9th November 2017


​Thursday 9th November 2017

PRESENT: Chairman N. MacDermid, Councillors T Martin, P. Cresswell, J. Hinchcliffe, A. Dewsnip and T. Hall. Also present County/District Councillor A. Paraskos, M. Richards (Clerk), Neighbourhood Watch M. Hammond and six parishioners.

1. Apologies: An apology was received and accepted from Cllr. J Andrade.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None.
3. Public Participation session: Parishioners attended the meeting to discuss the problems with speeding traffic on Haggs Road. Accordingly it was agreed to bring forward item 11 of the agenda, for this purpose. Parishioners then set out their concerns:
i) the speed of traffic along the whole of Haggs Road presents a serious risk to horseriders, children and pedestrians generally
ii) no recognition of the public footpath which crosses the road
iii) residents have requested the deployment of the police Camera Safety Van, but were advised that this was not viable due to inadequate sight lines – this assertion is disputed
Councillors confirmed that they were totally in agreement with the sentiments expressed and the Chairman affirmed that the Council was passionate about road safety throughout the Parish. Arising from further discussion, several possible actions were suggested:
i) residents to suggest viable locations for siting the Camera Safety Van
ii) residents to consider erecting their own “speed concern” signs (the Chairman stressed that whilst the residents may wish to pursue this option, it could result in action from North Yorkshire County Council Highways
iii) consider contacting the Harrogate Advertiser to raise the profile of this issue
iv)bring the matter to the attention of the Police and Crime Commissioner and North Yorks Police (also consider possibility of Community Speedwatch)
v) apply for “Slow down for Horses” signs to be erected
vi) residents to continue to press for action through “95 Alive” by submission of the “speed concern” forms supported by the Parish Council – the clerk will make copies available

Parishioners then left the meeting
4. Meeting Minutes held on 12th October 2017: Councillor Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Hall. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
a) ​Village Hall events – The question was asked whether there was a policy of giving priority for village hall bookings. The response was that in spite of some previous confusion the village hall is bookable on a “first come first served” basis.
b) Overhanging trees on Wetherby Road – Councillor Hall confirmed that this problem has now been resolved
c) Plompton Rocks – trees. The Clerk confirmed that he had contacted the landowner who had himself heard from HBC Planning that there were no planning concerns about the tree felling. There did however seem to be some confusion over whether additional felling has been undertaken over and above the original approved application. The clerk will follow up and obtain a plan of the site, showing which trees were to be felled compared to the actual.
d) Clerk’s salary arrangements – the Chairman has agreed the arrangements, which comply with the clerk’s agreed contract.
e) Cold calling zone – concern over cold calling and its negative impact on vulnerable residents was accepted by all councillors but the contrary view was also expressed ie cold calling by legitimate businesses should not automatically be banned. The Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator (NWC) reported that the cold calling labels were now not much used, a view confirmed by councillors and it was now felt that if action on cold calling was to be taken, it should be by the establishment of a Cold Calling Zone. The NWC then added that evidence of need would be required for the establishment of a Cold Calling Zone. The clerk reported that action had been taken on this at Kirkby Overblow and cold calling signs were in place on all roads into the village – cold calling was not now seen as a problem in this parish. The clerk will arrange a meeting between the NWC and a representative of Kirkby Overblow.
f) Litter pick and Asset Risk Assessment – the Chairman reported that the Litter Pick had been very successful, but unfortunately the Asset Risk Assessment had not been completed. He will undertake this task in the near future – the clerk will provide a list of assets for this purpose.
g) Rudding Lane/ Collins Lane foliage – problem now resolved.
h) Inspection of Play Equipment (to be covered under item 12)

