2010 October


Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7th October 2010

Present: Parish Councillors – B. Fisher (Chairman, U.Cansfield, E. Bolton, B. Butler, C. Florance, N. Pettitt , T.Martin and M. Kettlewell (Internal Auditor), N. Garside (HBC), Ellie Barlow (HBC Dog Warden) and two residents.

• Apologies for absence: C. Bayliss (District Councillor)

• Declarations of interest in items on the agenda: None

• Clerk to the Parish Council: The chairman officially welcomed S. Hinchcliffe to her appointment of Clerk to Follifoot and Plumpton Parish Council. With a unanimous agreement from the councillors for S. Hinchcliffe to hold this post.

• Public participation session:

• The Chairman invited Ellie Barlow from Harrogate Borough Council to give her talk on the role of the dog warden. She explained that they work in three areas; stray dogs, barking dogs and dog fouling and are part of the Environmental Protection Unit. She explained that dog mess may be bagged and put in litter bins or household waste bins. E. Barlow was able to clarify that all dog mess should be removed from public footpaths and areas. She explained that it is law that every dog should wear a collar with a tag and contact details on. She left leaflet, signs and microchip vouchers for residents with S. Hinchcliffe.

B. Fisher expressed concerns over health issues and dog fouling at the cricket pitch and village hall field. The dog warden will monitor these areas over the next few weeks.

N. Pettitt suggested that information to clarify the above should go in the parish magazine. Action: S. Hinchcliffe to contact Parish Magazine.

B. Fisher thanked E. Barlow for her talk.

• M. Hammond of Village End, Plumpton Road , Follifoot, said he had put a new application in for the modification of his properties roof. He also asked about the Development Plan and what the council are doing about it. The chairman said he had received a number of calls about it and would like to discuss it at the end of the meeting (see 18d).

• Minutes of meeting held on 2.09.10 : Having been proposed by T. Martin and seconded by B. Butler, the chairman signed the minutes as a correct record.

• Matters arising from the minutes:

• Item 8 Sewage Odour/Yorkshire Water: The chairman said that he now considers the sewage odour and Yorkshire Water as two separate issues.

Yorkshire Water: B. Fisher said that during heavy rain raw sewage was again coming out of the drain by Pear Tree Cottage. B. Fisher explained that Yorkshire Water had recently put cameras down Main Street drains and reported no problems. T. Martin reported raw sewage coming out of a drain by the pumping station at Kitty Corner. B. Fisher and T.Martin had a site meeting with Yorkshire Water at Pear Tree Cottage to discuss the raw sewage coming out of the drains. They have requested Yorkshire Water take action in order to solve the problem. Yorkshire Water agreed to continue the camera work to establish the problem. The chairman read out a letter he had received from Yorkshire Water regarding the above. It also stated that CG Pipe Tech had been employed to carry out the camera work and forward their findings to Network Engineering. The chairman said if there is not a satisfactory outcome then the next move maybe environmental health. To be discussed at the next meeting.

Sewage Odour: This was discussed and noted it is still present. To be discussed at the next meeting.

• Flooding at Junction A658 and Pannal Road : Water is still collecting at the junction. B. Fisher read recent e-mail from NYCC, explaining that Highways Inspector had visited and requested it was jet and cleared out. Water is still collecting at junction . To be discussed at next month’s meeting.

ACTION: S. Hinchcliffe to contact NYCC and explain situation.

• Chairman’s communications :

• A letter had been received from Christine Woodman; she thanked the councillors for the gift and said how she had enjoyed working with them.

• The chairman had read a letter from Yorkshire Water regarding the camera work (see item 6a)

• He had received several calls on the Development Framework (see item 18d)

• He requested that a letter introducing S. Hinchcliffe as the new clerk be sent to the bank with a copy of the signed minutes. Action S. Hinchcliffe and councillors

• Plompton: E.Bolton reported that during heavy rain the drain by the triangle had become blocked. Action: S.Hinchcliffe to report to NYCC.

• YLCA Meeting: No representative was available to attend October’s meeting.

• NYCC’s plans for dealing with non-recycled waste: Councillors discussed NYCC waste management strategy and recycling. Councillors thought a confirmation on which items can go in the recycling boxes would be beneficial, and if they are planning to collect plastic for recycling . ACTION: S.Hinchcliffe to contact HBC for conformation and to ask about recycling plastic.

• Telephone Kiosk:

• The future of phone box was discussed; the councillors thought more information on legalities would be required before the use of the phone box could be concluded.

• N.Pettitt explained the contractual agreement options available between the parish council and landowner.

Option 1: A letter of agreement with the current land owner

Option 2: A comprehensive agreement, which would be binding if the landowner sells. Councillors would like further information. As several other villages have bought phone boxes the councillors asked if S. Hinchcliffe would make enquires on their behalf.

ACTION: S. Hinchcliffe to enquire about contractual agreements with other councils

• The phone box requires painting.

ACTION: C. Florance to enquire about appropriate red paint.

• Tree Planting: T. Martin said he had three places he thought suitable for the horse chestnuts.

• Plumpton Road ; the small green area between the church and pound

• Pannal Road; where the daffodils were planted, in the broad grass areas and the triangle

• Kitty Corner; 70 yards past the corner.

• Tennis Club: The chairman expressed concern over the present condition of the court and said it is a valuable asset to the community. N.Pettitt explained that the school had wanted to improve the court and have raised funds to do so. Unfortunately, the tennis club were not able to raise equal funds. The school are still interested in using the court. He said I. Gilbert is the chairman of the tennis club. The chairman asked if S.Hinchcliffe could write and enquire what was happening with the tennis court and club.

ACTION: S. Hinchcliffe to write to I. Gilbert regarding the above.

• Parish Plan: The councillors said they had looked at the questionnaire and said it was straight forward. T.Martin said he would act as coordinator to enable the parishioners to participate. To be discussed at the next meeting.

• Highways:

• A658 at Haggs Road Junction: There were no objections to the NYCC road improvement suggestions. Action: S. Hinchcliffe to reply to letter.

• B. Fisher reported that there is a letter ‘O’ missing on the sign into the village on the Spofforth Road . Action: S. Hinchcliffe to report to HBC.

• Finance:

• Balance at bank: Total £10,576.48

• Request for authorisation of expenditure: £35.50 to HBC for grass cutting,

£19.26 to Jespers for stationery, £646.17 Clerk’s salary 1.7.10 till 30.9.10 and £183.33 Clerk’s office expenses. Expenditure was proposed by T. Martin and E. Bolton.

• Quarterly reconciliation: Copy was given to each councillor.

• Participatory Budgeting: More information required. Action: S. Hinchcliffe to obtain more information.

• Asset register: Copy given to each councillor.

• Clerk’s report and correspondence: Papers received since the last meeting were circulated to councillors. T.Martin offered to complete environment questionnaire

• Planning:

• Application 10/03943/FUL Village End, Plompton Road , Follifoot. The Parish Council had no objections to the application.

• No further applications had been received.

• Outcome of previous applications: Arch Cottage, Rudding Dower, Follifoot.

Application 10/03496/FUL – REFUSED.

• Development Framework – The Future of Your Village: Each household should receive a newspaper called ‘New Homes in Your Village/Market Town’. Which will include a questionnaire for each householder to complete, if they so wish. As the parish councillors represent the residents it was decided to hold a meeting to obtain the Follifoot residents views on the proposed new homes. To be held on Thursday 4 th November, at 8pm in the Village Hall . ACTION: S. Hinchcliffe to organise

• Date of next meeting: Thursday 11 th November 2010 at 8pm