16th January 2016

14th January 2016

Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T. Martin, Councillors’ T. Hall and
C. Florance, C. Gogna, Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator M. Hammond, Internal Auditor M. Kettlewell and ten residents.

1. Apologies: Apologies for absence received and accepted from Councillors’
J. Hinchcliffe and E. Jones.
2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest:
Councillor T. Martin declared an interest in item 19a) iv. It was agreed he could comment on the application but would not vote on the decision.
3. Public Participation session:
Resident Jan Butler said she will no longer be clearing and maintaining the Beck area, which she has done for many years. Chairman MacDermid thanked her for looking after the
4. Minutes of the meeting held on 10th December 2015: Councillor Hall proposed the minutes to be a correct record, this was seconded by Councillor Martin, and the chairman duly
signed the minutes
5. Matters arising from the minutes:
a) Item 5a – Open Green Space: The clerk said she had contacted Harrogate Borough Council regarding The Garth being a designated Open Green Space. She was informed the Council are continuing to work on the scheme.
b) Item 7b- Bowling Club – The clerk confirmed the mats had been ordered and the Bowling Club were organising the delivery and the payment of the balance. The bowling club thanked the parish council for their help.
6. Chairman’s communications:
The chairman said his correspondence was included within the minutes.
7. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) The clerk said an email had been received regarding the installation of a defibrillator in the village. She said Councillor Hinchcliffe is enquiring if one can be sighted in the phone kiosk. Councillor Martin gave a brief talk on the benefits of CPR when used in conjunction with a defibrillator. He explained about various training options.
b) A list of correspondence received was available.
c) The clerk said information on support for flood victims had been received, she said she will display the information on the noticeboard and has posted it on the village Facebook page.
8. Parish Council Elections:
The clerk said she had received the election documentation, which she will distribute at next month’s meeting. The elections will be held in May 2016.
9. Matters concerning Plompton:
a) Councillor Hall informed the meeting the rubbish is still at Plompton. The clerk said she would look into the matter.
b) Councillor Hall said the gully at the bottom of the hill was blocked. The clerk said she would look into the matter.
c) Councillor Hall said some rubbish had been left at the layby on Follifoot Road. The clerk said she would organise for it to be cleared away.
10. Parish Council Performance Review:
The chairman said he would look at the summary document from last year’s meeting and make notes on the Parish Council’s progress to date. To be discussed at February’s meeting.
11. Broadband:
No further updates were available.
12. Neighbourhood Watch:
a) Mike Hammond updated the Parish Council, he said scams continue to be a problem.
b) A resident of Spofforth Lane reported she had an intruder in her back garden at 1am, she said it had been reported to the police.
13. Village Up Keep:
a) Horse Pond Beck – The clerk said she had visited the Beck and did not observe anything of concern.
b) Ditches Spofforth Lane – The clerk said she had not observed anything of concern. A resident of Spofforth Lane said she wished to express her thanks to Mark Mackaness of Rudding Estate for cutting back hedges and clearing foliage along the Beck side on Spofforth Lane. She said this minimised the likelihood of flooding at her property.
c) Village Handyperson – The clerk said she had advertised the position on the noticeboard and will be putting the position on the village Facebook page, Mailchimp and website.
d) Dog Fouling – The chairman said he had received several complaints about dogs fouling on the pavement outside the school and around the village. It was resolved the clerk would prepare a letter to all residents asking them to ensure they clean up after their dog. Action: Clerk to organise letter and distribution.
14. Road Repairs Tofts Lane: The clerk said she had obtained information on the ownership of the road. It was agreed the clerk would pass the details to the resident of Tofts Lane to pursue.
15. Community Emergency Plan: A Follifoot Emergency Plan was discussed. It was resolved the clerk would obtain an example of a plan for discussion at the February meeting.
16. Highways:
a) Drains
i) Blocked drain Pannal Road – The blocked drain on Pannal Road was discussed. The clerk said she had reported the problem again and also the damaged pavement by the drain.
ii) Spofforth Lane – Residents reported the first two drains on Spofforth Lane are blocked. They said Yorkshire Water had informed them the drains are not working drains. Action: Clerk to look into the matter.
iii) Residents reported drains outside school and Pear Tree Cottage appeared to be blocked. Action: Clerk to look into the matter.
b) Traffic Island Repairs Rudding Lane – The clerk said the repair to both traffic islands had been completed.
c) Accumulation of water on Rudding Lane – The clerk she continues to monitor the situation.
d) Footpath Pannal Road, overgrown verge – The clerk said she had reported the overgrown verge and will monitor the situation.
e) A658/Pannal Road junction lighting during darkness – The clerk said she had reported the residents concern over no lighting at the junction.
The chairman gave an update. He said the parish council had agreed to fund the planning application, which was in the process of being drafted, with the objective of submitting the plans late January 2016. He said the priority was to obtain a Planning Decision on ‘Change of Use’ regarding the land before further progress could be made.
18. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank Current Account £337.62, Deposit Account £7422.14
b) Monthly Budget – See appendix 1
c) Quarterly Reconciliation of Accounts – See appendix 2
d) Bank Transfers – Authorisation of bank transfers completed.
e) Request for authorisation of expenditure, clerk’s salary and expenses, Christmas trees and painting of benches and stocks. The payments were proposed by T. Hall and seconded by C. Florance. It was resolved not to re-join CPRE.
Clerks Salary & Expenses S G Hinchcliffe £1111.80 Cheque No
AW Joinery Village Maintenance £146.00 Bank Transfer
Rudding Park Christmas Tree £24.00 Bank Transfer
Verdemat Bowling Mat £2004.00 Bank Transfer

f) Precept Request submitted – The clerk confirmed she had requested a precept of £9,000.
g) Council Tax Support Grant 2016/17 – The clerk informed the meeting correspondence had been received regarding the grant.
19. Planning:
a) Applications
i) Follifoot Hall, Pannal Road, Follifoot – 15/02640/FUL – Erection of single storey extensions and two storey garage and workshop (within which a biomass and air source heat exchange unit will be installed), formation of underground garage of terrace and creation of access onto Pannal Road (Amended description). The Parish Council objected to the planning application.
ii) Harrogate Rugby Union Football Club, Rudding Lane, Follifoot – 15/04573/FUL – Retention of storage building and pitch shelters. The Parish Council did not object to or support the application but wished to make comments.
iii) Active Design, Unit 6, Follifoot Ridge Business Park, Pannal Road, Follifoot 15/05456/FUL – Erection of single storey extension to form two bay workshops to existing workshop. The Parish Council supported the application.
iv) Land East of 4 Spofforth Lane, Follifoot – 15/05490/FULMAJ – Erection of 14 dwellings with recreation area and alterations to highway access (Site Area 0.77ha). The Parish Council objected to the planning application.
b) Arrange a meeting for applications received since the agenda was compiled: None received.
c) Outcome of previous applications – Peacehaven tree works refused.
d) Affordable Housing, Pannal Road
Councillor Martin reported he attended an organised site visited of the development with Councillor Florance and the Clerk. He said the homes were all well planned with the exception of the siting of the sheds at the front of the property. The Parish Council discussed the matter and resolved to contact the planning officer to enquire if the sheds could be relocated to the back gardens. Action: The clerk to contact the planning officer.
20. Date of next meeting: 11th