6. Chairman’s communications:
The Chairman reported that any communications received are dealt with as part of the agenda.
7. Clerk’s correspondence – Zero Carbon Harrogate – sustainable transport options. The clerk had circulated a report by this organisation, but it was felt overall that the initiative centred heavily on Harrogate and Knaresborough, not the outlying villages. The Chairman commented that the Parish had always encouraged the use of public transport and had tried to support such initiatives as cycle pathways but other options were felt to be limited. One councillor was critical of the report with regard to the actual cost of implementing the proposals. The Chairman summed up by asking if there should be any action by the Parish Council on this issue and councillors agreed that the Council’s view would be to support any action which reduces vehicle congestion but no actual response to the report should follow.
8. Matters concerning Plompton:
a) Overhanging trees on Wetherby Road – some action has now been taken to address this problem.
b) Car parking – Not now seen to be a problem, but monitoring will continue for the next 3-6 months.
9. Neighbourhood Watch:
a) Report – The Neighbourhood Coordinator talked through his monthly report, which the clerk had emailed to councillors. He highlighted two issues:
i) The issue of false Notices of Intended Prosecution (NIP) Fraudsters were issuing these letters (purportedly from the Police) demanding payment of fines for speeding. Legitimate NIP initially ask for driver identification before any further action is proposed.
ii) Action Fraud has reported an increase in the number of calls to members of the public by bogus bailiffs requesting payments for a “phantom” debt. The fraud involves being cold-called by someone purporting to be a bailiff working on behalf of a court, attempting to recover funds for a non-existent debt.
Needless to say neither of the above two items should be responded to and any such incident should be reported to Action Fraud
10.​Village Up Keep:
a) Maintenance – The clerk reported that time spent on Maintenance had been 10 hours for October at a cost of £150. A councillor had noticed that the verge approaching the cricket field had been trimmed and was a big improvement and wondered who had undertaken this work. The clerk will follow up.
b) Autumn Litter Pick –as noted at 5 above, the Litter Pick had been successful with good participation from parishioners.
c) Asset Risk Assessment and Maintenance Inspection. The Chairman will conduct this exercise on this occasion but alternative arrangements will need to be made for the future.
11. Highways:
a) Traffic concerns Haggs Road – covered at 3 above
12. FOFWRAP/Follifields:
a) The Chairman reported that since the planning approval for the original layout of the Follifields site had been granted Playscheme had now recommended the installation of the Trim Trail in an improved but different configuration which meant a planning variation was needed from HBC. Councillors approved the revised layout and payment by cheque of £97.50 was authorised.
b) Landscaping.- The Chairman then went through the list of trees to be purchased for the Follifields site making use of Rudding Park’s preferential purchasing arrangements. The costs will be re-imbursed by FOFWRAP and no cost will fall on the Parish Council. 19th November is the nominated “planting day” with all volunteers being supervised by an agricultural specialist.
c) Fundraising – the Chairman commented on what had been perceived by some as a somewhat misleading article in the Yorkshire Post and he was careful to outline the actual sources of funding such as WREN, NYCC, HBC. He confirmed that the FOFWRAP account currently reflected a healthy balance. Planned fundraising events – the Curry Night is scheduled for 25 November and currently some 30 tickets have been sold, although greater take up is confidently expected nearer the date. Discussion followed over the price of tickets (£17) and some councillors thought a more modest £15 might have proved more attractive? Whilst agreeing, the Chairman opined that it was a tricky balance between setting an attractive price, covering costs, and generating net funds for Follifields.. He stressed that £17 included the meal and cost of entertainment which he thought reflected good value for money. Due consideration will be given to pricing of future events.
d) Inspection of Play Equipment – inspection criteria for the equipment is still to be ascertained. The clerk has contacted the relevant officer at HBC for guidance re frequency and statutory requirements. A response is awaited. In the meantime, Playscheme has provided a list and an inspection report, The Chairman suggested inspections should be carried out by the Parish Council & Fofwrap memebers– A draft rota will be produced. Results of each inspection to be reported to the clerk and a log maintained.

13. Finance:
a) The clerk apologised that financial information for October was not yet available as he was still awaiting final security clearance with HSBC for the transfer of access rights to himself from the former clerk. He stressed that, unfortunately this was not a quick process! He will provide all relevant information as soon as possible.
b) Internal Audit. Richard Snoxall, the appointed Internal Auditor had produced a report specifying his Terms of Engagement, which the clerk read out to councillors. Councillors agreed the scope and nature of internal audit, as specified. A six monthly internal audit report was also presented which recorded sound financial arrangements and internal financial control.
18. Planning:
a) Notification of approval received since last meeting – for information Follifoot Ridge Business Park, Pannal Road, Follifoot 17/04047/FUL – Erection of electricity substation (Councillors had responded no objection)
b) Applications Received – The Kestrel Public House – Display of 4 non-illuminated fascia signs, 2 non- illuminated hanging signs and 2 externally illuminated hoarding signs – 17/04442/ADV. Councillors considered the proposals in depth and concluded that the application should be supported, but with a rider that consideration should be given to removing or re-siting the external A- boards to provide better sight lines for cars exiting the car park. The clerk will respond accordingly.
c) Applications received since the agenda was compiled – none received.
d) Previous Applications:
Land at Spofforth Lane, Follifoot (16/04964/FULMAJ) Residential development for up to 8 houses. The Chairman reported that he had heard from the Planning Officer that the submitted survey from ID Planning (IDP) had been considered. The conclusion was that although the structure of the survey was satisfactory, it had been based on individual targeted responses rather than from the Parish as a whole, with responses not necessarily reconciling with each other. The Officer had noted what had been submitted but did not accept the validity of the survey.
19. Any other business
​ i) Councillor Paraskos reported that he had been made aware of ​ forthcoming significant changes to the Data Protection Act which would ​ have a material impact on the conduct of business. He provided a ​ ​ document for the clerk, summarising the major changes to the Act.
​ ii) A Superfast Broadband “champion” is being sought, to represent the ​ ​ Parish – Councillor Hinchcliffe agreed to take on this role.

Date of next Parish Council Meeting: 7.30pm on 14th December 2017 in Follifoot Village Hall, Tofts Lane, Follifoot.