9th March 2017

9th MARCH 2017

Present: Vice Chairman T. Martin, Councillors’ J. Andrade, A. Dewsnip and T. Hall, Peter Cresswell, District Councillor A Paraskos, Internal Auditor M. Kettlewell, two residents.
1. Apologies: Apologies received and accepted from Chairman MacDermid and Councillor Hinchcliffe.

2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None.
3. Public Participation session:
a) Garden Waste: A resident enquired about the garden waste scheme and whether residents will be paying to have the bins emptied and when the scheme was due to commence. The matter was discussed and the District Councillor informed the meeting that an ‘opt in/out’ service will be provided. Those who ‘opt in’, will received a bin with a tag on. Collections are to recommence in March and the charges to commence in June or July 2017.
b) Council Tax: A discussion took place on the Council Tax increase of 4.9%.
4. Meeting Minutes held on 9th February 2017: Councillor Hall proposed the minutes to be a correct record and seconded by Councillor Dewsnip, the Vice Chairman duly signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes: All items covered in the meeting.
6. Chairman’s communications:
a) The vice chairman said the village hall planning application had been approved.
b) The vice chairman said the village hall had enquired when the parish council would purchase a projector. The clerk said she had recently been recommended an Epson projector by a documentary film maker. It was resolved she would email the details to the parish councillors, for approval.
7. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) Correspondence: The clerk said she had emailed the correspondence list to the parish councillors.
b) Grass Cutting: The clerk said Harrogate Borough Council had sent an email regarding the grass cutting grant. It said a grant would now be available in 2017/18, it requested some information, which the clerk will forward.
8. Matters concerning Plompton:
a) Noticeboard – The clerk said AW Joinery will make and paint a new noticeboard for Plompton.
b) Plumpton Rocks – Councillor Hall said Plumpton Rocks will be open again in May.
c) Parking – Councillor Hall said residents are having problems parking at The Square. The matter was discussed and as it is on private land there was currently nothing the parish council can do.
9. Broadband: The clerk said Councillor Hinchcliffe was continuing to work with various agencies to improve broadband speeds in the Rudding Lane area.
10. Neighbourhood Watch: The coordinator had sent his apologies. He had sent an email with details of recent crimes in the area and continues to urge residents to be aware of scams.
11. Village Up Keep:
a) Maintenance – The clerk informed the meeting that no maintenance had been carried out during February 2017.
b) Village Maintenance from April 2017 to March 2018 – Village maintenance from 1st April 2017 to 31st March 2018 was discussed. It was resolved to continue to employ the services of M. Collyer with regard to general maintenance jobs in the parish.
c) Unpleasant Odour in Follifoot – The clerk said she had spoken with Yorkshire Water and they had informed her since the tree roots had been removed from the drains on 24th January 2017, they had not received any complaints about the unpleasant odour. It was resolved the matter would be monitored.
d) Spring Litter Pick 23rd April – The clerk said the litter pick equipment had been organised. She said volunteers are to meet at the village shop at 2pm on Sunday 23rd April. Hi-Viz vests and pick-up sticks will be provided.
e) Light at end of Paddocks not working – The meeting was informed the light is now working.
12. Highways:
a) Blocked drain bottom of Main Street – The clerk informed the meeting the drain had been cleared, after several phone calls, portal logs and emails. Highways cleared the drain but not the mud caused by the water. Resident Andy Dewsnip had been concerned other residents may slip in the mud so had cleared and washed the area. The Vice Chairman said he wished to express his thanks Andy for carrying out the work.
a) Update – The Vice Chairman said he was currently supporting FOFWRAP by obtaining quotes for specific items and making enquiries about the environmental survey required.
b) Fundraising – The Vice Chairman said the group had organised a fundraising event, ‘Wine Tasting’ on 18th March and tickets were available from the village shop.
c) Grant Applications – The Vice Chairman said the WREN application had been submitted and a decision should be received by the end of May. He said the group continue to look at other grants available and had already received some donations.
14. Parish Councillor Vacancy for Follifoot: It was resolved by a show of hands for Mr Peter Cresswell to take the position of Parish Councillor as from 9th March 2017. Mr Cresswell duly signed the acceptance form. The clerk said she would organise the relevant documents.
15. Old Pannal Road, Follifoot: Following recent correspondence regarding several issues on the Old Pannal Road the clerk had made enquiries with the relevant authorities. Councillor Cresswell said the residents were pleased the parish council had followed up the issues.
a) Dog Fouling – The clerk requested the dog warden visited the area as the residents had reported dog owners not picking up after their dogs, they had agreed to attend and had supply a dog bin if possible. The clerk had ordered some signs, which Councillor Cresswell will organise to be placed in strategic places. She had also ordered some stickers, which had not arrived but said she will deliver them to Councillor Cresswell once they arrive.
b) Grass cutting – The clerk had requested an estimate from M. Collyer for cutting the right hand side of the Old Pannal Road.
c) Highways – The clerk said she had requested the granite kerb stones are repaired and the road surface improved.
16. Annual Parish Meeting 7.30pm on 13th April 2017 in Follifoot Village Hall – The agenda items for the Annual Parish meeting were discussed, it was resolved to discuss three items: FOFWRAP/Follifields, an update on the Village Hall and Keeping Follifoot Tidy.
17. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank on 28th February 2017 – Current Account £866.74 and Deposit Account £5,452.94
b) Expenses: It was resolved to pay SLCC membership, YLCA membership.
SLCC Membership SLCC £93.00 Bank Transfer
YLCA Membership YLCA £192.83 Bank Transfer

c) Monthly Budget – The monthly budget had been circulated.
See appendix 1.
d) Asset & Risk Assessments to be completed – The clerk had organised M. Collyer to carry out the asset and risk assessment.
18. Planning:
a) Outcome of ‘Additional Meeting’ held to discuss applications received since previous meeting:
i) Land to the rear of The Priory, Plompton Road, Follifoot, Harrogate HG3 1DT. Outline application for residential development (up to 8 dwellings) with access considered. Ref: 17/00076/OUT. The parish council objected to the planning application.
ii) The Stone Barn, Tickhill Farm, Wetherby Road, Plompton HG5 8LPErection of single storey extension, conversion of loft to form additional living accommodation, installation of roof lights and alternations to fenestration. Ref: 17/00440/FUL. The planning application was supported by the parish council.
b) Applications Received: None.
c) Arrange a meeting for applications received since the agenda was compiled: Wingate Farm, Plompton 17/00935/PNG – Notification for prior approval for change of use of Agricultural Building to 2 no dwelling houses. Details had been posted on both notice boards and a meeting will be held if the parish clerk is contacted by 23rd March 2017
d) Outcome of previous applications:
i) Keepers Cottage and The Pheasantry at Home Farm, Follifoot – No longer active.
ii) The Grange, Pannal Road, Follifoot – The application had been withdrawn.
19. Date of next meeting: Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday 13th April 2017, refreshments will be served from 7pm and the meeting will commence at 7.30pm followed by the Parish Council meeting. All welcome to the meeting.