2010 September


Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 2 September 2010

Present : Parish Councillors B. Fisher (Chairman), B. Butler , C. Florance, N. Pettitt, E. Bolton, U. Cansfield, T. Martin, P. C. M. Ayre and two residents.

Apologies for absence : None.

Declarations of interest in items on the agenda : None.
Public participation session :

• The Chairman invited P. C. Ayre to give his report. There had been no reported crimes in Follifoot since the last meeting other than a burglary at the house next to the riding stables. In the wider area, thefts were largely from farms and riding establishments.

• Mr. M. Hammond of Village End, Plompton Road , Follifoot informed the councillors that his appeal against refusal of planning consent had been dismissed. This was most disappointing. A scheme of permitted development would be begun and a further planning application to enhance the appearance of the property would be made. Mr. Hammond’s letter and the inspector’s report would be circulated.

Minutes of the meeting held on 22.7.10 : Having been proposed by T. Martin and seconded by U. Cansfield, the Chairman signed the minutes as a correct record.
Matters arising from the minutes :

• Item 6 b) – superfast broadband. C. Florance had investigated a report describing how rural communities had accessed this and found that schools were being used in some areas to facilitate its provision. However, this facility could not be delivered in Follifoot as the infrastructure was not in place and the timeframe for B. T. to roll it out to the village was currently unknown. An option was for the community to fund the infrastructure which would be expensive. There was a query about any arrangements Rudding Park might have in place. Action: the Chairman agreed to find out and report back to the Council

• Item 15 b) – NYCC’s plans for dealing with re-cycled waste. Since the last meeting correspondence had been received from Marton-cum Grafton Parish Council, NYCC and the Allerton Waste Recovery Park . In addition, NYCC were planning a presentation of the proposed scheme to be held on 22.9.10 at 4 pm at the Swan Hotel, Harrogate . Action: The information would be circulated to the councillors, a councillor would attend the presentation and the matter would be an agenda item for the October meeting.

Chairman’s communications :

• Letter from Allerton Waste Recovery Park

• Cricket Club – complaint received regarding dog fouling in the grounds. The Chairman reported that he had explained the Parish Council’s actions so far and also that there would be a presentation from the Dog Warden Service to the October Parish Council meeting. It was open to the landowner to put notices around the cricket field and to report offending owners where identified.

• Letter from Mr. Hammond (see item 3 b)).

• Photos of a decorated ‘phone kiosk received from a resident (see item 9 a))

• Tree planting – Parish Councillor T. Martin had grown horse chestnuts from seed and now had saplings and wished to offer them for planting in suitable locations around the village.

Plompton : There was nothing to report.
Yorkshire Water : T. Martin reported that a second placement of odour monitors had been made with no odours detected. It was pointed out that the Parish Council wished to establish where the odours were coming from in order to resolve this long-standing problem. Councillors were to meet with Michael Denny from Yorkshire Water on 7.9.10 specifically to address the sewage outflows outside Pear Tree Cottage and on Spofforth Lane . It was vital that all sewage odours were reported to Yorkshire Water on 0845 1 24 24 24 so that they could be logged. It was noted that if the matter could not be resolved that it would be possible involve Environmental Health officers and District Councillor Bayliss had agreed to action this.
Telephone kiosk, Main Street , Follifoot :

• Ideas for the future use of the kiosk – in addition to a list of suggestions from the children at Follifoot school and photographs taken by a resident , there were also proposals submitted by two councillors. Action: the councillors will consider all the proposals at the October meeting.

• Agreement between the landowner and the Parish Council – N. Pettitt had been in contact with a local lawyer whose practice has kindly agreed to draw up the required Deed of Variation. This should be ready in the near future. No charge will be made for this work.

• Transfer of ownership to the Parish Council – the telephony has been removed from the kiosk and a notice indicating the change of ownership placed in the box. A maintenance manual has been provided with a list of appropriate materials to use. Action: any work needed to the kiosk prior to its change of use will be considered at the October meeting.

Highways :

• Flytipping, Kitty Corner, Spofforth Lane – rubble and bags have been left at the entrance to the pumping station. Action: Harrogate Council to be asked to remove the rubbish.

• Nature board, Kitty Corner – algae needs removal

• Flower beds at name stones­ – in need of regular watering, the rota to be observed.

• Rural Safety Scheme – the traffic calming measures have now been completed.

• Junction A 658 with Pannal Road – noted that the area still floods during heavy rainfall in spite of the drains being jetted. Action: clerk to report to NYCC Highways.

Autumn litter pick : Agreed that it would be appropriate. The litter pick will be held on


Action: Clerk to arrange publicity and equipment. All volunteers to meet at 2 pm outside the Post Office.

Finance :

• Balance at the bank – £ 7,921.11 in the accounts.

• Request for authorisation of expenditure – £ 35.50 to Harrogate Council for grasscutting and £ 141 to Mazars LLP for the external audit fee. A quotation was received in the sum of £ 190 for repairs to the flagpole and Saxon Cross. Expenditure approved, proposed by B. Butler and seconded by N. Pettitt.

• External audit – this was now completed and in order. The accounts and audit opinion would be displayed on the noticeboards.

• The clerk – following the interviews held prior to the Parish Council meeting, it was anticipated that a new clerk would be in post for the next meeting. The present post holder would finish on 30.910.

Clerk’s report and correspondence :

• Papers received since the last meeting were circulated to councillors

• Parish Plan – the working group sought the views of councillors on the type of questions that should be asked of the community and also ways of engaging key stakeholders to ensure that questions were appropriate and relevant. Action: Documents would be circulated with a view to discussion of the way forward at the October meeting.

Planning :

• Application 10/03496/FUL Arch Cottage, Rudding Dower, Follifoot for erection of single storey extension. The Parish Council had no objections to the application.

• No further applications had been received.

• Outcome of previous applications: approved : Follifoot Hall for single storey extension; appeals against refusal of planning consent 8 Plompton Square , Plompton and Village End, Plompton Road , Follifoot – both dismissed.

Date of next meeting : Thursday 7 October 2010.