call on Follifoot residents. He said residents should report any doorstep callers to the Police, on the non emergency number 101.

4. Minutes of the meeting held on 11th September 2014: T. Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record, this was seconded by C. Florance, and the minutes were duly signed by the Chairman.

5. Matters arising from the minutes:
a) Item 13b) Plompton Road, debris placed over wall:
i) Councillor Martin explained to the Parish Council that he had spoken with the landowner about the debris on the verge. The landowner had explained there was no right of access from the verge into the field and he has a problem with people and dogs not staying on the footpaths. He explained he also has a continuous problem with dog owners not picking up after their dogs. He said the grass in the field is used for hay and is concerned the quality of the hay is affected by the dog mess. The Parish Council decided it was a matter for the landowner to resolve.
ii) Parking at Guilders Bridge was discussed. The Parish Councillors considered it to be a hazard and decided the clerk would contact Highways regarding inappropriate parking on and around Guilders Bridge.
iii) iii) Item 15 – Broadband: Councillor Florance had made several enquiries into improvement of Broadband speeds for those residents at Aketon and those served from Box 8 (Haggs Road area) and Box 13 (Rudding Dower area). He explained Aketon residents with an 01937 number receive service from Spofforth and Superfast broadband is available to them, although speeds may only be as high as 16mbps. Box 8 and box 13 are on the ‘provisional’ list to be upgraded by the end of 2016. Councillor Florance said all those served by box 8 and 13 should ensure they register an interest at superfastnorthyorkshire.com
Councillor Florance has also again raised the issue of the service being provided for residents of Plompton, but has not had a reply to date.

6. Chairman’s communications:
a) The Chairman said he had a copy of the Hampsthwaite Village Plan, and requested the clerk sent a copy to all the Parish Councillors so they can look at it before the next meeting.
b) Rudding Park Hotel had asked if the Parish Council would like to see the model of the proposed Spa, the Councillors decided it would be of benefit.
Action: Chairman Fisher to make arrangements to visit Rudding Hotel.
c) The Chairman reported the previous week he had received complaints about sewage smells at the top of Main Street, he had requested Rudding checked their system. No smells have been reported again.

7. Matters concerning Plompton: None

8. Website: Councillor MacDermid said he had not managed to speak with the old website host, he said he will continue to pursue the matter.

9. Village Up Keep:
a) Litter Pick to be held 9th November at 2pm, to meet at the Village Shop.
b) Kitty Corners tree maintenance: The clerk confirmed she had arranged for Scotton Trees to carry out the work at Kitty Corner.
c) Risk Assessment and Maintenance volunteer: Councillor Martin volunteered to carry out the six monthly risk and maintenance assessment.
d) Village Asset list: The village asset list had been emailed to the Parish Councillors, it was decided the clerk would make enquiries into the insurance of certain assets.

10. Highways:
a) Street Lighting Energy Reduction Programme: NYCC have proposed a reduction programme for the Follifoot NYCC street lights is introduced. The Parish Councillors supported the incentive. Action: Clerk to reply to consultation.
b) Road signs: The clerk explained she had reported to Highways that many of the road signs in the area are covered in overgrown foliage or dirty. She said Highways informed her a Highways Officer is employed to check the signs.

11. FOFWRAP: The clerk said FOFWRAP are organising a Ceilidh on 22nd November 2014, at 7.30pm in Follifoot Village Hall. Tickets will be on sale at the Village Shop.

12. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank: Current Account £303.05 and Deposit Account is £10,145.98. The second precept had been received of £3,450.00 and was included in the deposit account figure.
b) Request for authorisation of expenditure of clerk’s salary and expenses and AW Joinery for stripping and painting of bench and Leconfield notice board. The expenditure was proposed by T. Martin and seconded by N. MacDermid.
Cheque No: 100733 Clerks Salary & expenses £996.93
Cheque No: 100734 AW Joinery £165.00

c) Quarterly Reconciliation: All Parish Councillors and Internal Auditor received an email copy.

13. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) Harrogate Borough Council had requested a Waste and Budget Consultation was completed by the Parish Council. Action: Clerk to complete.

14. Planning:
a) Applications:
i) Rudding Park Hotel, Follifoot 14/03527/FULMAJ – Erection of attached building to provide spa complex with associated landscaping (revised scheme). It was decided the Parish Councillors would make a decision on the application after studying the plans more thoroughly and looking at the scale model. Action: The clerk will notify planning on the decision on Wednesday 15th October.
ii) Rudding Park Hotel, Follifoot 14/03528/LB – Listed building application for the erection of attached building to provide spa complex with associated landscaping (revised scheme). It was decided the Parish Councillors would make a decision on the application after studying the plans more thoroughly and looking at the scale model. Action: The clerk will notify planning on the decision on Wednesday 15th October.
b) No applications received since the agenda was compiled.
c) Outcome of previous applications:
Pear Tree Cottage, Follifoot – Granted
4 Parkside, Pannal Road, Follifoot – Refused
Woodside, Pannal Road, Follifoot – Refused
d) Tree Preservation Order, No 51/2014 – Woodside, Pannal Road, Follifoot.

15. Date of next meeting: 13th November 2014 at 8pm, in Follifoot Village Hall.