2009 March


Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday March 19 2009

Present : Parish Councillors B. Butler (Chairman), E. Bolton, U. Cansfield, C. Florance; P.C. M. Ayre and one resident.

Apologies for absence : Parish Councillors B. Fisher, T. Martin, S. Milligan.
Declarations of interest in items on the agenda : There were none.
Public Participation session :

The Chairman invited P.C. Ayre to respond to questions arising from the last meeting.

Flytipping – it is the responsibility of the local authority and the Environment Agency to take legal action.

Pannal Road – speeding vehicles. P.C. Ayre reported two accidents had been recorded in recent times, one a loose horse on 15.11.07 and the second involving three cars. He stated that no accidents involving injury had been recorded at the junction of Rudding Lane and the by-pass. The road appears not to meet the criteria for a speed restriction.

Crimes – three crimes had been recorded since the last meeting, two had been detected including one assault.

Mobile Police Station – this would be on Main Street on 4.4.09. Residents were welcome to visit to discuss any concerns.

The Chairman thanked P.C. Ayre for attending the meeting.

Minutes of the meeting held on 19.2.09 : Having been proposed by E. Bolton and seconded by B. Butler, the Chairman signed the minutes as a correct record.
Matters arising from the minutes : E. Bolton reported that the Plompton noticeboard had been repaired.
Chairman’s communications :

Mr. and Mrs. S. Mackaness had offered to arrange for the flagpole at the top of Main Street to be repaired to allow flags to fly at full mast. This had been done and it was resolved that a letter of thanks should be sent on behalf of the Parish Council. The Chairman noted that the flagpole base needed painting and offered to do this. It was resolved to purchase paint for the task, proposed by C. Florance and seconded by U. Cansfield.

Matters concerning Plompton: There was nothing to report.
Litter reduction:

Litter bin for the Plompton Road lay-by The Chairman and U. Cansfield had visited the site and concluded that the positioning of a bin would be problematic. A suitable bin had been identified and it would be the responsibility of the Parish Council to empty it. The recommendation was to monitor the situation following the litter pick on 26.4.09 prior to making a decision.
Litter Pick Posters/fliers had been produced by D. Watkins for distribution via the Parish Magazine; B. Butler and C. Florance agreed to ask for posters to be put in the two ‘pubs; C. Florance would ask if the litter could be collected from the Radcliffe Arms car park; a request to be made to Harrogate Council to supply 20 sets of equipment.
Annual Parish Meeting on 16.4.09: the Clerk had circulated a letter promoting rural broadband in Yorkshire. The organisation, Eskdalenet, was seeking to improve access to the technology. A representative from the group was unable to attend the April meeting to make a presentation. C. Florance offered to contact the company to assess whether this would be appropriate for future consideration in the parish. It was also suggested that an approach be made to SOCA (Save Our Conservation Area) with a view to requesting an update from the group on their activities in opposing a proposal for housing at land east of Manor Fold. The clerk will follow this up. Ways of interesting residents in becoming parish councillors was another suggestion.


Public footpaths :

The old railway line The Chairman read a report from T. Martin on a recent meeting of the Access and Public Rights of Way Forum. The flooding on the footpath was discussed and it was learned that the scale of the scheme proposed by the landowner to remedy the problem was such that NYCC lawyers and the Waste and Minerals Directorate considered that a planning application was required. A significant volume of material would be needed for infill and the application would be costly to make. At present, the Forum is considering alternatives in an effort to resolve the problem.
New permissive footpath, Spofforth Lane A new length of footpath had been added to link the permissive path from Plompton Road to Kitty Corner with the public footpath along the Garth. This has created a pleasant circular walk. A letter of thanks to be sent to Mr. M. Mackaness, Rudding Estate.
Highways :
Speeding on Pannal Road – a new NYCC Improvement Manager would be in post shortly and tasked to arrange a meeting with the Parish Council. The Clerk had spoken with the Chairman of Riding for the Disabled which is based at the riding stables. She expressed concern about inconsiderate driving on this road and made an undertaking to write to NYCC on the matter.
Signage – at Kitty Corner the bend sign has slipped down its pole and the ‘no litter’ signs are now indistinct and require replacement or refurbishing. This also applies to a similar sign in the Plompton Road lay-by. Clerk to inform NYCC.
Flytipping – rubbish has been dumped at Kitty Corner and the Plompton Road lay-by. Clerk to inform Harrogate Council.
Kitty Corner natureboard – Councillor U. Cansfield has removed the algae obscuring the board. The Parish Council thanked her for doing this.
Green waste dump – this was observed on the bridleway near the old railway line. Disposal is likely to be the responsibility of the landowner.
Finance :
Balance at the bank – total of £ 5230.44 in the accounts; a receipt of £ 1.29 interest.
Request for authorisation of expenditure – proposed by U. Cansfield and seconded by E. Bolton, to the Village Hall for meeting hire £ 156.00, clerk’s salary for the final quarter £ 741.13. The 2008- 09 salary award had gone to arbitration and a 2.75% increase agreed. The Parish Council resolved to accept the recommendation.
Clerk’s report and correspondence :
Local Development Framework – letter from Harrogate Council confirming that land east of Manor Fold remains the preferred option for affordable housing development in Follifoot
YLCA training programme 2009
Papers received since the last meeting were distributed to councillors
Planning :
Application 09/00866/LB – Dower House and Dower Cottage, Rudding Dower. Listed Building application for formation of internal openings on the ground and first floors to link the two properties. The Parish Council had no objections.
Application 09/01013/FUL – School Cottage, Rudding Lane for the erection of a side conservatory. The Parish Council had no objections.
Outcome of previous applications : Home Farm bungalow, Follifoot for erection of replacement dwelling (revised scheme) – approved; Gardener’s Cottage, Rudding Park for single storey side extension – permission not required.
Dates of meetings :
Thursday 16 April at 7.30 for the Annual Parish meeting followed by the Parish Council meeting.
Thursday 14 May at 8 pm, the new date for the Annual Parish Council meeting.

16. The Parish Council resolved to exclude the press and the public from the meeting for the discussion of a confidential matter. The resident was thanked for attending the meeting.

a) Confidential minutes of the meeting held on 19.2.09: The minutes were signed as a correct record having been proposed by B. Butler and seconded by E. Bolton.

b) The Parish Council resolved to take no further action.