13th November 2014


Meeting of Follifoot with Plompton Parish Council
13th November 2014

Present: Chairman B. Fisher, Vice Chairman N. MacDermid, Parish Councillors T. Hall and C. Gogna, Disctrict Councillor C. Bayliss, Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator M. Hammond.

1. Apologies: Apologies received and accepted from Councillors E. Jones, T. Martin and C. Florance.

2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: None

3. Public Participation session: M. Hammond gave a report on behalf of Neighbourhood Watch. He reported he had received information on a number of crimes in the area. He urged residents to be vigilant. A report is available on the parish notice board.

4. Minutes of the meeting held on 9th October 2014: Chairman Fisher proposed the minute to be a correct record and this was seconded by Councillor MacDermid. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.

5. Matters arising from the previous minutes:
a) Item 3b) Overgrown Foliage Plompton Road – The clerk reported she had received another complaint regarding the Overgrown Foliage on Plompton Road. The clerk had contacted Highways again regarding the matter, they had responded and said the work was scheduled to be carried out, but they were unable to give a date.
b) Item 5a ii) Parking at Guilders Bridge: The clerk reported she had contacted PC Scott regarding parking on and around Guilders Bridge, PC Scott said she was aware of the parking issues and will continue to monitor the situation.
c) Item 5b) Broadband: The Parish Council received an email from residents at Rudding Dower regarding the installation of Broadband. There was no update since the last meeting.

6. Chairman’s communications: The Chairman had received a six monthly report from the Internal Auditor, stating the correct procedures are being adhered to.

7. Matters concerning Plompton: None.

8. Website: Chairman MacDermid reported he had spoken with the host of the previous website. He said he would transfer the website to Follifoot PC. He asked that he received acknowledgement for the work he carried out researching the History of the Village, as some information appears on the new website. He said he did not wish to receive disbursement for his work and suggested that the Parish Council makes a gesture of good will and makes a donation to a Charity. It was agreed once the Parish Council registered the website a donation would be made to a charity.
Action: Councillor MacDermid to liaise with the new website creator.

9. Village Up Keep:
a) Litter Pick Evaluation: Chairman Fisher reported there had been a good turnout at the litter pick and expressed thanks to those who helped.
b) Kitty Corner Tree Work: The Chairman requested the Clerk sent a thank you letter from the Parish Council to Rudding Park for organising the tree maintenance at Kitty Corner.
c) Six Monthly Risk and Maintenance Assessments: On inspection of the assets Councillor Martin had reported some maintenance was required on the Kissing Gate and at the Stocks. Action: Clerk to organise the work to be carried out in spring.
d) Village Asset List: As requested the clerk had received a quote for the insurance of the Assets. The Parish Council decided that the assets should be insured. Action: Clerk to organise the Insurance update.
e) Allotment 2: The allotment holder had decided he would not continue with the allotment. The person on the waiting list will take over the allotment.
Action: Clerk to organise the agreement.

10. Highways:
a) Changes to the Highway Grass Cutting Service: All the Parish Councillors had received information regarding the reduction of Grass Cutting Services. After discussion it was decided the clerk would make enquiries about verge cutting on Spofforth Road, Pannal Road and Plompton Road.

11. Hampsthwaite Village Plan: It was decided that the Parish Councillors would refer to the plan when giving consideration to creating a Neighbourhood Plan.

12. Website: See item 8.

13. FOFWRAP: The clerk reported that the Ceilidh had been cancelled due to lack of support. No update had been received regarding the recreational area.

14. Meeting Dates 2015: The Parish Councillors approved the meeting dates for 2015. Action: Clerk to notify Village Hall.

15. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) Un-resourced demands for litter/dog waste bins: It was decided the cost to the Parish for installation of dog waste bins would not be justifiable.
b) Police Advice Surgery 21st November at Ripon – for information
c) Allotment Break-ins – for information
d) Sewage Pumping Station Ownership – for information
e) Library Consultation www.northyorks.gov.uk/consultation – for information
f) Locality Housing Event – 28th November – for information

16. Milestone relocation: A request to move the milestone on Rudding Lane to Rudding Lane/A658 by-pass area had been received. The Parish Council discussed the matter and said if it was moved they would like to see it in the village. The clerk said it was a listed structure and permission would be required if it was to be moved. She said she had discussed this with the gentleman, and will inform him of the Parish Councillors comments.

17. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank £1,124.22 in current account and £8145.98 in deposit account.
b) Request for authorisation of expenditure for Grass Cutting Works of £96.18, this was proposed by Councillor Hall and seconded by Councillor Gogna.
c) Financial Regulations – The Draft copy was discussed, as three Parish councillors were absent it was decided to look at it at the next meeting.
d) Precept Meeting for 2015/16 organised.

18. Planning:
a) Applications
i) Home Farm, Follifoot – 14/04029DVCON – Variation of condition 2 of planning permission .121.204.F.FUL to allow alterations to barn conversion (Unit 5) to include erection of extension and erection of garage in lieu of previously approved garage. The Parish Council had no objections.
ii) 3 Manor Fold, Follifoot – 14/04396/PDUCO – Installation of bi-folding doors and 1 new window, removal of 1 window and 1 door. The Parish Council had no objections.
b) No applications received since the agenda was compiled.
c) Outcome of previous applications: None received.
d) Rudding Park Hotel Applications – 14/03527/FULMAJ and 14/03528/LB – The Parish Council visited the location, to view the model of the proposed Spa. The Parish council had no objections to the application.

19. Date of next meeting: 11th December 2014 at 8pm in Follifoot Village Hall.

20. Resignation of Chairman B. Fisher: The Chairman gave his resignation as a Councillor and Chairman. Vice Chairman MacDermid said he would take over the roll until a new Chairman is elected. District Councillor Bayliss express her thanks to Mr Fisher for all his dedication and work over the past several years.
Action: Clerk to follow protocol in recruiting a replacement Councillor.