16th January 2014


MEETING 16th January 2014

Present:  Chairman B. Fisher, Vice Chairman N. MacDermid, Councillors T. Martin, E. Jones, C. Florance, C. Gogna, T. Hall, District Councillor C. Bayliss, Internal Auditor M. Kettlewell, Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator M. Hammond, One resident.


1. Apologies: None
2.Declaration of interest in items on the agenda:

N. MacDermid item 8, Phone Kiosk.

3.Public Participation session:

a) A resident enquired about Broadband improvements to the Haggs Road area of Follifoot.  C. Florance said he was not aware of any scheduled work to improve Broadband speed on the box which supplies broadband to that area of Follifoot.  It was suggested Hagss Road residents registered their interest atwww.superfastnorthyorkshire.com.

b) M. Hammond requested the notice from North Yorkshire Police, ‘Special Constable Recruitment Campaign’ be placed on notice board.  The councillors agreed it could be place on the notice board.  He also had sent a summary of crimes in thearea for 2013, to the Parish Councillors.

c)  A resident enquired about the progress on the Affordable Housing.  The Chairman informed him the Parish Councillors were waiting for an update from Harrogate Borough Council.

4.Minutes of the previous meeting: The minutes of the meeting held on 12th Decemberwere resolved to be a correct record by T. Martin and seconded by

N. MacDermid.  The chairman duly signed them.

5.Matters arising from the minutes: None
6.Chairman’s communications:
a)The chairman said he had received numerous complaints from residents regarding the pot hole outside Pear Tree Cottage.   Residents had expressed concerns over damage to their cars and the wall of the cottage.  The clerk said she had corresponded several times with Highways regarding the pot hole and had been informed that it would be repaired within a time frame.  However the time frame ceased on 17.01.14.  Following a discussion, it was decided that B. Fisher would contact Yorkshire Water and the clerk would contact Highways and request a meeting about the pot hole, with the objective of resolving the problem.
b)C. Bayliss had contacted the Chairman regarding the holes on the verge at Crimple Bridge, Plompton Road.  The Chairman informed C. Bayliss the Parish Council had contacted Highways about the holes, who said they would monitor the situation.
7.Matters concerning Plompton:
a)Replacement sign – T. Hall reported the Plompton sign has not been replaced.  Action: Clerk to contact Highways.
b)T. Hall said the trees opposite the Plompton junction are overgrown, and need to be trimmed back, to insure people have clear visibility when turning into Plompton, from Wetherby Road.  Action: Clerk to contact Highways.
c)T. Hall said a kitchen company had placed a large sign on the fence opposite the Plompton junction.  Action: Clerk to contact HBC and request it is removed.
8.Phone Kiosk:
a)Window Frame: Clerk said the quote from Keepsake to install the fames was £250.00 plus VAT.  The Parish Councillors unanimously agreed to have the frames installed.  Action: Clerk to organise installation.
b)Display cabinets: N. MacDermid showed the councillor the frames from Tourist Information.  It was agreed they would be suitable.  Action: N. MacDermid to request two frames and the clerk to organise installation.
a)Fly-tipping update:  C. Bayliss said she would make some enquiries about Harrogate Borough Councils policies on fly-tipping.
b)Main Street Pot Holes: See item 6a
c)Blocked gullies:  The clerk said she had requested the gully on Pannal Road wascleared.  Highways worked on the gully, but it still remains blocked.
d)Road Sweeper:  The clerk had requested the road sweeper, due to the amount of leaves and debits around the village.
e)Parish Portal Meeting 4th February:  T. Martin said he could attend the Parish Portal meeting.  Any suggestions or comments to T. Martin by 1st February.
f)Ground Maintenance works – 2014 Season:  The price for grass cutting of £11.45 per fortnight was discussed.  The Parish Council unanimously agreed to accept.
g)Parking on Hillside: A resident had complained to the Parish Council about residents parking on the pavement, consequently making it difficult to use the pavement.  Action:  The clerk to speak with those concerned.
10.FOFWRAP:  The next committee meeting to be held 3rd February 2014.
11.Asset Register:
a)Signs for assets were discussed.  Action: Clerk to make further enquiries.
a)Balance at the bank £765.41 in current account and £7030.85 in deposit account.
b)Request for authorisation of expenditure proposed by T. Martin and seconded by N. MacDermid.

Cheque No: 100713



Cheque No: 100714

Clerks Salary and expenses


Cheque No: 100715

Rudding re: Xmas tree


Cheque No: 100716

CPRE Membership


c) Quarterly Reconciliation of Accounts till 31.12.13 and monthly budget had been emailed to all Parish Councillors.  The accounts were available for inspection.

13.Clerk’s correspondence:
a)Police Report for 2013 had been received and sent to all Parish Councillors.
b)PC Ayres had reported one incident for 2014.
c) Core Strategy Survey had been extended one week.  The Parish Council did not consider they were able to complete the survey.
a)No Applications received.
b)No applications received since the agenda was compiled.
c) Outcome of previous applications: Railway House 13/03785/FUL and Low Grange 13/03885/FUL had been approved.
d) Affordable Housing: The Parish Council had not received any recent correspondence regarding the application.
15. Date of next meeting: Thursday 13th February 2014, at 8pm in Follifoot Village Hall