2010 December


Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 9 th December 2010

Present: Parish Councillors – B. Fisher (Chairman), U. Cansfield, N. Pettitt , B. Butler, plus M. Kettlewell (Internal Auditor) and one resident.

• Apologies for absence: E. Bolton, T. Martin, C. Florance and C. Bayliss

• Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: None

• Public Participation Session: The resident enquired if the letter and report had been sent to HBC regarding the proposed sites for housing in Follifoot. B. Fisher confirmed it had been sent. The resident requested a copy. Action: S. Hinchcliffe to forward copy.

The resident is interested in creating a sub-group for planning. N. Pettitt said he had spoken to M. Mackaness about a sub-committee being formed and M. Mackaness said he would be happy to meet with the group. It was agreed the sub-group could be formed in the New Year. Action: B. Fisher to coordinate with residents interested in forming a sub-committee.

• Minutes of meeting held on 9 th December: Having been proposed by U. Cansfield and seconded by B. Butler, the chairman signed the minutes as a correct record.

• Matters arising from the minutes:

• Sewage Odour/Yorkshire Water: B. Fisher had spoken with Yorkshire Water regarding the Pot Hole outside Pear Tree Cottage and they said it would be repaired within the next few weeks. B. Fisher presumed this was due to the recent bad weather; he will email and remind them.

Action: B. Fisher to email Yorkshire Water regarding the pot hole.

• Telephone Kiosk: S. Hinchcliffe said she had spoken to YLCA regarding the kiosk being situated on private land; they said that they are not aware of any other council having this issue. The chairman suggested S. Hinchcliffe speaks with YLCA again to see if they can recommend an appropriate legal way forward. ACTION: S. Hinchcliffe to contact YLCA makes enquiries.

• Tennis Club: A meeting to be arranged in the New Year, between FOFS and the chair of the tennis club I. Gilbert. Action: S. Hinchcliffe to organise.

• Website: S. Hinchcliffe had been in contact with K. Dukenfield regarding the website, he is happy to continue to maintain the website. He requested that all new information is sent to editor@follifoot.org.uk and all information should be in ‘word document’ and ‘jpeg’ for pictures. S. Hinchcliffe said she would work with K. Dukenfield on updating the website.

• Chairman’s Communication:

• The chairman said he had received a letter from M. Mackaness regarding the recent planting of the trees. M. Mackaness said that some of the trees had been planted on his land; the chairman said he was not aware. He said the trees will have to be removed once the ground has thawed.

The chairman said he had received several negative comments about the planted trees and the potential problems they could cause. It was consequently decided to remove all the trees. Action: Parish Councillors to organise the removal of the trees, into pots.

• The chairman said a resident had commented on the benches requiring some maintenance work. The chairman said A. Walker maintains the benches.

Action: S. Hinchcliffe to speak to A. Walker regarding maintenance.

• S. Mackaness had contacted the chairman to inform him of his recent planning application, he wishes to create a fine dining restaurant at Rudding Park Hotel.

S. Mackaness invited the parish councillors to visit the site.

Action: Parish Councillors to organise a date to visit the site.

• The chairman passed on a letter he had received regarding the Waste Recovery Park .

• Matters concerning Plompton: None

• Highways:

• Flooding at Junction A658 : S. Hinchcliffe read the recent email received from Highways, which said it was due to be jetted again. The parish councillors were concerned that if the area flooded and froze it is a potential hazard and it requires further action.

Action : S. Hinchcliffe to contact Highways and ask for further action to be taken and inform them of the parish councillors concerns.

• Missing ‘O’ : S. Hinchcliffe said she is waiting for a quote from HBC for a new sign.

• Leconfield Road and Pavement : S. Hinchcliffe read an email received from Highways, they said that the pot holes on the junction have been included in a general maintenance package and should be completed within the week. The depressions on the carriageway require further investigation.

N. Pettitt said since the snow and ice he had noticed around the man hole covers the tarmac had cracked.

Action: S. Hinchcliffe to inform Highways regarding the above issues.

• Blocked Drain at Plompton : S. Hinchcliffe said Highways had informed her that the drain should be cleared by 12 th December 2010.

• Finance:

• Balance at the bank £9,687.81

• Request for authorisation of expenditure: None

• Precept Budget: All parish Councillors received a copy of the precept budget. Unanimously agreed to request £5,700 from HBC.

• Clerk’s correspondence: S. Hinchcliffe asked parish councillors if the new email system was working; the parish councillors said it was.

• Planning:

• The Future of Your Village – The chairman confirmed the letter and report had been sent to HBC.

• Strategic Housing Market Assessment Postponed: The meeting had been cancelled.

• Minerals & Waste Development Framework: B. Fisher said he would complete the questionnaire.

• Community Resilience Scheme: B. Fisher said that work is required and may possible be incorporated with the parish plan.

• Consultation Meeting: Questions discussed and to be sent to HBC.

Action: S. Hinchcliffe to forward questions to HBC

• Date of next meeting: Thursday 15 th January 2011 at 8pm