14th April 2016

14th April 2016

PRESENT: Chairman N. MacDermid, Vice Chairman T. Martin, Councillor’s T. Hall,
J. Hinchcliffe, C. Gogna and Internal Auditor M. Kettlewell and five residents. Additional resident arrived at 8.35pm.

1. Apologies: Apologies and reasons for absent received and accepted from Councillor’s Florance and Jones.

2. Declaration of Interest and Notification of changes in the Members’ Register of Interest: Councillor Martin declared an interest in item 17a.

3. Public Participation session: None

4. Minutes of the meeting held on 10th March 2016: Councillor Martin proposed the minutes to be a correct record of the meeting, this was seconded by Councillor Hall, and the Chairman duly signed the minutes.

5. Matters arising from the minutes:
a) Item 5b) Advice Surgery: The clerk said she had received a response from Nigel Adams regarding the three areas of concern. Following a discussion it was resolved the clerk would contact him regarding assistance in improving Mobile Phone coverage in the area.

6. Chairman’s communications: None received.

7. Clerk’s correspondence:
a) Correspondence received: The clerk said a list is available if required.
b) Village Hall: The clerk said the village hall committee had informed her that the next meeting is on 28th April 2016 at 7.30pm. Chairman MacDermid said he would attend the meeting to discuss installing Broadband in the village hall. Action: Clerk to inform Village Hall Committee.
c) Community Group Bulb and Wildflower Scheme: The clerk said she had received a letter from Harrogate Borough Council to ask if the Parish Council wished to have certain bulbs or wildflowers. It was resolved
Snowdrops would be ordered for Plompton. Action: Clerk to order and collect the bulbs.

8. Matters concerning Plompton:
a) Work at Plompton Rocks – The clerk explained she had contacted Harrogate Borough Council regarding the work at the rocks being carried out before planning permission had been authorised. The planning department said they were aware of the situation and it is possible to commence work before planning permission had been agreed. However if planning permission was not granted the work carried out would need to be reinstated. The clerk had informed North Yorkshire County Council about the closure of the footpath, they consequently visited the site and took no further action as the work was complete and the path was due to reopen shortly.
b) The clerk informed the meeting that samples of the silt had been collected and sent for chemical testing before the work commenced. The results were within the required guidelines for deposit on arable or grazing land.

c) Councillor Hall said the work on the dam had commenced and a hardstanding had been built to accommodate a small temporary hut. He had been informed that the building would be removed once the work was complete. Councillor Hall said he would monitor the situation.
9. Broadband:
a) Plompton Questionnaire Responses: Sixteen responses had been received. The documents had be collated and a report produced for the Parish Council by resident Eric Ovenden. The Chairman thanked him for his work. It was agreed to send a summary to the residents at Plompton and various establishments involved with the installation of Broadband. Eric Ovenden agreed to send a copy to Howard Ferguson. Action: Clerk to forward copies of summaries to Councillor Hall for distribution and various organisations who have an interest in the results.

10. Neighbourhood Watch:
a) The coordinator had sent a report to the clerk which she will circulate.
b) Police Report: The report had not yet been received.

11. Village Up Keep:
a) Village Maintenance Person:
i) The clerk confirmed the new contractor had started and he had cleared the flower beds ready for planting. It was agreed the clerk could purchase a Hi-Viz jacket with identification on for the Village Maintenance Person.
ii) It was resolved the clerk could pay the contractor at the end of each month, to a total of seventy hours per annum. A standing order had been produced and the Chairman duly signed the document.
iii) Following complaints about the footpath along Pannal Road becoming smaller in size due to the grass growing from the verge onto the path, it was resolved the clerk would contact North Yorkshire County Council to request they carried out the work or made a financial contribution towards the Parish Council employing someone to dig it back.
iv) Village Litter Pick 17th April 2016 at 2pm. The clerk confirmed the Litter Pick was organised and volunteers to meet outside the post office/village shop.
v) Flower Planting: It was resolved to hold the flower planting on 22nd May at 2pm, to meet outside the post office/village shop. Action: Clerk to organise the event and purchase the flowers and compost.

12. Parish Council Elections: The clerk informed the meeting there had been four applicants for the positions of Parish Councillors for Follifoot and one for Plompton. Two further Parish Councillors are required to represent Follifoot. The chairman said Councillors Gogna and Florance had decided not to reapply, he expressed his thanks for their work. The Parish Council Elections to be held on 5th May.

13. Annual Parish Council Meeting: The Annual Parish Council Meeting will be held on 12th May 2016, when the position of Chair and Vice-Chair nominations will take place.

14. New Village Bench: The clerk explained she had received an email about the installation of a new bench in memory a resident who had lived in the village for several years. The matter was discussed and it was resolved the clerk would contact the family to discuss the options.

15. Highways:
a) Drains: The clerk said the blocked drain on Pannal Road had not yet been resolved and she would continue to monitor the situation.

16. Finance:
a) Balance at the bank: As at 31st March 2016 the balance in the current account was £688.22 and in the deposit account £6,593.11
b) Request for authorisation of expenditure: It was unanimously agreed to pay the Internal Honorarium, Clerks salary and expenses and hire of the village hall. The clerk confirmed the website hosting had been paid by a bank transfer.
Website hosting 3years S. Smith £212.95 Bank transfer
Internal Honorarium M. Kettlewell £125.00 Cheque No: 100756
Clerks Salary & Expenses S. Hinchcliffe £1174.00 Cheque No: 100757
Meeting Venue Follifoot Village Hall £168.00 Bank transfer

c) Monthly Budget – See appendix 1
d) Quarterly Reconciliation – See appendix 2

17. Planning:
a) Applications
i) Land East Of 4 Spofforth Lane Follifoot. 15/05490/FULMAJ. Erection of 14 dwellings with recreation area and alterations to highway access (Site Area 0.77ha). PROPOSAL REVISED -Highway access and playground locations resited. Following a discussion the Parish Council resolved to object the revised planning application. Primarily on the grounds of access and safety, as well re-iterating their concerns with original application. Councillor Martin abstained from voting.
b) Arrange a meeting for applications received since the agenda was compiled: None received
c) Outcome of previous applications:
i) Park House, Pannal Road, Follifoot – Approved
ii) Old Presbyterian, Rudding Lane, Follifoot – Refused
iii) Follifoot Hall, Pannal Road, Follifoot – Approved

18. Date of next meeting: Thursday 12th May 2016 at 8pm, in Follifoot Village Hall.