8th January 2015



8th January 2015

PRESENT: Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T. Martin, Councillors T. Hall, C. Florance,
C. Gogna, District Councillor C. Bayliss and three residents.

1. Apologies: Apologies received and accepted from E. Jones.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None
3. Public Participation session:
a) Planning – Councillor Bayliss gave an update on planning application for Grange Farm, Plompton. She gave her apologies and vacated the meeting at 8.10pm.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 11th December 2014: Councillor Martin proposed the minutes as a correct record and Councillor Hall seconded. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the minutes:
a) Item 3a Forge Green:
i) The clerk informed the meeting the fence at Forge Green is within permitted development and therefore Harrogate Borough Council will not be taking any action.
ii) Reclassification of the housing at Forge Green was discussed, the clerk said she had not had a response from HBC, she said she will follow up the matter.
iii) The Parish Council were unable to pursue the complaint regarding the Forge green as they had not received further information. A resident present said they would forward some details to the Parish Council.
b) Grit ordered (item 13c) The clerk said some grit had been ordered for Collins Hill and Plompton.
6. Chairman’s communications:
a) The Chairman said a resident had reported the smell of sewage on Pannal Road. The clerk said she had spoken with resident concerned who is dealing with the matter.
7. Matters concerning Plompton:
a) Broadband – T. Hall said broadband continues to be an issue for residents at Plompton. Councillor Florance said the cabinet serving Plompton had been upgraded and requested Councillor Hall contact BT for further information and report back to Councillor Florance.

8. Casual Vacancy for Parish Councillor: The clerk said two applications had been received for the position of Parish Councillor. The Chairman requested the clerk look into an additional Parish Councillor being appointed. Action: Clerk to organise interviews prior to the next meeting. Parish Councillors to email clerk with suggestion of interview questions.
9. Community Speed Watch: The Parish Council discussed the letter received from the Police Commission regarding a proposed scheme. The Parish Council had volunteered to support the scheme. Details of the scheme to go on notice board.
10. Harrogate District Local Plan: The Parish Council had received an invitation to attend a HBC Parish Council Planning Workshop, Councillors Martin and MacDermid volunteered to attend. Councillor Florance said he would attend if required.
11. Parish Council Role and Ways of Working: The Chairman discussed the effectiveness of the Parish Council, engaging the community and the long term plans for the Parish Council. Councillor Martin spoke about localism. The Chairman requested Parish Councillors gave thought to the subject matter and it was agreed an additional meeting would be held. Action: Clerk to organise meeting.
12. Donation of painting to Parish Council and Village Hall: Follifoot resident Mrs Pearson had kindly donated a painting of Rudding Gates to the Parish Council and Village Hall. It was agreed a thank you letter would be sent to Mrs Pearson on behalf of the Parish Council and Village Hall. Action: Clerk to organise thank you letter.
13. Website: The Chairman said once the new webhost confirmed he had transferred all relevant information from the old website to the new website he will request the old website is closed down.
14. Broadband: Councillor Florance said he continues to consult with BT regarding Box 8 and 13. He said he will contact them monthly to request an update.
15. Neighbourhood Watch: M. Hammond had sent some ‘No doorstep caller’ stickers for residents who may wish to place one on their door, available from the clerk.
16. Village Up Keep:
a) The clerk had received a complaint from a resident regarding recycling been blown around the village. Action: Clerk to request the debris is removed.
b) The difficulties of household recycling were discussed. It was decided the clerk would forward comments to HBC.

17. Highways:
a) Flooding on Rudding Lane – The clerk said she had reported flooding on Rudding Lane near the Rugby. Highways said they will investigate why it is not draining quickly.
b) The absence of stepping stones at Crimple Beck was discussed. Action: Clerk to contact North Yorkshire County Council and Rudding Park in an attempt to reinstate the stones.
c) A resident had suggested the hedge on Rudding Lane/Collins Hill was trimmed to give clear vision to traffic coming along Rudding Lane. It was agreed the clerk would contact the landowner and ask for the work to be carried out when the hedge is next cut.
18. Rugby Club:
a) State of Highways and verges – following work carried out for the Rugby Club the clerk had reported three areas of unacceptable work to Highways.
b) The parish council discussed concerns over 2 specific issues relating to the development of the Rugby Club:
i) Clarification when the “footpath link to Pannal Road will be built” as the development shall not be brought into use until it has been built” (Condition 7 of the decision notice)
ii) An update regarding a payment of £10,000 to be made to NYCC for the “purpose of improving the A658 underpass or other works to improve access within the vicinity of the development” The Parish Council would like to establish through enquiries with NYCC where the £10,000 is, what they intend to spend it on, and when the works will be done.
c) The recent article in the Harrogate Advertiser regarding the use of the Rugby Club was discussed. It was decided to invite the Rugby Club to attend the next meeting to discuss the future plans of the club. Action: Clerk to organise invitation to Rugby Club, contact planning and NYCC.
19. FOFWRAP: No developments reported.
20. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank £728.44 in current account and £8,147.33 in deposit account.
b) Request for authorisation of expenditure was unanimously agreed
Cheque No 100738
Clerks Salary & Expenses
Cheque No 100739
Christmas Tree lights/electricity
Cheque No 100740
Gift B. Fisher

c) Quarterly Reconciliation of Accounts to 31st December 2014 and budget emailed to Parish Councillors.
d) Changes in Finance – The clerk said she had visited HSBC to update the accounts. HSBC requested an identification update for the parish councillors.
Action: Councillors Hall, Florance and Martin to visit HSBC with their driving licence and utility bill for formal identification. Chairman MacDermid to provide a copy of a utility bill.
21. Precept: The clerk confirmed she had requested the precept of £7,000. for 2015/16.
22. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) Council Tax Support Grant 2015/16 letter had been received and HBC will pay the grant.
b) The clerk said she had given B. Fisher his gift and card of thanks for his role as a Parish Councillor and Chairman. B. Fisher had expressed his thanks to the Parish Council.

23. Planning:
a) Applications:
i) 6.121.204.F.FUL 14/04889/FUL – 21 Hillside, Follifoot – Erection of two storey extension and porch. Installation of one window and bi-folding doors. The Parish Council supported the application.
ii) High Grange Farm, Plompton – 6.108.36.A.FUL 14/04587/FUL – Erection of stables to include formation of internal courtyard, installation of gates and formation of hard standing. The Parish Council objected to the application.
b) Applications received since the agenda was compiled:
c) 14/05343/PBR – Church Farm, Plompton Road, Follifoot – The application was briefly discussed and the Parish Councillors requested the clerk obtained further information on the application and organises the parish consultation.
Action: Clerk to contact landowner to obtain further details.
d) Outcome of previous applications:
i) 3 Manor Fold, Follifoot – Granted
ii) Rudding Spa, Follifoot – Granted
24. Date of next meeting: 8pm 12th February 2015 in Follifoot Village Hall