

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 10th November 2011

Present: Parish Councillors B. Fisher (Chairman), B. Butler, T. Martin, T. Hall, U. Cansfield, N. Pettitt and M. Kettlewell (Internal Auditor), Inspector Andy Chapman and seven residents

• Apologies: C.Florance, C. Bayliss and PC Ayres

• Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: T. Hall regarding item 15a)i

• Public Participation session:

• A number of residents, who live on the Haggs Road , attended the meeting to complain about the speed vehicles travel at on Haggs Road .

The Chairman explained that there is an ongoing speeding problem, in and around Follifoot. He said the main areas of concern are currently A658, in and out of Follifoot and Haggs Road . The clerk explained that the Highways department had said the sign on the A658, by Rudding Lane was considered to be too near the junction, and they will organise for it to be moved in the foreseeable future. A speed survey had recently been carried out on Main Street and Pannal Road (opposite the Cricket Club); the results showed that overall vehicles were not travelling in excess of the speed limit. Therefore no further action will be taken by Highways.

The residents living on Haggs Road said they consider the speed limit of 60mph on Haggs Road too fast. They said drivers frequently appear to be exceeding the speed limit. They said it is difficult to park on Haggs Road and getting in and out their driveways is dangerous. Also, drivers frequently approach the junction too fast, and the signage is not adequate. They suggested that when the vehicles turn off the A658 it becomes a 30mph zone until after the houses. The Parish Council said they would consult with North Yorkshire County Council, Highways Department, to request the speed along Haggs Road is reduced to 30mph and appropriate signage installed.

Inspector Chapman, from Knaresborough Police, explained that the pressure on a council to reduce the speed limit is a long process, and that funds are limited, and are spent in high priority areas. He also commented that the perception of speed by pedestrians was often different from reality. However many residents complain of speeding vehicles, and various speed control measures were discussed.

• A resident said that litter on the verges on Haggs Road is a problem. The Chairman explained this is an ongoing problem. He explained that there are two litter picks a year and they are welcome to join the Parish Council and residents.

• Minutes of the meeting held on 13 th October 2011 : Proposed by T. Martin and seconded by N. Pettitt; the Chairman signed the minutes as a correct record.

• Matters arising from the minutes:

• Phone Kiosk – The Landowner to be sent a base agreement and asked to sign and return.

• Chairman’s communications: A letter from the internal auditor had been received; it stated that following the audit the accounts are in order.

• Dog Fouling – Cricket Field: The Chairman had spoken with the landowner, who said two signs asking people to pick up their dogs mess may be erected. N. Pettitt to speak with the Cricket Club and ask them to liase with the landowner, to ensure correct signage is installed.

• Kitty Corner: The Chairman said he had spoken with the landowner regarding the lease. The landowner will contact the Parish Council in due course.

• Matters concerning Plompton:

• The missing grate has not yet been replaced. Action: The clerk to inform Highways.

• Residents had expressed concerns over ‘Dog walking companies’ that walk up to ten dogs at a time, and these were roaming across the footpath, and were causing problems to people walking the public footpath, between Plompton and Follifoot and on the Plompton Road. There were also comments made about dog walkers cars, parking near to Crimple Bridge, were causing a hazard. It was felt that there was little the Council could do to prevent parking at this point. However a close watch will be kept on this.

Action: The clerk to consult with the Dog Warden on the dog walking situation.

• The salt at the bottom of Plompton had not been replenished.

Action: Clerk to ask Highways to restock.

• Highways:

• Speeding: Please see public participation session.

• Commuted sums: B. Butler enquired if the sums could be used for use on the Saxon Cross. The clerk said she would make enquiries.

• Community Resilience Training Attendee for Speed Training Event on 29.11.11:

No Councillors were able to attend the session. To be discussed in Spring.

• South Cleveland Heart Fund: It was decided that no donation would be made.

• Finance

• Balance at the bank of £11,724.92

• Request for authorisation of expenditure – None

• Clerk’s correspondence:

• No folders were returned. The Chairman asked the clerk to email the Parish Councillors to remind them to pass the folder around and ensure it was returned at the next meeting.

• The clerk said the Allerton Park Waste Recovery Park planning information had arrived. The Parish Councillors had no comments.

• Planning:

• Applications

• 6.121.58.I.FUL 11/00116/REFPP Dower Cottage, 8 Rudding Dower, Follifoot

Appeal for Conversion of ancillary accommodation to form detached dwelling

• 6.108.19.G.DVCON 11/04064/DVCON 8 Plompton Square , Plompton

Deletion of condition 8 and variation of condition 2 of planning permission 6.108.19.D.FUL to allow annexe to be used by others and removal of window and door openings (revised scheme). The Parish Council had no objections.

• Consider any applications received since the agenda was compiled: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

• 6.121.190.A.FUL 11/04342/FUL The Lodge, 1 Rudding Dower, Follifoot

Erection of two storey extension and detached garage.

• Outcome of previous applications

• DCPEFULZ 11.03466.FUL Home Farm Follifoot – Approved

• Planning Notification by email: The clerk said the Planning Notifications could be now received by email. It was discussed and decided the clerk would enquire if both could be received.

• Date of next meeting: Thursday 8th December 2011 at 8pm