8th February 2018

Thursday 8th February 2018

PRESENT: Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T Martin, Councillors J Andrade, P. Cresswell, J. Hinchcliffe, A. Dewsnip and NYCC Cllr A Paraskos. Also present M. Richards (Clerk), M Hammond (Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator) and 3 parishioners (including the Internal Auditor).
1. Apologies: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr T Hall
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None
3. Public Participation session: The three parishioners present indicated that they were content to follow the items in the agenda but were particularly interested in the appeal regarding the land behind The Priory, Plompton Road.
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 8th January 2018: Councillor Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record, seconded by Councillor Andrade. The Chairman then duly signed the minutes.
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
a) The land behind The Priory, Plompton Road (Ref 17/00076/out) – Residential development for up to 8 houses – appeal by the applicant against HBC’s failure to determine. The Chairman reported that in addition to the appeal being withdrawn, he had spoken with the HBC Planning Officer who confirmed that the application itself had also been withdrawn. Councillors discussed possible ramifications but the Chairman concluded that, unless a further new application is made, no action by the Parish Council is now needed.
b) Plompton Rocks – trees. In the absence of Councillor Hall (who was going to attempt to complete an overall assessment of the trees actually felled recently, against those specified in the original application), this matter was deferred to a future meeting..
c) Cold calling zone – The Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator (NWC) updated the meeting on this issue. He reminded Councillors that an application would need to be submitted to NYCC, detailing the number of residents considered to be vulnerable as well as those over 65 years of age. In his estimation this figure was some 50% of all Parish residents. In response to a question, he reported that, over the last few months, he was only aware of 2 or 3 cold calling incidents being recorded. Councillors again discussed the relative merits of establishing a No Cold Calling Zone (NCCZ), with views both for and against being expressed.
Councillor Hinchcliffe then reported the outcome of the poll he had conducted on the Parish Facebook page. Of the 182 Facebook members, 63% had viewed the entry. Two questions were posed:
1) Have you had experience of cold calling? – there were 23 responses with 69% (16) “Yes” and 31% (7) “No”.
2) Do you want a CCZ? – there were 24 responses, with 100% “Yes”.
A Councillor did seek assurance that the wording of the poll was not biased in either direction and was given assurance that the poll had strictly followed NYCC guidance. Further discussion followed and it was confirmed that the number of cold calls was based on the incident of cold calling, not the individual numbers of cold calls made. The Chairman then concluded the discussion and asked Councillors to vote for or against the introduction of a NCCZ. Of the Councillors present, 5 voted in favour, with one against. Accordingly, the NWC was asked to submit an application to NYCC for the implementation of a NCCZ.
6. Parish Council elections – in response to a question, the clerk confirmed that all Parish (and other) councils would be subject to the full election process on 3 May 2018. This applies to all councils (even those with elections only 2 years ago, such as Follifoot with Plompton) He will circulate nomination papers etc when received.
7. Chairman’s communications:
The Chairman confirmed that any communications received would be dealt with as part of the agenda, although he did refer specifically to the proposed changes to the bus service for the Village. The clerk had made enquiries of the bus companies involved, Connexions and Transdev, as well as NYCC who had specified the minimum contract terms. Whilst commercial confidentiality had applied and full details of the new service and other possibilities could not be completely confirmed, an hourly service on Monday – Saturday, between the hours of 07.30 to 18.20 is proposed by Connexions. A full timetable will be made available when the final deadline for the period of notice for contract changes (mid-February) has passed. Currently, there are no firm proposals for a Sunday service, although the Chairman has been in contact with Rudding Park Hotel to enquire whether the Hotel is proposing to continue with its existing support arrangement to provide this service. A response is awaited. The clerk will contact both bus companies again, to confirm the final outcome.
8. Clerk’s correspondence received
a) The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – the clerk informed councillors that the initial YLCA guidance which indicated that the Data Protection Officer (DPO) could not be the clerk/RFO, had been rescinded and this was now allowed. Based on the original guidance, it had been agreed to approach the Internal Auditor to ascertain whether he would be willing to take on this position. Subject to certain conditions (such as Indemnity Insurance) he had agreed to take on the role but, with the new guidance, both he and the clerk now considered that it would be more appropriate for the clerk to act as DPO, thereby preventing any conflict of interest with regard to the role of the Internal Auditor. The Internal Auditor suggested that he and the clerk and Chairman should meet in the near future to ensure all requirements of the new and existing requirements of Data Protection (DP) are met and are incorporated into Parish Council procedures and Financial Regulations. In the meantime, the clerk will enquire of YLCA whether formal guidance is available on all aspects of DP – if not he was authorised to purchase, at a cost of £30, a tutorial package from the Local Council Public Advisory Service on the GDPR.
b) HBC – Local Plan consultation – the clerk had circulated details on the consultation process for the Local Plan. Councillors will respond individually if appropriate.
c) Spofforth with Stockeld Neighbourhood Area Designation – the clerk had circulated details of this development, which is the first step in a parish working towards the construction of a Neighbourhood Plan. There did not seem to be any immediate implications for this Parish and the Chairman advised that Councillors should adopt a “watching brief”.
d) The Transparency Code – previously the clerk had recommended that no call be made on the funding for the acquisition of a computer and peripherals to meet the requirements of the Transparency Code as he had ready access to relevant IT equipment. However, he now felt on reflection, that we should take this opportunity for funding as it was appropriate for the Parish Council to have its own IT capability. Councillors agreed and the clerk will submit an application.
d) Community defibrillator – as discussed previously, the clerk had contacted Harewood Parish Council who had installed a defibrillator in its redundant telephone box. There had not been any impediment to the installation and a local electrician had installed the equipment. The Chairman suggested that whilst this procedure could be followed he felt it would be more appropriate to approach BT formally for approval and guidance over the correct approach to follow. The clerk will contact BT.
e) Other matters –
i) village events, touring plays. The clerk passed details of the “touring plays” to Councillor Martin, who will refer to the Village Hall Committee for consideration.
ii) Bulbs/flower seeds from HBC – surplus bulbs and seeds will be made available to parish councils at the end of the year. The Chairman will pass on the information to FOFWRAP.
9. Matters concerning Plompton:
No matters to report.
10. Neighbourhood Watch:
The Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator briefly ran through the crime reports for December and January for the area. There was only one reported incident for Follifoot, an arrest for drugs possession after a car was stopped on the bypass. He also mentioned the various “scams” now appearing eg “Phantom Debt Fraud” whereby fraudsters request payment, usually by bank transfer, for a supposed debt and threaten to visit homes or workplaces if payment is refused. Reported Cyber Crime has increased by some 86% in the UK over the last 12 months. The advice is not to respond to any email or contact from an unknown source and report any cyber attack, successful or not, to Action Fraud on 0300-123-2040.

