2008 Annual Meeting

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Thursday April 17 2008

Present: Parish Councillors B. Fisher (Chairman), B. Butler, E. Bolton, C. Florance, M. Mitton.

District Councillor C. Bayliss and eleven residents.

Apologies for absence: Parish Councillors U. Cansfield
and T. Martin.
Presentation on Recycling in the Harrogate District

Mrs. Alex Rankin, Recycling and Promotions Officer for Harrogate Borough Council gave a talk about the progress made and future plans for recycling in the area. She informed the meeting that of 68,500 properties in the District, 90% were now provided with kerbside boxes for glass, tins and paper. In addition there were 140 mini recycling centres. Much awareness raising activity was centred on schools with the aim of educating the next generation to recycle. For the future, the Council planned to introduce doorstep cardboard and plastic bottle collections in 2009. There will be an appraisal of the suitability of properties to accommodate wheelie bins for mixed recyclables also planned for 2009. It was acknowledged that they may not be appropriate for terraced houses and flats and other solutions were under consideration. Harrogate Council consider it will be able to meet the government recycling target of 40% by 2009/2010.

There were questions about the high level of packaging used by supermarkets and a need for consumers to change their shopping habits for change to be effected.

The Chairman thanked Mrs. Rankin for her informative presentation.

Minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting held on 12.4.07:

The minutes were signed as a correct record by the Chairman. This was proposed by B. Butler and seconded by M. Mitton.

Matters arising from the minutes:

Emergency Plan for Follifoot and Plompton – the Chairman explained that this had not been completed. It had proved difficult to arrange meetings of the working group. The Chairman agreed to contact group members with a view to reconvening the group and appraising the level of interest in completing the task.
Floral Displays in Follifoot – summer bedding plants had been placed around the namestones at the entrances to the village and it was planned to plant some more spring bulbs during the year.

Chairman’s Annual Report for 2007-2008:

The Chairman referred to two extra meetings of the Parish Council which arose from the need to engage local residents in making a response to proposals for an affordable housing site in Follifoot contained in the Harrogate Council Local Development Framework. As a consequence an action group of residents opposed to the proposal had been formed. The Chairman thanked his fellow councillors and the Clerk for their work and support to him during the year. He especially thanked Mike Mitton who had decided to stand down as a Parish Councillor. Residents who contributed to upkeep of the village were thanked including Mrs. J. Butler for maintaining the Horsepond Beck area and David Hinchley for ensuring the flag was flying on special days. The death of the former Clerk, Mrs. P. Hubbard in October 2007 was mentioned together with her outstanding contribution to the life of the village over many years.

Financial Report for the year to 31 March 2008:

A paper outlining the budget and outturn for the previous year was circulated to all present. The Clerk reported that the sum of £ 7631.77 would be carried into the current financial year. The Parish Council had resolved to donate part of this sum to the proposed Village Hall developments. This was of potential benefit to the whole community. There were no questions relating to the report.

Agenda items proposed by residents:

Mr. J. Shann, Sycamore House thanked the Parish Council for its support in his efforts to resolve the problem relating to damage to the grass verge outside his property. This was largely caused by parents parking when on the school run. C. Florance stated that the school governors and Headteacher were aware of this and had written to all parents requesting that cars were parked with consideration for others. No long term improvement in the situation had resulted. The Radcliffe Arms had offered their car park so that parents could walk their children to school but this had not been widely taken up. It was suggested that the landlord at the Harewood Arms might also be approached on the same basis.
Parking on Main Street – complaints have been made that some residents exiting from minor roads have their sightline impaired by vehicles parked close to the junctions and cars have actually blocked driveways. On 17.4.08, passage along Main Street was impossible for some time as it was congested with cars and lorries. A suggestion that double yellow lines should be put in place to ease the difficulties. At this time the Parish Council would not support such action.
Road safety – in the vicinity of the Riding Stables, Pannal Road. A resident expressed concern that some vehicles are driven at speed past riders and stated that a horse had been killed. It was suggested that NYCC Highways could be approached to conduct a speed survey in the area with a view to possible speed restriction.

Main Street and Haggs Road – a resident had raised concerns on behalf of another who was not present about a number of road traffic accidents that had taken place in these locations. It was unclear in what time frame the accidents had happened and what action the resident was suggesting. This would need clarification.

There being no other matters for discussion, the Chairman thanked all for attending and closed the meeting.