2007 November

Minutes of the meeting held on 8 November 2007

Present: Parish Councillors C. Florance, U. Cansfield, M. Mitton, T. Martin, B. Butler (Chairman) and two residents.

Apologies for absence: Parish Councillors E. Bolton and B. Fisher
Declarations of interest in items on the agenda:

There were none to declare.

Minutes of the meeting held on 6.10.07:

The minutes were signed as a correct record by the Chairman. Proposed by U. Cansfield and seconded by C. Florance.

Matters arising from the minutes:

Advertising signs, Wingate Farm. The clerk’s enquiries had established that it was unlawful to advertise on the verges to the highway and it was the responsibility of NYCC Highways to take the necessary action for removal. This had now been done. It was also noted that there had been signs advertising holiday lodges on the verge on Rudding Lane.
Harrogate Council allotment website – it was not possible to indicate on site that the Follifoot waiting list was now closed.
Community First Responders – letters had now been delivered to most households in the village. A number of residents had registered an interest. The Clerk will contact the Ambulance Service with a view to arranging a meeting in the New Year for potential volunteers to learn more about the scheme.
The Post Office closure plan – it is understood that the plan for this area will not be out for consultation until 27.11.07 This will be an agenda item for the next meeting when the Parish Council can consider their response.

Chairman’s communications:

There were none.

Matters concerning Plompton:

There were no matters to discuss apart from planning item 10b).


Rural Safety Scheme bids for 2008-2009. Following some discussion, it was decided to request some new No Entry signs into Main Street as the present ones were faded and a number of vehicles appear to ignore the signs and enter the street on the wrong side of the road.

The Clerk was asked to find out the status of the 2006-2007 bid which was approved to move the speed restriction signs further out of the village on the Spofforth Road, Follifoot.

Footpath obstruction outside 2 Manor Cottages – M. Mitton reported that a resident had approached him regarding an overhanging shrub that was obstructing the footpath. The managing agents for the property to be asked to arrange for remedial action. The Parish Councillors also commented that there were other parts of the village where this was a problem too. M. Mitton had also been contacted about cars and vans parked outside 6 Park Side, Pannal Road either obstructing the pavement or the view of incoming traffic. The Clerk was asked to write to the tenants and the owner of the property.
Hillside – there was a request from the Chairman for the Clerk to find out when the agreed repairs to the footpath and roadside would be carried out and also when the tree works on the green were programmed to start.


Balance at the bank – there was a total of £ 9833.32 in the accounts.
Request for authorisation of expenditure. To D. Humberstone for tree works at the end of 4 Leconfield Garth £ 229.13 and to Springfield Business Services for office services for the Clerk over the past year £ 223.25. Expenditure was proposed by T. Martin and seconded by U. Cansfield.

Parish Council bench at 4 Leconfield Garth – it was drawn to the attention of the councillors that this was in a poor state of repair. The Chairman agreed to examine it and take any necessary action to avoid injury to the public. Mrs. E. Watson informed the meeting that it was her late mother’s wish to return the bench that was a gift from the Parish to mark her retirement as Clerk in 2004 back to the Parish for the enjoyment of the residents. The bench was in need of refurbishment and the councillors resolved to approach a local contractor to undertake the work. Mrs. Watson was thanked for this generous gift. It was noted that the bench currently in place was a prize in a Best Kept Village competition; a small plaque would be fixed to the new bench to acknowledge this.

Salary award for clerk’s from April 2007 – an award of 2.5% had been negotiated between the employee and employer representatives and its adoption was recommended. The Parish Council resolved to accept the new salary scale. This was proposed by T. Martin and seconded by C. Florance.

Any items to consider for inclusion in the draft budget 2008-2009 – the possibility of giving some assistance to the Village Hall committee with the extension proposals would be raised with the Chairman prior to the budget meeting.
Internal audit for April to September 2007 – this had been conducted by the new internal auditor, Margaret Kettlewell. Some recommendations made relating to treatment of VAT in the accounts and assurances sought that information required by Revenue and Customs had been provided by the clerk. The audit confirmed that the necessary controls and procedures had been carried out. A letter of thanks to be sent to Mrs. Kettlewell.
Top ‘bus shelter, Main Street – T. Martin had cleared the shelter of rubbish caused by nesting birds some weeks ago. It was suggested that netting should be fixed to the beams to protect the fabric of the building from further damage. T. Martin to provide costings for the next meeting.

Clerk’s report and correspondence:

Papers received since the last meeting were circulated to councillors.


Applications 07/05074/DVCONand 07/05073/DVCMAJ Part of OS field 8200, Thistle, Hill, Knaresborough – to allow a veranda within the pavilion and variation of condition 13 to allow the football club facility to be used between 8.30 and 18.30 on Saturday and Sunday and between 8.30 and 22.30 on weekdays throughout the year. The Parish Council had no objections to the proposed veranda, but sought assurances that matches would only be played during daylight hours.
Application 07/05071/COU. Land north east of Beagle Cottage, Follifoot for change of use of land to allow siting of one holiday chalet. The Parish Council had no objections to the application.
Application 07/05582/FUL. Townsend’s Undertakers, Oakfield House, Tofts Lane, Follifoot for erection of double garage to side (revised scheme). The Parish Council objected to the application.
Outcome of previous applications. Approvals – 6 Park Side, Follifoot for two storey side extension, Overdale, Tofts Lane, Follifoot for variation of condition to allow slate roof tiles, Follifoot Primary School for a new sign for the Village Hall.

Refused – Townsend’s Undertakers, Oakfield House, Tofts Lane, Follifoot for double garage to side.

Item included on the agenda:

Mrs. E. Watson informed the meeting that there was evidence of unauthorised use of the cricket field that may involve criminal activity and more recently damage to the grounds caused by cars. The Police have been made aware of this. There was a discussion about ways of preventing vehicular access to the grounds whilst still allowing access to the permissive footpath. The Parish Council resolved to write to Rudding Estate which leases the land to the cricket club.
Date of next meeting : Thursday 6 December 2007 at 8pm in the Village Hall.