14th February 2014


Minutes of the meeting held on 13th February 2014

Present: Chairman B. Fisher, Vice Chairman N. MacDermid, Councillors
C. Florance, C. Gogna, T. Martin and T. Hall.

1. Apologies: Apologies received and accepted from E. Jones.

2. Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: N. MacDermid declared an interest in the Phone Kiosk item 8.

3. Public Participation session: None

4. Minutes of the meeting held on 16th January 2014: T. Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record of the meeting, T. Hall seconded. The chairman duly signed them.

5. Matters arising from the minutes: None

6. Chairman’s communications:
a) The Chairman said the street light on Main Street continued to flicker on and off. The clerk said it had reported and would follow it up and report back to the Chairman.
b) The Chairman has spoken with Yorkshire Water about the pot hole outside Pear Tree Cottage and drains overflowing during heavy rain on Main Street and Spofforth Lane. He informed the meeting Yorkshire Water will carry out another camera survey.
c) A resident had reported flooding at Crimple Bridge, caused by excess water not being able to drain into the Crimple Beck. The clerk said she had reported the issue to Highways.
d) The Chairman said the owner of fence which blew down onto the footpath at the back of Ailsa Craig had reported the repair been organised.

7. Matters concerning Plompton:
a) Replacement sign – The clerk said she had not received any further update from Highways and will continue to follow up.
b) Trees opposite Plompton junction – The clerk said she had not received any further update from Highways and will continue to follow up.

8. Phone Kiosk: The clerk informed the meeting that Keepsake had started work on installing the frames and the leaflet display cabinets.

9. Highways:
a) Parish Portal Meeting 4th February – Councillor T. Martin reported on the meeting he attended regarding the reporting of repairs to the Highways Department at North Yorkshire County Council. The Parish Council have been asked to use the North Yorkshire County Council Portal to report any future repairs. It was decided the clerk would look into if Utility companies have a Portal. Action: The clerk to log all Highway repairs required.
b) Highways maintenance of Pot Holes – The Parish Council had a general discussion about the unsatisfactory maintenance of roads.
c) Blocked Gullies – The clerk said she had reported the blocked gullies on Pannal Road and Hillside.
d) Fly-tipping – District Councillor was not present to report on fly-tipping.
e) Proposed large vehicle increase through Follifoot – A recent application to the Traffic Commission to increase HGV vehicles at Aketon was discussed. The Parish Council decided to take no action as the proposed impact on the village was assessed to be minimal.

10. FOFWRAP: S. Hinchcliffe said FOFWRAP were currently looking at ways to consult the school children and residents of Follifoot.

11. Training Planning: Vice Chairman N. MacDermid volunteered to attend the training event on 26th February. Action: Clerk to organise attendance.

12. Village Upkeep:
a) Bus Shelter Cleaning Rota – All Councillors had received a copy of the rota.
b) Wildflower seeds from HBC – The seeds had been received and the Chairman will organise planting them.
c) Spring Litter Pick – It was decided to hold the Village Litter Pick on Sunday 27th April 2014 at 2pm.
Action: Clerk to organise.
d) Litter Bins: The Councillors asked the clerk to enquire if litter bins could be placed at the Gravel Pit and the junction at Wetherby Road/Plompton.

13. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) The clerk had received a letter regarding the Bus Subsidy Reduction, due in Spring 2014. The 770 bus service will not be changed in the foreseeable future.
b) Police Report: No incidents reported in the last month. PC Ayres had asked residents to stay vigilant regarding doorstep callers.
c) Broadband – An email had been received from a resident regarding the improvement of the Broadband service on Haggs Road. Councillor C. Florance reported he had also looked into the matter and some more funding had been released and Haggs Road residents may receive improvement in their Broadband. He said he would continue to monitor the situation for Haggs Road, Pannal Road and Plompton.

14. Finance:
a) The clerk reported the balance at the bank in the current account was £706.88 and deposit account £6,030.85. Total £6,737.73. All Parish Councillors had received Income and Expenditure report up to 13th February 2014.
b) No request for authorisation of expenditure.

15. Planning:
a) Applications:
i) Lilac Cottage, Main Street, Follifoot Ref: 13/04991/FUL – Erection of replacement detached garage with living accommodation above and granny annexe. No objections.
ii) Green Meadows, Haggs Road, Spofforth 14/00300/FUL – Erection of 2 single storey and first floor extensions and pitched roof, part conversion of garage to form additional living accommodation and installation of 4 windows and 6 doors. No objections.
iii) Land Comprising Field At 432897 452897 452549 Rudding Lane, Follifoot – Variation of condition 16 and 22 of planning permission 6.121.25.FULMAJ to allow the development to begin whilst the BREEAM and the external lighting design is undertaken. The Parish Council did not object but wished to make comments.
b) No applications received since the agenda was compiled.
c) No outcome of previous applications received.

16. Date of next meeting: 13th March 2014, at 8pm in Follifoot Village Hall

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