11. Village Up Keep:
a) Litter in the village – councillors were still concerned over the amount of litter, leaves etc in the village and the clerk will contact the village handyman again to see if he is prepared to carry out a general “tidy up” on an occasional basis.
b) Village assets – the Chairman confirmed that he had carried out a survey of the Village fixed assets. By and large, there were no issues of concern, although some minor repairs/refurbishment were needed on some of the seats and benches. He will provide a detailed list for the clerk to follow up.
c) Water collecting at the bottom of Rudding Lane (just before the traffic lights) The clerk has contacted NYCC Highways but no action seems to have been taken. He will make contact again, stressing the potential hazards for traffic with the current freezing conditions. The Chairman also mentioned the unsatisfactory situation with regard to roadside litter – the clerk will also refer to this issue.
12. Highways:
a) Traffic concerns Haggs Road –the clerk reported that as yet he had had no response from NYCC Highways regarding the possible installation of 40mph limit signage at the end of Haggs Road/A658 junction. He will raise the matter again if necessary. A councillor asked if the clerk will obtain data from the recent speed/traffic monitoring exercises undertaken on Haggs Road and Rudding Lane.The clerk undertook to do so.
b) Councillor Hinchcliffe reported that some progress is now being made with regard to the planned maintenance and improvement works on the underpass. Councillor Paraskos intends to make some funding available to HBC Councillor Burnett, who is liaising with the Rugby Club and Follifoot Park Riding Centre on this project.
13. FOFWRAP/Follifields:
a) The Chairman confirmed that the role of the existing FOFWRAP committee is to change, following the AGM in May. A committee will continue to function, but its main focus will be on fundraising for the ongoing maintenance of Follifields.
b) He reported that since its inception, the FOFWRAP committee had raised some £90,000, for the provision of the excellent Recreation & Play facility. There is currently a balance of some £22,000, of which £9,000 is earmarked for the purchase of the Fairy Bridge Tower and football goalposts. Of the remaining balance, it is intended that £5,000 will be transferred to the Parish Council (to be held separately as part of a sinking fund for future repairs and maintenance) and further expenditure is to be spent on tree planting etc. The Chairman concluded with a plea for more people to get involved with FOFWRAP, to help specifically with fundraising, of which there will be two main events each year.
14. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank on 31st January 2018, Current Account £3,013.82 and Deposit Account £1,987.82.
b) Monthly Budget – See Appendix 1.
c) Monthly Reconciliation –reconciliation as at 31st January was provided – see Appendix 2.
d) Expenditure – Unanimously agreed and authorised by two councillors.
WiFi contribution Village Hall £58.50 Bank Transfer
Tree & Hedge planting Ash Tree £2678.40 Bank Transfer
Clerk’s salary (Jan) M. Richards £325.59 Bank Transfer
Trim Trail Playscheme £6100.20 Bank Transfer
Printer cartridges M Richards £45.60 Bank Transfer
Grass cutting HBC £191.48 Bank Transfer

15. Planning:
a) Approval received –Conversion of rural building to 3 no. office units and
associated infrastructure. – Ducks Nest Farm, Rudding Lane, Follifoot,
HG3 1JF. Ref. No: 17/05275/FUL. (Councillors had voted to support the
b) Applications received – None
c) Applications received since the agenda was compiled –.None

16. Any other business
There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.50pm.

Date of next Parish Council Meeting: 7.30pm on 8th March 2018 in Follifoot Village Hall, Tofts Lane, Follifoot.