9th May 2013


The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 9th May 2013

PRESENT: Councillors B. Fisher, T. Martin, N. MacDermid, E. Jones, C. Gogna and C. Florance, District Councillor C. Bayliss, Internal Auditor M. Kettlewell and two residents.

  1. Election of Chairperson: T. Martin proposed B. Fisher as Chairman, it was unanimously agreed.  The Chairman signed the Declaration of Acceptance.
  2. Election of Vice-Chairperson: Two nominations were received for Vice Chairman, therefore a vote was called.   N. MacDermid obtained three votes and was duly elected as Vice Chairperson.   E. Jones expressed her concerns over the approach to succession, and suggested it should be looked into further.
  3. Election of Representative: C. Florance was unanimously voted to be the Village Hall Representative.
  4. Apologies Received:  Apologies received and accepted from Councillor T. Hall.
  5. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda:  S. Hinchcliffe and T. Martin declared an interest in item 16.  N. MacDermid declared an interest in item 13.
  6. Public Participation session:  Two residents expressed concerns over a recently received document, for the Harrogate District Sites and Policies Development Plan Documentation.  It showed two sites, one on The Garth and the other on Pannal Road.  It was decided that the view of the village should be represented and a copy of the comments form be made available for the residents.  Action: Clerk to display notice on notice board and ask the shop to keep a few copies of the comments forms.  Original letter from the Parish Council to be sent with the comments form, before 21st June 2013.
  7. Minutes of the meetings held on 11th April 2013: The clerk said item 17b should have included £10. Expenses for refreshments for two meetings.  The expenditure on Hire of the Village Hall was £283.50.  The amendments acknowledged and the minutes were proposed by T. Martin and seconded by C. Florance.  B. Fisher signed them as a correct record.
  8. Matters arising from the minutes:

Broadband (16): C. Florance said the exchange box that services the Haggs Road/Pannal Road area of Follifoot is scheduled to be upgraded towards the end of end of 2014.

C. Florance said he had been informed that the exchange box that supplies Plompton is not to be upgraded.  He said he would make further enquiries.

  1. Chairman’s communications: The Chairman said he had received a letter from Follifoot School thanking the Parish Council for the donation of a railings basket.
  1. Matters concerning Plompton:

The clerk had received an email regarding the Plompton Sign, which stated it will be installed within three months.

  1. Risk Assessment: N. MacDermid completed the Risk Assessment; the Chairman thanked him for completing the Risk Assessments.  He said none of the assets appeared to be or cause concern, however a few maintenance jobs required.  It was agreed the Clerk would organise maintenance jobs.
  2. Youth Club: A representative from the Youth Association will attend the June meeting, to discuss ideas for a Youth Club in Follifoot.
  3. Phone Kiosk:

a)      Refurbishment – The Chairman said Keepsake had done an excellent job on refurbishment.

b)     Ideas for use – Suggestions for the use of the kiosk were discussed.  It was decided that it would be used as an Information Centre; N. MacDermid will research types of information and display equipment available.

c)      N. MacDermid volunteered to keep the Kiosk clean and tidy

  1. Insurance Renewal: The annual insurance policy was £320.58.  The clerk said the information was available if any of the councillors wished to read it.  The Parish Councillors agreed to accept the quote.
  2. Floral displays at village signs and beck:

a)      Organise planting of flower beds and tubs – B. Butler had offered to purchase plants, it was decided B. Butler should inform the clerk once he is ready to plant them, and she will organise volunteers to assist him.  It was agreed the Parish Council would reimburse B. Butler his expenses.  Action: Clerk to organise Watering Rota, once flowers are in situ.

b)      HBC – Community Bulb/Wildflower Scheme – It was agreed to obtain some Wildflower seeds.

  1. Friends of Follifoot Wildlife, Recreation And Play (FOFWRAP)

a)      New Name – The group have a new name and will be known as FOFWRAP.  S. Hinchcliffe explained that the group has been set up as ‘Community’ group.

b)     Next Meeting to be held on 3rd June 2013.

c)      PC letter to Crest Homes – B. Fisher asked the Parish Councillors to read the letter to Crest Homes, regarding supporting the village and recreational area.  All agreed the letter should be sent.

d)     E. Jones gave details of the progression of the group.  She explained the group wished to send a press release to all residents regarding the group’s progress.  It was agreed the press release would include the new website details.

Action: E. Jones to create and distribute a newsletter.

  1. Regular cleaning of bus shelter:  It was decided that the bus shelters require regular cleaning.  The Parish Councillors volunteered to be part of a rota to clean the bus shelter.  A resident said he would clean the Kissing Gate; the Chairman thanked him on behalf of the Parish Council.  Action: Clerk to organise a rota.
  2. Parish Council Means of Communications:

a)      New Website – The new Follifoot website www.follifoot.org  was discussed.  B. Fisher said that S. Smith should be thanked for creating the website, and doing an excellent job.

b)     Means of distributing information via MailChimp – The advantages of using MailChimp was discussed.  Rudding Estate had offered to set up MailChimp.  It was decided that they would be thanked for their offer and E. Jones and the clerk would work with S. Smith on including MailChimp on the new website.

c)      The chairman asked the clerk to write and thank Kevin for creating and managing the website over the past several years.

  1. Highways:

a)      Pot Holes/Broken Road Surface – the clerk had contacted Highways regarding the many pot holes and broken road surfaces in Follifoot.  Highways informed the clerk they would send an inspector to investigate.

  1. Finance:

a)      Balance at the bank – £964.19 current account and £10,280.78 deposit account.

b)     Request for authorisation of expenditure – Authorisation of expenditure for the following was proposed by T. Martin and seconded by C. Florance.

Cheque no: Expenditure Amount
100699 Stationery and Printing £38.24
100700 Insurance £320.58
100701 Phone Kiosk screw set £11.90
100702 Website Hosting £147.15

c)      Monies Received – Allotment monies of £60.  and Precept of £2850. received.

d)     Internal Audit Report – The chairman had received the audit report from M. Kettlewell.  All accounts in accordance with standing orders.  She had noticed £4.16 VAT should be claimed.  Action: Clerk to rectify.

e)      Annual Return: The effectiveness of internal audit was reviewed.

f)       Annual Return: The effectiveness of internal controls was reviewed.

g)      Annual Return: Assessment of the risks facing the Parish Council, were reviewed.

  1. Clerk’s Correspondence:

a)      The clerk confirmed the Parish Councillors were receiving relevant emails, and presented various literatures.

b)     The clerk had received a letter from the Village Hall notifying the Parish Council of an increase in the hourly rate to £7.00.  The Parish Councillors accepted the increase.

  1. Planning:

a)      Applications

b)     6.121.204.D.FUL 13/01251/FUL Home Farm, Follifoot HG3 1DQ

Conversion of barns to form 3 dwellings and installation of new package treatment plant (Site Area 0.4ha).  The Parish Council supports the application.

c)      6.121.111.I.FUL 13/01161/FUL Hedgerow House, Main Street, Follifoot HG3 1DU

Erection garage extension and balcony, raising of roof space, and installation of roof lights.  The Parish Council objected to the application.

d)     Arrange a meeting for applications received since the agenda was compiled

e)      Outcome of previous applications – for information

  1. Date of next meeting: 13th June 2013, at 8pm in Follifoot Village Hall