2007 July

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5 July 2007

Present: Parish Councillors B. Butler (Chairman), U. Cansfield, T. Martin, C. Florance. M. Mitton.

One resident: Mr. N. Pettitt

Hilltop House – Mr. Pettitt was present to express his concern and disappointment that the Parish Council had written to the planning authority about the works to walls on his property, rather than raising its queries with himself. He handed a letter requesting information from the Parish Council under the Freedom of Information Act.

The Chairman thanked Mr. Pettitt for attending the meeting.

Apologies for absence:

Parish Councillors E. Bolton, B. Fisher and P.C. M. Ayre

Declarations of interest in items on the agenda:

There were none

Minutes of the meeting held on 7.6.07:

The minutes were signed as a correct record by the Chairman. Proposed by U. Cansfield and seconded by T. Martin.

Matters arising from the minutes: There had been no reply as yet from NYCC to the request for a speed monitoring survey on Rudding Lane.

Matters that the Chairman of the Parish Council had agreed to follow up at the last meeting would be raised at the next meeting.

T. Martin referred to the advertising sign on the verge at Wingate Farm which had been in situ for some weeks, but had been observed there on occasions in the past. It was suggested that no action regarding its removal should be taken until after the Yorkshire Show and the Parish Council agreed to this.

Chairman’s communications:

Yorkshire Water – the Clerk reported that B. Fisher had been in telephone contact with a representative from the organisation to seek some long term remedy following damage to the road outside Pear Tree Cottage, Main Street on two occasions recently during heavy rainfall. The road had been patched after the first deluge. Yorkshire Water have now decided to commission a survey of the sewer at this location and its route into Spofforth Lane in attempt to identify the cause of this longstanding problem and offer a solution.

Matters concerning Plompton:

There were no matters to report.


Quarterly reconciliation of accounts

This had been prepared by the Clerk and circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. It was examined against bank statements, invoices and the income and expenditure account by M. Mitton and found to be in order. The Parish Council resolved to accept the reconciliation. This was proposed by M. Mitton and seconded by C. Florance.

Request for authorisation of expenditure: Clerk’s salary for first quarter £ 629 – it was noted that recent regulatory changes had increased the workload. Annual subscription to Yorkshire Rural Community Council £ 35. Harrogate Council for grass cutting and weed killing £ 79.09. Proposed by M. Mitton and seconded by U. Cansfield.
Annual Return:
Statement of accounts for 2006-2007. The Parish Council resolved to approve the accounts. Proposed by M. Mitton and seconded by C. Florance.

ii) Annual governance statement. The Parish Council resolved to approve the governance statement. Proposed by M. Mitton and seconded by C. Florance.

Clerk’s report and correspondence:

The Clerk drew two matters to the attention of the Parish Council that related to training on planning issues. A request was made that the councillors review the publication of the work of the Parish Council in the local newspapers. Information received since the last meeting was circulated to councillors.


Village Hall – request from the Management Committee for the Parish Council to make a planning application for new signage on its behalf. The new sign was to indicate the location and telephone number for the Village Hall. The cost to the Parish Council would be approximately £ 35. The Parish Council resolved to agree to the request. Proposed by M. Mitton and seconded by U. Cansfield. The Clerk will prepare an application in consultation with committee members.
Interpretive board and seat, Leconfield Garth – the owner of the property has made an application to the planning authority to trim back the Leylandii tree planted by the Parish Council on his land. The Parish Council have agreed in principle to pay for the tree works. If the application is allowed, then quotations for the work will be obtained by the Clerk and put before the Parish Council for approval.
Planning applications – Parish Councillors were asked to begin to review the means by which they contributed to the consultation process. The discussion included consideration of whether site visits should be made for every application made and if not, what criteria should be employed before a visit was made. It was suggested that a presentation from the planning authority may be helpful. The Clerk will investigate the possibility. This will be an agenda item for the next meeting.
Planning applications received for consultation – no applications had been received.
Outcome of previous applications – Holly Bush pasture land, Thistle Hill – for erection of agricultural dwelling and resiting of storage building – refused. Land to north of Elm Gable, Haggs Road, Follifoot – the person occupying the land has not complied with the enforcement order. The planning authority will be taking further legal action.

22 Hillside, Follifoot – tree preservation order. Acknowledgement received from Harrogate Council of letter sent in support of removal of the tree. This will be reported to the Planning Committee meeting.

Hilltop House – The councillors have received a letter of acknowledgement from the planning officer in response to the request for clarification regarding works to the property. A full response was awaited. The councillors were in agreement that they considered it their responsibility to raise matters with the planning authority. The request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, following some discussion, the Clerk was asked to respond as required on behalf of the Parish Council.

Date of next meeting: It was agreed that the next Parish Council meeting would be held on Thursday 6 September. The meeting scheduled for 9 August is cancelled. Meetings to discuss planning applications would be convened as required.